Friday, January 15, 2016

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 18-22

Monday, Jan. 18 - No school Martin Luther King, Jr. B-Day
Thursday & Friday, Jan. 21-22  Practice Spelling B in class.  No words have been given out to practice.  The winner and runner-up of the Spelling B on Friday will make it to the grade level spelling B.
Wednesday, Jan. 27 - Grade level Spelling B.

Math- Unit 3 Assessment test will be on Wednesday of this week.  The students should study the lessons from their binders and workbooks.  They have a pretest for homework they should study as well.

Spelling - This week is a review unit. The students will work on pages 79-81 in their volume 2 spelling books.  There will be a test on Friday.

English-This week the students will work on adding details and support to their hero essays, along with writing their conclusions.

Reading-The students will choose a person from a list of famous people who may be considered  heroes to others. They will then do research to learn about this person and create a flip book with important information about their lives and the courageous things they have accomplished.

They should also have a fictional book that they are reading.  They will be working on a book report for this book.

Social Studies- There will be a social studies test on Thursday of this week over chapter 7 lesson 1 only.  The students should study the information from their textbook, know the vocabulary, and the information from the sheets in their folders.

We will have our "Taste of the Southeast" on Friday of this week. Please let me know if you would be willing to send in any of the following items on Thursday.

Rice cakes- 23 count

Edamame-Soybeans 1 package

Peach cups - I need  enough for 23 students, So a couple of volunteers for these would be great.

Orange Juice- 2 containers needed.

Popcorn- 23 bags