Friday, January 20, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 23-27

Important Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, Jan. 25 -Early Dismissal 11:00
Friday, Feb. 3 - Movie Night (forms on line)
Tuesday, Feb. 14 - Valentine's Day party 1:30 Students may bring in Valentine's to pass out to the class.
Monday, Feb. 20 - No School President's Day

Math - We will begin a new unit in math on geometry. The students will identify, describe and draw points, lines, line segments, rays and planes. They will also classify, and draw right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles and identify, describe and draw intersecting parallel, and perpendicular lines. I will give a multiplication fact test on Friday of this week. They should know their multiplication facts 0-12.

Spelling - This week in spelling the students will be working with words that have the vccv pattern (vowel consonant consonant vowel) pattern. They will be responsible for writing their words 2 x's each on Monday, and workbook pages 59-61 throughout the week. I will check them each morning.

Reading - The reading skill that we will work on this week is the identification of character, setting and plot. Students will fill out story structure maps as they read fiction to help them organize their thoughts and identify the main characters, setting & plot.

The students will have a test over verbs Unit 3 on Thursday of this week. They will bring homework home to do each day to help them review and practice.

Social Studies The students will understand the effect of changing the Chicago River flow on transporting goods from Lake Michigan. They will understand how locks and canals work and their importance to the transportation of people and goods from place to place.

Science - The students will use their knowledge of the human body to build their own body system. There is a test planned for next Wednesday over the human body. The students should begin reviewing the vocabulary this week, and going over the outlines in their binders.