Friday, February 6, 2015

New from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Feb. 9-13

Mon., Feb. 9-11 Parent Teacher Conferences
Wed., Feb. 11 Early Dismissal 11:00
Thurs., Feb. 12 Valentine's Day Party 1:30 Students may bring in Valentines to pass out.
Fri., Feb. 13 No School
Mon., Feb. 16 No School President's Day

Spelling- No spelling this week.

Math In math this week, there will be a lesson review quiz over lessons 1-4 chapter 7 on Tuesday. The students will solve problems by looking for patterns.  They will find and use rules to write addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division equations.

Reading- In reading this week we will continue our  journey with Edward Tulane. The vocabulary in the text is very rich and interesting.  The author is really challenging the students to become better readers.   We will continue to close read a passage from the book discussing the author's feelings about Edward and using text evidence to show how he feels.  The students will use their reading journal to responds to text dependent questions about the story.

English- We continue to work with verbs this week.

Science-The students will learn about the digestive system this week.

Social Studies-  We will begin a new unit on the Native Americans of the Midwest, The Ojibwa.