Sunday, April 22, 2012

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 23-April 27

Mrs. Cavoto's Blog April 23-April 27

Dates To Remember:

Monday, April 23 Book Worm Angels Book Drive begins ends May 4th
Wednesday, April 25th-Early Dismissal
Monday, April 30 Map testing begins

In an effort to make the transition to 5th grade as smooth as possible, the fourth grade teachers will be enforcing the 5th grade policy for late work during the month of May. The policy is as follows:
Any assignment that is late, but not taken for a grade
, will receive a late slip. The student will have one point taken out of his/her homework bank. (NO CHANGE).

Any assignment that is late and taken for a grade
will receive a late slip, but no points will be lost from the homework bank. If the assignment is turned in one day late, the final grade will be reduced by 10%. If the assignment is more than one day late, but turned in before the unit test, the final grade will be reduced by 25%. If the assignment is not turned in before the unit test. the final grade will be a zero

 Math- This week in math the students will continue to learn about multiplication patterns and strategies such as rounding or using mental math. The students will learn how to do long multiplication with 1-digit by 2-digit numbers, as well as multiplying 3-digit and 4-digit numbers and money. The students will be wrapping up chapter 9 with multiplying with zeros. There will be a test over Chapter 9 lessons 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, and 9.6 on Friday.

 What To Know for the Test: 
The students will need to know how to round numbers to estimate a product, how to use the zero pattern to multiply numbers, how to multiply 1-digit numbers by 2,3, and 4 digit numbers and money, and how to multiply numbers with zeros by 1-digit numbers.

 Spelling-This week in spelling the students will be learning about 3 syllable words. The students will be required to split the words into their 3 syllables, understanding what syllable is stressed when you pronounce it. There will be a spelling test on Friday.

English- This week in English, the students will continue to work on their expository writings, and will begin a unit on pronouns. The students will be learning about singular and plural pronouns, object and subject pronouns, and the use of I and Me. Students will also be required to write with pronouns. There will be an assessment at the end of the week to make sure the students understand these concepts. 

What To Know for the Quiz: 
Students will need to know what a pronoun is, and be able to replace names with the appropriate pronoun.

Reading- This week the class will continue to read Earthquake Terror by Peg Kehret and have Small Steps as a read aloud.   While using these two book, we will be focusing on two important skills: following directions and summarizing. When reading a passage that describes how to complete a task, readers should look for clue words such as first, next, and finally to clarify the order of steps. They also must understand that steps must be followed in the correct order, in order to complete the task. Summarizing involves retelling a story in your own words and including only the most important events. All students will study these skills while reading Earthquake Terror There will be a vocabulary quiz 1-4/comprehension 3-5  quiz on Tuesday of this week Chapter .  The students were given this information last week.

The students will have homework each night. Some nights they may be asked to read a chapter and complete a journal, and other nights it may be to reread chapters to study for upcoming quizzes. Quizzes will include comprehension questions and vocabulary words.

Social Studies- The students will be assessed on their understanding of the Navajo people. They will be able to use their book for this information.   We will then begin a unit on the West Region.   The students will need to complete a map outline, labeling each state of the West region using a rubric. A map assessment will be done on Thursday, where the students will need to label the states in the West Region.The students will also learn about the physical characteristics of the land, including mountains and volcanoes.

Science- This week the class will begin their unit on simple machines. The students will be learning about simple machines such as levers, wedges, wheel and axle, inclined planes, wedges, and screws. The students will see demonstrations of these different simple machines and will also read about them in their textbook. The students will be presented with an opportunity to build a simple catapult if they so chose.