Thursday, February 12, 2015

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Feb. 16-Feb. 20

Monday, Feb. 16- No School President's Day
Tuesday, Feb. 17-In school Field Trip "Magnet" 8:30-9:30

Spelling - This week the students will work with more VCCV words (vowel,consonant, consonant, vowel).  They will be responsible for workbook pages 91-93.  There will be a test on Friday of this week.

Math- This week in math the students will use order of operations to solve problems.  They will also use a table to recognize and write equations with two or more operations.  A test is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 24 over Chapter 7.

English - There will be a test in English over unit 3 Verbs on Friday of this week.   The students will bring homework home that will help them to review for the test.  There are lots of review pages at the end of the chapter for your child to practice and review as well. They can go into Google classroom English and do the proofreading sections.  Some have done this, but may need a parent to go over to be sure they did it correctly.  This is a great way to practice for the proofreading section of the test.

Reading - This week the students will read the poem Words as Free as Confetti by Pat Mora - They will review the lines, stanza and rhyme scheme in poems.  They will understand that authors use similes as a way to create vivid pictures in the reader's mind. They will find comparisons in poetry and practice reading poems aloud with expression.

Science - In science this week, The students will learn about the skin, the body's largest organ.  They will also understand that digestion begins in the mouth. The body's main source of nutrients is food.  The digestive system is responsible for breaking down the food into nutrients the body can use.

Social Studies - We will have our "Taste of the Midwest" Resource Day on Friday of this week. I will ask the students what they would like to bring in.  If you approve, please just send me a little note or e-mail letting me know that this is okay with you.  We will need 2 people for popcorn each person would send one large bag of popcorn. We will also need, crackers, butter, little ice cream cups, gogurts, blueberries, strawberries, cheese, ham,