Friday, May 27, 2011

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 31-June7th

Weekly Reminders:
*No school on Monday.
*Talent show Tuesday, 1:00-2:00
*"We're Bowling" Wednesday - Fourth grade bowling trip in afternoon.
*"Take it Easy" Thursday - Bring a board game to school. 4th grade talent show 12:20-1:00
*"Film Festival" Friday - We will sit back and enjoy a film.
*Last day of math and reading on Friday.
*"We Made It" Monday, June 6 - All-school picnic & Sky Dogz assembly.
*"That's All Folks" Tuesday, June 7 - Report cards and yearbooks issued.

On Film Festival Friday we are in need of popcorn and a drink. Would anyone like to volunteer to make popcorn or send in Capri Suns? Just send me an e-mail if you can, and I will get back to you. Thank you.

I want to thank the parents and students who participated in the Walk for Japan. It was wonderful to see so many families coming together for such a great cause.

American Red Cross for Japan:
The raffle for Japan has just begun. A letter was sent home on Wednesday, with the list of raffle items and raffle tickets. If you wish to participate, just fill in the tickets, put them in an envelope with the money, and return it to your classroom teacher. All tickets must be turned in by June 3rd. We will have the raffle at the all school assembly on June 6th. Thank you so much for your support.

Spelling - We have finished our spelling units for the year.

Reading - As we wrap up reading class for the 2010-2011 school year, we will review all the strategies we have covered. Friday will be our last day of reading.

We will watch the movie Charlotte's Web and compare and contrast the book to the movie.

Math - We will continue to work with fractions this week. The students will review equivalent fractions and reducing fractions to their lowest forms. Please continue to help your child with this skill. Over the summer, please continue to work on multiplication and division facts. This is very important for them to be successful next year. Thank you for all of your support this year in helping your child with fourth grade math.

Social Studies - The students will learn about the states in the West. They will choose a state in the West to do research and create a poster with their information.

- This week in science we will compare particle sizes in different types of soils and describe what soil is-how it forms and how soils differ.