Friday, September 18, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 21-25

Things to Remember:
Monday: Students can still turn their book orders in on Monday.
Tuesday, September 22nd – Early Dismissal at 11:00
Tuesday, September 22nd – Magazine turn in dayFriday, September 25th – Magazine turn in day

Does you child want to eat lunch in the library and talk about their favorite book? More information about this will come home on Monday. Please look for this informational sheet.
Please remember that we collect box tops, soup labels, and pop tabs in the school!

Math This week in math the students will learn about the "break apart" method to help them solve addition and subtraction problems. They will continue to use mental math strategies to help them solve problems. They will estmate addition and subtraction problems that have 3 and 4 digit numbers. There will be an open book/quiz on lessons 1-4 in chapter 2 on Friday.

I know there may be confusion on the estimation. I tell the children that if there is no direction as to what place value to round to that they should always round to the greater place value. Also, when estimating, they should always round first. Then add or subtract the numbers they have rounded.

Spelling Many letters are spelled with the letters - ea. Remember that the letters -ea have different sounds.

English This week we will review how quotation marks are used and how to write titles correctly. Look for homework to come home to help them review the skills.

There will be a test on Friday to over chapter 5.

Reading This week in reading the children will read a story called Akiak. This is about the Iditarod race in Alaska. If you have any information about this race, please send it in. The students will study vocabulary words that go with this chapter. The strategy we will work on this week is visualizing. We will review the story elements: setting, characters, plot, problem and solution.

Science Last week the students made models of buildings. You may want to ask them why engineers and others who design things make models before they build the real thing. This week we will do an experiment and review the steps of a scientific experiment.

The science test is planned for Tuesday, September 29. More information will come home later in the week.

Social Studies This week in social studies the students will continue to use their study skills to highlight important information in the text and skim to find the answers. All students should have completed the Patriotic Quest and should have it in their folders to study. This is a very important study packet. They also have started to make their T-chart with vocabulary words. They can study this as well.

The test over Chapter 2 lesson 2 & 3 is on Thursday, Sept. 24.

The students should know:

All vocabulary
Know all information on the "Patriotic Quest" including the graphic organizer page
Know responsiblities of U.S. children as citizens
Know responsiblities of all 18 years and older U.S. citizens
What do taxes pay for?
Why is it important for Americans to vote?
Which branch of government would you like to be a part of and why? Be able to give 2 examples explaining your reason.