Friday, November 20, 2015

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov. 23-December 4

Important Dates:
Monday, 11/ 23 Roller Skating Party
Wednesday 11/25-11/27 No School Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday 12/15 Early Dismissal

Math -We will  finish our November Number Corner activities learning about fractions and measurement next week. The following week we will begin Unit 3, Fractions and Decimals.

Spelling:  There will not be any spelling Thanksgiving week. The week of November 30th all students spelling list will be of the Southeast states. They will be expected to learn the spelling for their test and when they take the Southeast map quiz.

English- We will continue work with prepositions.  They will work with the homophones to, too, and two and there and their.  

Reading- This week the students will work with prefixes non, bi, tri, quad, oct.  They will understand their origins and know their meanings.  We will begin our unit on mythology.  We will study Hercules. The students will define hero based on modern culture as a class and then work to identify traits both good and bad of Hercules. They will compare and contrast the traits of a hero to the traits of Heracles (Hercules. They will determine whether Heracles was a hero.  

Science:  This week they will learn the life cycles of some animals.  There will be a test on Friday, Dec. 4 over Chapter 2 lessons 2 & 3.  They should study the lessons in the textbook and know the important concepts.  They should know all vocabulary.  

They should also:
understand how ferns and mosses reproduce
how most animals begin the life cycle
understand the parts of the plant and what they do
understand the life cycles of the animals  in the text
understand the different kinds of life cycles and know what the different stages are:   incomplete metamorphosis, complete metamorphosis, direct development 
What are the stages of the human lifecycle? Be able to name and describe them  
know the stages of a butterfly

Friday, November 13, 2015

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov. 16 - Nov.20

Math - Strategies for solving division problems with remainders both in and out of context will be the focus this week.  They will solve problems and  interpret remainders.  There will be a unit 2 post test on Friday of this week.  Place value, multi-digit multiplication, and early division with remainders will be assessed.  They should review the worksheets and workbook pages from unit 2 that we have completed and are in their binders. There will be a review sheet that comes home as well for them to review.   

Spelling - This week the students will continue  working with words that have the "r" controlled vowels. They will be responsible for completing workbook pages 167-169 unless they pass the pretest with 95% or better.  Then they will be given an alternate list of words and activities to do.

English - This week in English the students will continue to work with using quotation marks correctly in their writing. They will work with words that have the latin and greek prefixes and suffixes.

Reading- The students will take a PARCC like assessment for Gloria Estefan on Tuesday of this week. We will enter the world of mythology this week.  The students will close  read the story of Hercules.  

Science- This week in science the students will understand the life cycle of a flowering plant (plants from seeds).  They will create a tomato - plant life cycle on their Chromebooks.  They will also compare and contrast the life cycle of a plant from seeds to those plants that come from spores.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov. 10-13

Monday, Nov. 9-No School Institute Day
Tuesday, Nov. 10 - Life Touch Photos will be taken.

Math- There will be a quiz on Tuesday.  A review of skills is in their folder for them to practice.
This week the students will work on multiplication story problems.  They will work with problems that require them to estimate first and then they will develop a strategy to solve the problem.  They will also work with the strategy of doubling and halving.

Spelling-The students will be working with words that have r controlled sounds.  They will be responsible for completing workbook pages 152-154.  There will be a test on Friday.

English-This week the students will review the use of quotation marks and practice a dialog with them.  They will also use modal auxiliary's, can, may, and must correctly.  The students will write a newspaper article to go with the prompt, " Gloria Estefan is the "Star with the Heart"!

Reading- Time for Kids will go home on Tuesday of this week with a worksheet to complete.  The students are to read their magazine each night throughout the week.  Since they are current even articles, they make for great discussions in the car, at the dinner table or whenever there is a free moment.  This will help them understand the ideas and vocabulary in the passages.  The worksheet will be due on Friday of the week, and there will be a quiz on Friday as well. During the quiz, they may use their magazine to go back to find the answers.  It is very important for them to return their magazine to their binders each evening.  They must have it during class if we happen to do work in it.  5 questions on the quiz are over the main article in the magazine.  The other 5 questions are about the other articles.    It is important for them to practice reading the charts, graphs and tables as well.

Science- The students will share their invertebrate slide shows.  They have a rater that was sent home today so they can go over and check to be sure they have everything they need on them.  They should practice presenting their own slide.

Our essential question this week is: What are some life cycles of plants?  The students will observe how seeds germinate.