Friday, January 23, 2015

News in Mrs. Cavoto's Room January 26-30

Friday, Jan. 23 - Mid -term
Wednesday, Jan. 28 - Spelling B for 4th grade at 1:00-Congratulations to Sameer Singh,our classroom winner, and Catherine Hewawissa, runner-up.  They will be representing our classroom in the spelling B.
Friday, February 6- Bingo Night - I hope you can come. I will be working it:)
Wednesday, Feb. 11- Early Dismissal 11:00-Spirit Day-Wear Valentine's Colors.
Thursday, Feb. 12-Valentine's Day Party - 1:30

Math-This week in math the students will solve division problems with greater numbers and problems that result in quotients that have zeros.  They will solve word problems with multiple steps.
There will be a test on Friday of this week over Chapter 6.  The students should study the skills from the lessons that are in their binder.  There maybe some extra pages in their textbook that we were not able to finish that they can use for extra practice as well.

Spelling - The students will work with words that have the vowel consonant consonant vowel (VCCV) pattern this week.  They will be responsible for workbook pages 59-61, unless they are in the pretest group.  Then they will be responsible for completing the alternate list of activities.

English - We will continue our study of verbs this week.  The students will understand and be able to write the present, past and future tense of verbs.  They will work on their writing in keeping the same tense of verbs throughout their piece.

ReadingThis week we will begin our new unit themed, Journeys.   The students will work collaboratively in small groups to brainstorm ideas to the questions: What does it mean to go on a journey? How can a person be changed by a journey they have experienced?  They will create a passport to keep records of the journeys they go on throughout the unit.  Later in the week we will Close read a passage from the song A Whole New World.  The students will annotate the passage as they dig deeper and deeper into understanding the text.

Science - This week the students will compare living things of the past with those of today.  They will describe how plants and animals have changed over time.  They will describe the causes of extinction.  A test is planned for Thursday of this week on Chapter 4.  The students should study the key concepts from the lessons, all vocabulary, and all papers in their science folder.

They should know:
The basic needs of all living things and what basic need plants meet by themselves.
The difference between learned behaviors and instincts-also be able to give examples.
Which organism has fossils that show it has changed little over time
What happens during hibernation and migration? 
Understand extinction and be able to give examples of plants and animals that are extinct
Understand adaptations and be able to give examples of adaptations and what they are used for.
Understand the life cycle of a tree and be able to label the different stages and explain what happens in each stage. 
What information can you get from fossils?
Understand living fossils.

Social Studies- This week the students will finish their Badlands project.  They will explain why the Midwest is an important agricultural region and understand why some farmers  irrigate their crops.  They will understand and identify crops that are grown in the Central Plains and the Great Plains and how rain affects the growth of the crops.  The test has been changed to the following week for Wednesday, Feb. 4th over chapter 8 The Midwest.