Tuesday, October 13, 2015

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room October 13-October 16.

Date to Remember:
Thursday, Ocotober 15,- Fall Book Fair

Math - In math this week the students will investigate centimeter rulers.  They will discuss the markings at and between numbers and the span of length between the markings.  Students will find lengths of objects using "broken rulers" and measure lengths of classroom objects.  They will review the meanings of mass and weight. They will make benchmark units for one ounce, one pound, one gram, and one kilogram.  They will also review definitions for volume and capacity and identify containers that approximate benchmark amounts.  The students will explore relationships between liters, millimeters, and cubic centimeters and convert between liters and milliliters.  

Spelling- This week is a spelling review unit.  The students will all do workbook pages 87-89.  They will have a test on Friday of this week.

Reading - Students will view a video about Jackie Robinson and read a passage about Malala Yous. They will answer the question: Can courage be shown in more than one way?  They will answer this question as they compare the two different characters using evidence from the different text.

English- There will be a test over Chapter 5 in our English textbooks on Tuesday, October. 20.  The students will have homework assignments that will help them to review for the test.  They should also do the proofreading lessons in their Google English Classroom as well as use the end of their chapter reviews.  There are many things to practice there as well as the worksheets in their binders.  

Social Studies - The students will choose a project to do for the Narragansett, the Native Americans from the Northeast region.  they will work on this project following a rubric.