Friday, August 29, 2014

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept.2-5

Welcome to Fourth Grade! 

       We have had a very busy three day week last week, and we are off to a great start.  We organized our materials, learned about classroom procedures, and participated in activities to help us get to know each other and or classroom.

       The students learned about picking "Good Fit" books.   If books are too hard or easy we will not enjoy reading them.  You might  try this strategy when helping your children pick out books:
I Pick
1. Purpose: Why do I want to read it?
2. Interest: Does it interest me?
3. Comprehension:  Do I understand it?
4. Know:  Do I know most of the words?
           Follow the 5 Finger Rule:  Pick a book.  Open the book  at any page.  Put one finger up for each word you don't know.  0-1 Too Easy  1-2 Perfect Choice  3-4 Give it a Try  5+ Too Hard
Dates to Remember:
Monday,September 1, No School, Labor Day
Thursday, September 4, 4th grade Curriculum Night  6:30-8:00
Tuesday, September 9 - Field t rip permission slips to Brookfield Zoo are in your child's folder. Please return them by Tuesday, September 9.

Math: .  The students will focus on the essential question: How does place value help represent the value of numbers? They will be working with numbers in the millions.  They will recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.

Reading - We will review the I Pick strategy for choosing Good Fit books.   We will also review the reading strategies, predict/infer, decoding/phonics, monitor/clarify, questioning, evaluating and summarizing as we read the story The Pumpkin Runner.

English:  The students are working on their writing skills, using capital letters, and end marks appropriately as they describe the kind of super hero they would like to be.  If they could have any super power in the world, what would they choose, and what would they do with it?  This is on a Google Doc, so they can go in at home and work on it if they wish.

Spelling: Our first spelling unit will include frequently misspelled words.  A pretest will be given on Tuesday. and a final test will be given on Friday. A sheet explaining my pretest policy is in their folders.

Science: We will begin the introduction chapter of "Getting Ready for Science".   Our focus this week will be on how tools are used for science, and safety in the lab.

Social Studies:  The students will become familiar with our social studies text by working with a partner and completing a  "textbook scavenger hunt".  We will begin our tour of the regions starting in the Northeast this week.