Friday, October 23, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room October 26-29

Thursday, October 29th – Halloween Celebration in the afternoon
Friday, October 30th – Teacher's Institute

A permission slip went home regarding “all” field trips that will be taken this year. Please sign the form (on each line) and return the form with one check by October 27th.

Halloween will be celebrated on October 29th in the afternoon. The children should bring in a costume to change into. The parade will begin at 12:30. The afternoon will then consist of a snack, a pumpkin decorating contest, and an assembly. Your child can bring in things from home to help decorate their pumpkin (no push pins please). In addition, if your child would like to bring in something to pass out to the class on that day, it is fine. We will be “sending” home these items.

Spelling - No test this week.

English- We will continue our work with sentences. What makes a sentence and the different kinds of sentences. Understanding the subject and predicate of the sentence is a difficult skill so any help you can give your child on this will would be great.

We will be working on a reading response this week that goes with their literature book. I will be sending home their books for them to reread certain chapters over again to keep the ideas fresh in their minds.

Reading - The children will be wrapping up their literature books this week. They are completing different activities from the story. We will culminate our units by watching the movies that go along with the books. If anyone has the movie Because of Winn Dixie could you please send it in with your child? The kids will be able to sit and eat lunch in the classroom and watch the movies.

Don't forget to turn in your reading folders after 7 days of reading.

Social Studies - There is a test scheduled for Thursday of this week. I will be sending homework home with the children to help them review for this test. There are many important papers in their binders that they should study. They should definitely review the true/false sheet that we have been using throughout the chapter to confirm the knowledge that we have gained.

To study for the test:

Know all vocabulary
Do the review at the end of each lesson
Study all sheets in their social studies binder
Where is Niagra Falls located
Why is Niagra Falls so important to the NE
Understand what Hydropower plants do
What mountanin ranges make up the Appalachian Mountains
What NE states no not share a border with the Atlantic Ocean
Where do grapes grow and why do they grow well there
The largest Finger Lake
Know the differences of the Maine Coast and the New Jersey Coast
The challenges that threaten the fish in Chesapake Bay and how people can help save the bay
Know how the Green Mountains and the White Mountains are alike and different be able to give a couple of differences and similarities

Science This week in science our Essential Question is "How are Animals Classified?" Ask your child how animals are classified. Can they tell you the five groups of vertebrates and the different traits for each? They should be able to answer these questions by the end of the week.

Math - Last week in math the students learned what division and multiplcation are. They also took notes in their journals and diagramed the parts of a multiplication equation ( factors, products) and a division equation (divisor, dividend and quotient) They should be able to recognize these parts. They learned that multiplication is repeated addition and division is repeated subtraction. They are inverse operations. In addition, they worked with fact families. This week the students will be responsible for studying their facts. We will start with the square numbers. 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4 up to 12 x 12. etc. They will be expected to know them for Tuesday. I will test them on just those facts when they come to class on Tuesday. They will be responsbile for studying each night on a different fact. A letter will come home explaining. Wednesday will be the 2's plus the squares. Thursday will be the 5's plus the 2's and the squares. Friday we will not have math so they will have lots of time to practice their 2's, 5's, and squares before they are tested on Monday on the 3'x plus the 2's, 5's, and squares.