Friday, April 29, 2016

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 2-May 6

Dates to Remember:
Tuesday and Thursday-MAP Testing
Tuesday, May 3 - Box Tops due
Friday, May 13 - Early Dismissal 11:35

Math- This week the students will collect and measure data in fractions of a unit on a line plot.  As students work with line plots during the first three sessions, they solve  problems that involve addition and subtraction of fractions using the line plot data.  The last two sessions in the module  close the loop as students solve division problems with remainders, using fractions and decimals in the process.

I will be giving fact tests on Friday.  This is to be sure the students keep up with knowing their basic facts.  

Spelling-This week is a review unit. The students will be responsible for pages 247-249 of their workbooks in Volume two.

Reading- The students will finish reading "Love That Dog".  They will compare Jack's feelings toward poetry at the beginning of the story to the end.

English-The students will work on developing their narrative writing skills this week.

They will continue to write poetry.  Their poetry books will be due on Friday of this week.

Social Studies- The students will describe different climates found in the Southwest.  They will understand how the saguaro has adapted to a desert climate and explain why the saguaro is important to desert animals.

Science- How Do Other Simple Machines Help People Do Work?  That is the question that the students will work to answer this week. They will investigate inclined planes, and explain how a screw and a wedge change the way work is done.