Monday, May 28, 2012

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 29-June 1

Dates to Remember:
Wed., May 30 Prairieview School Talent Show 1:15
Thurs.,May 31 Bowling in the P.M.
Mon., June 4th- End of the year PTO picnic
Tues., June 5 - Last Day of School 9:30 dismissal

Math - We will have a math test on Wednesday of this week.  It will cover the skills from chapter 11. Any student who wants to come in for extra help during recess is free to do so.  

Spelling - No spelling this week

English - This week we will work on adverbs.  The students will learn what an adverb is and be able to identify them.  They will also practice writing with adverbs.  

Reading - We will continue to read Charlotte's Web this week.  The students will review the reading strategies and skills that they have learned throughout the year.  

Science- The students will learn about the properties of three different kinds of rocks this week and practice identifying them - igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.     They will also learn about the rock cycle.

Social Studies - The students will continue to learn about the culture of the Native Americans from the West this week.

Friday, May 18, 2012

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 21-May 25

Important Dates to Remember:
Monday, May 28 No School Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 30 Prairieview School Talent Show
Thursday, May 31 4th grade Bowling in the P.M.
Tuesday, June 4th - End of the year PTO picnic
Wednesday, June 5th- Last Day of School 9:30 dismissal

Math- This week we will have end of the year math assessments on Monday and Tuesday (This is not used as a grade).  We will review using estimation and compatible numbers when estimating the quotient.  The students will learn long division with 3 digit dividends.  Be ready for a quiz on Friday over lessons 1-3.  There will be at test over chapter 11 lsessons  1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 on Tuesday, May 29th.

Spelling -  This is a review week.  The students will be responsible for pages 247-249. There will be a test on Friday.

Reading - Our focus this week is on the reading strategy of monitor/clarify. Students should monitor how well they understand a story. If they don't understand something, they can reread or read ahead for help.

We will continue to read Charlotte's Web this week.

English - A test over pronouns, unit 6, is planned for Friday of this week.  Be on the look out for homework to come home that will help the students review for this test.  They should bring their books home each night to review.  There is a lot of practice at the end of the chapter for review.

Science - We will begin a unit on the rock cycle.  The students will  identify minerals this week by studying their properties.  They will then identify rocks by studying the minerals that make them up and their properties.

Social Studies - The students will learn about the Native American tribe of the west, the Tlingit.  They will learn about their culture and make totem poles which were placed outside of their homes to represent the history of a family.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Picture Highlights from Miss Lee

Marshmallow Catapults

Who's marshmallow went the furthest?

Here are a few highlights from Miss Lee's student teaching experience! Enjoy!

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 13-May18

Important Dates to Remember:

Friday, May 18 -  Early Dismissal 11:00
Monday, May 28 Memorial Day No School
Thursday, May 31 - 4th grade Bowling Permission slips should be in ASAP
Tuesday, June 5 - Last day of school

Math- This week in math we will begin division with remainders.  The students will  work with counters to understand the concept of remainders.  Then they will learn to divide two digit by 1 digit numbers  using long division.

Spelling - This week the students will be working with words that have final schwa sounds.  These ares sounds that have a lazy a sound as in final or middle. They also are words that have ar, er, and or t the end.  The workbook pages this week will be stapled together in their binder. -  Pages 237-239 will be due this week.

Reading - In reading this week, the students will practice making inferences.  Readers must make inferences, or "read between the lines,"  when an author does not tell the reader everything.  Readers read between the lines by applying what they already know to story clues given by the author.

English - In English this week, the students will continue their work with pronouns.  They will  practice using possessive pronouns such as their, his, hers, and its.  They will also work with pronouns that are contractions.

Science - This week there will be a test on Wednesday over Simple Machines chapter 17.  The students should know:
All vocabulary
All key concepts from the book
Scientists meaning for work
Understand how a wheel and axle works to be a simple machine
Understand how each simple machines work and what they are made up of.
Understand a fulcrum in relation to a a person holding a fishing pole
Understand how a pulley works
Understand how and why  simple machines used in everyday life?

Social Studies There will be a test in social studies this week over chapter 12, the land and climate of the West Region.  The students should know.
All vocabulary
All key concepts from the lessons
Know what  the Rocky Mountains are and how they relate to other mountain systems.  What are their characteristics.
What are the mountain ranges in the West Region
Which state has the coldest temperatures, wettest
Understand the climate in the Great Basin
What are the main resources that come from Idaho and Hawaii
How are Alaska and Hawaii alike
What product is provided do we get from the timber industrty
Which state in the West Region would they like to live in and why?  Give 3 reasons for why you would like to live in that state that are related to the land and climate.

Friday, May 4, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 6-May 11

Important Dates to Remember:
Thursday, May 10 - Argonne Field Trip Remember to bring a lunch
Wed. May 16 - All Choir field trip
Friday, May 18 - Early Dismissal 11:00

I want to thank all the parents for sending in money to help purchase Ms. Lee's going away gift.  I was able to purchase so many things that she could use for her classroom along with getting her a gift card to Barnes and Noble and The Chalkboard.  She was overwhelmed by your kindness.

Math- This week in math we will will review estimating the product of 2 digit by 2 digit problems.  The students will then learn to multiply two digits by two digits to get an exact answer. They will have a test on Thursday over chapter 10 lessons 1, 2, 3, and 6.  They should bring their books home so that they can use it to help them study.

Spelling - This week in spelling the students will work with words that have silent consonants.  They will be responsible for workbook pages 228-230.  There will be a test on Friday.

Reading Our reading target for the week is to identify topic, main idea, and supporting details.  Topic is what the whole text is about.  The main ideas are important points about each topic.  Each paragraph can have its own main idea.  Supporting details are facts and examples that support each main idea.

We will have a comprehension test and vocabulary test on Wednesday of this week.  The vocabulary was sent home on Friday so the kids could begin studying for it if they want.  The comprehension test will cover the whole book.

English - The students will finish up their robot expository essays this week. They will have a test over their expository writing skills on Thursday of this week.  I will give them a writing prompt that they will have to write an expository essay on.  We will also continue our work with pronouns.  The students will practice writing using pronouns, and using I and me correctly.

Science - The children will learn about other simple machines that help people do work this week.  The focus will be on inclined planes, screws and wedges.  A test over simple machines is planned for next Wednesday, May 16th.  

Social Studies - This week in social studies the students will learn about the climates and the resources  in the West Region.