Friday, December 11, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Dec. 14- Dec. 18

Things to Remember:
Thursday, December 17- 4th Grade - Bowling - p.m.
Friday, December 18 -Tivoli Theater in Downers Grove - Unaccompanied Minors Student/Staff Holiday Celebration
Monday -December 21, 2009 thru Friday, January 1, 2010Winter Break
Monday, January 4-Classes Resume

Please be advised that as of January 4, 2010 there will be a price increase in the student hot lunch program. The price of hot lunch will be $2.50 per meal.

Serivce Project
Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts and generous gift cards. Your response was amazing. I am sure this will help bring some joy to our family and perhaps take their minds off the suffering they have been through with a sick child and financial difficulties. I hope everyone has a happy holiday and enjoys their winter break.

Math - This week our test is on Thursday over chaper 6. The students should bring their books home to use the reviews and extra practice at the end of the chapters to help with studying. They will not be tested on lesson 6.5 or lesson 6.7. They need to know all the other lessons. Any assistance you can give them to practice these skills is appreciated. I will continue to give tests on their division facts. They should study their 4, 5, 6, and 7 division facts for next week.

Spelling - The lesson this week is on ow & ou words. The letters ou are usually found at the beginning or in the middle of a word. The letters ow are usually found at the end of a word or followed by one n, one l, or the lettters er. No test will be given on Friday.

English - This week the students will be writing paragraphs. Their focus will be on using proper punctuation, a main idea and writing many descriptive details to support the main idea.

Reading- The students will read the article "Wildfires". The focus will be on finding main ideas and supporting details of paragraphs.

Social Studies - This week the students will learn about the land of the Southeast. They will identify and describe major landforms in the Southeast

Sunday, December 6, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's class Dec. 7-11

Things to Remember:
Tuesday, December 8
* Gifts for our service project are due
*Field trip to Drury Lane on Tuesday. We are encouraging the children to dress nicely.
*Home Run Inn pizza lunch on Tuesday (for those who ordered). Please bring a drink.

* Thursday, December 17 - Bowling field trip
*Friday, December 18 - Trip to The Tivoli Theater
*December 21 - January 1- Winter Break - Return to school on January 4.

Math In math this week, the students will review telling and writing time to the second. They will also review elapsed time. There will be a quiz over elapsed time on Tuesday of this week. They should bring home their books to review this lesson in the book. Also this week they will show elapsed time on the calender and understand how to change units of time. They may need your help in reviewing these concepts, because they are difficult to understand. Lessons 6.2 through 6.6 will be covered this week. We will skip lesson 6.5.

The students will need to bring their books back and forth from home to school this week, so they can review at home, but we will also need them in class.

There will be a math test covering the skills in chapter 6 on Thursday, December 17th. The skill in lesson 6.5 will not be on the test.

Spelling- This week in lesson 14 the spelling rule is letters au are usually found at the beginning or in the middle of a word.

English- We will begin a unit on verbs this week.

Reading- We will finish reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The children will participate in a readers theater and act out the play. They will also summarize the story and fill in a story map which shows the sequence of important events and the main elements of the story. They will work on writing a response for the story to show how Scrooge changed from the beginning of the story to the end. They will have to use evidence from the story and their own ideas to show how he changed.

Social Studies - This week the students will begin learning about the Southeast. They will fill in a map for homework which will be graded, and they will have a map test on Thursday to show they know the states in the Southeast and can place them correctly on the map. They are not responsible for spelling of the states for a grade, but I will give points on their point card if they can spell them all correctly. They will earn extra credit points for knowing their capitals.

Science In science this week the children will learn about animal life cycles. They will understand the life cycle of a sea horse and they will understand metamorphosis and the life cycle of a moth.

The test planned for Wednesday of this week has been changed to Friday, December 11.

The students should:
know all vocabulary
study all sheets in their folders
be able to identify a plant that produces seeds and one that produces spores.
What does a seed contain that a spore does not? (food that helps the embryo grow until the new plant can make its own food)
Understand and know the Life cycle of a flowering plant, butterfly and sea horse
examples of direct development

Friday, November 20, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Class November. 23-Dec.3

November 30-Dec 2 Conferences
Dec. 1 Year book orders due
December 4 -No School
December 1st – report cards handed out
December 4th – No School
December 8th - Field Trip to Drury Lane
December 8th – Last day to turn in gifts for our holiday service project

Service Project -Each year Prairieview School adopts needy families of cancer patients who struggle financially. This year we have a special family which includes a 10 year old boy who is struggling with cancer. I will send a letter home with more information. The economy is difficult right now, but if you are able to brighten Christmas for this family in any way, it would be greatly appreciated!

YEARBOOKS: Now’s the time to place your orders. Yearbooks are $10.00 and the deadline for your order is Tuesday, December 1, 2009. No orders will be accepted after that date. Please make checks payable to Lifetouch. Please make sure your student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level are marked on the order form. If you have multiple students, please fill out one for each child. Yearbook order forms went home with your child on November 12th. If your child loses it, you can send an envelope with the following information on it: student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level, along with a check made payable to Lifetouch for $10.00. It is very important that you put this information on the envelope; Lifetouch does not know who your child’s teacher is. Prairieview Yearbook orders were not paid at registration!

Math - We will review the predict and test problem solving strategy. The students will then write, solve and graph inequalities that include variables. They will also find a rule for a number relationship and write an equation fo the rule- Lesson 5.6 & 5.7. On Wednesday, December 1, there will be a test over chapter 5. The students should bring their books home so that they can review and study the skills throughout the chapter. They will bring home a pretest, which will help them review for the test as well.

I will be giving timed test for multiplication every week. Students should continue to study their facts.

Spelling – There will be no spelling this week! The week of November 30th there will be a test on Thursday of that week. The rule for that week is that letters aw are found in many one-syllable words. They may come at the end of the word or just beefore l or n.

Reading - Over the next couple of weeks the studens will be working on sequencing and summarizing. We will begin reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The children will understand Charles Dicken's motivation for writing the story. They will study character traits, and see how the main character changes throughout the story. They will compare the clothes and homes of the rich and poor today to those in England in the 1800's. They will understand the effect that A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens had on how people celebrated Christmas throughout the world.

English - We will review writing plural nouns that end in y and irregular plural nouns. The students will also review singular and plural possessive nouns.

**There is an English test scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 3 over chapter 2 Nouns. The students should bring home their textbooks to review the lessons at the end of the chapter for extra practie.

Social Studies - Test on Tuesday, Nov. 24th.
The students should know:
All vocabularystudy all sheets in their
did the Europeans trade with the Native Americans?
Cause of the American Revolutionfirst capital of the U.S.
Where is Ellis Island and what happened there?
What are reasons for immigrants coming to America?
Women's rights reformer
Why do women want the right to vote?
Which cities began as ports?
What do Philadelphia, New York City and Boston have in common?
Important people of the Northeast and why they are famous
Thirteenth Amendment & Nineteenth Amendment
differences between Philadelphia today and in the past

Science This week in science the students will study the life cycles of some plants. They will observe how seeds germinate and describe the life cycle of a flowering plants. They will describe how plants reproduce using only spores.

Please bring in a tuber, a potatoe, to class on Tuesday, November 24th. The more eyes it has the better.

We will also study the life cycles of some animals. They will observe the stages of a animal's life cycle and describe the stages. They will also understand how some animals grow and develop.

A test is planned for Wednesday, December 9th over chapter 2.
The students should know all vocabulary and study all sheets in their folders.
They should be able to indentify a plant that produces seeds and one that produces spores.
What does a seed contain that a spore does not? (food that helps the embryo grow until the new plant can make its own food)
Understand and know the Life cycle of a flowering plant, butterfy and sea horse
examples of direct development

Friday, November 13, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room November 16-20

Tuesday, November 17th – Rollerskating Party
Thursday, November 19th – Picture retakes (child must have their picture packet with them)

Holiday Service Project - We are once again going to be involved with the holiday service project helping families who have a child with cancer. Information will be coming home very soon.

YEARBOOKS: Now’s the time to place your orders. Yearbooks are $10.00 and the deadline for your order is Tuesday, December 1, 2009. No orders will be accepted after that date. Please make checks payable to Lifetouch. Please make sure your student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level are marked on the order form. If you have multiple students, please fill out one for each child. Yearbook order forms went home with your child on November 12th. If your child loses it, you can send an envelope with the following information on it: student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level, along with a check made payable to Lifetouch for $10.00. It is very important that you put this information on the envelope; Lifetouch does not know who your child’s teacher is. Prairieview Yearbook orders were not paid at registration!

Math - This week in math the students will write and evaluate division and multiplication expressions and equations. They will also learn the order of operations to help them solve problems. I will teach them the saying "Please Meet Dear Aunt Sally" to help them remember the order parenthesis, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. We should be covering lessons 2-4 in chapter 5 this week.

Spelling This week the rule is when an ending is added to a verb that ends with consonant + y, change the y to an i unless the ending ing.

Reading Reading folders should be turned in by Wednesday of this week. Our Reading Club party will be on Friday.

In reading this week, we will continue to study problem and solution in both fiction and nonfiction passages. The students will be assessed on this. They will also work on vocabulary words and finding the synonyms and antonyms of words.

All students need to have their silent reading books that I have approved finished by Monday and in class on Monday. We will begin a project with them on Monday.

English -The students will review nouns this week. They will understand the difference between common and proper nouns. There will be a short quiz on nouns and identifying common and proper nouns.

Science This week the students will continue to study about heredity. They will also learn about the life cycles of plants.

Social Studies - The students will learn about abolitionists from Philadelphia who met to form the American Anti-Slavery Society. They will learn about the thirteenth ammendment that made slavery illegal in th U.S. The students will explain similarities and differences between the abolitionist movement and the women's rights movement.

The test scheduled for Friday has been changed. It will now be on Tuesday, November 24.
The students should know:
All vocabulary
study all sheets in their folders
understand the Iroquois Confederacy
What did the Europeans trade with the Native Americans?
Cause of the American Revolution
first capital of the U.S.
Where is Ellis Island and what happened there?
What are reasons for immigrants coming to America?
Women's rights reformer
Why do women want the right to vote?
Which cities began as ports?
What do Philadelphia, New York City and Boston have in common?
Important people of the Northeast and why they are famous
Thirteenth Amendment
Nineteenth Amendment
What are the differences between Philadelphia today and in the past?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov.9-13

Wednesday, November 11th - Veteran's Day - Day off!
Tuesday, November 17th - Rollerskating Party
Thursday, November 19th - Picture retakes (child must have their picture packet with them)

Math - In math this week the students will continue to review their multiplication facts. I will be reviewing and testing their facts throughout the week. Our math test is on Tuesday over chapter 4. A preview of the test will go home for them to study. We will be going over a review sheet in class. This review should help them to know what to focus on as well.

English - Our English test will be on Tuesday, November 10th. Understanding the complete predicate and complete subject and the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence is very difficult. Your child may need help in reviewing this skill. There is a great review at the end of chapter 1 in the text to help them review.

Reading - In reading this week the children will continue to work on understanding problems and solutions. They will be finding the problem and solutions in both fiction stories and non-fiction articles.

Social Studies - This week the students will identify events leading from colonization up to the founding of the United States. They will understand why immigrants came to the U.S. and when. They will also learn about a few immigrants who have contributed much to our nation. A test is planned for Friday, November 20th over chapter 5.

Science- The "Big Idea" in this new chapter is that living things inherit traits, grow, and develop according to life cycles. This week the students will learn about heredity. How do parents pass on traits to their offspring? What is the difference between inherited and learned traits?

Friday, October 30, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov. 2-6

Wednesday, November 11th - Veteran's Day - Day off!
Friday, November 20th End of Trimester 1

The Halloween Celebration was a success! Thank you so much for sending in supplies to decorate the pumpkins with. I couldn't believe the creative pumpkins that we had. The children all did an excellent job.
In addition, thank you to those parents who sent in the drinks and snacks. The kids really enjoyed them.

Roller skating permission slips were handed out last week. There is a limit of only 175 participants allowed. It is on a first come, first serve basis. If your child is planning on attending, please return the slip right away.

There is a PE test scheduled for Tuesday. The study guide went home. Have you seen it yet? If not, please ask your child about it.

Spelling The Rule/ Pattern this week is to make the plural form of a noun that ends with vowel + y add the letter s. To make the plural form of a noun that ends with consonant + y change the y to an i and add es.

Math - In math this week the children should be ready to be tested on their squares, 2's, and 5's on Monday. Rather than give this test to them orally, I will give them a test where they will have to write their answers down.

In class this week they will learn their 3's,4's,6's,7's,8's times tables. Remember that these facts will be tested through the 12's so they will need to add 10, 11 and 12 on to their fact sheets. Each night they should be reviewing and studying. We will be working on lessons 4.7, 4.4, 4.8 and 4.5 in that order. They will work on problem solving skills: understanding when to multiply or add in a word problem, and the break apart method to help them solve problems. For example: 9 x 4 you can break apart if you can't remember into 5 x 4 = 20 4 x 4 = 16 than add them together or since 4 is a double, you can do 9 x 2 = 18 and 9 x 2 = 18 than add it that way.

English The children will work with the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence. They will also identify run-on sentences and know how to correct them.

There will be an open book quiz on Friday of this week to check for understanding of the following skills: Identify and punctuate commands, exclamations, statements and questions, recognize if a sentence is or is not a sentence (It needs to have both a subject and a predicate for it to be a sentence) identify the complete subject and predicate and simple subject and predicate of a sentence and identify and fix run on sentences.

There will be a test on chapter 1 on Tuesday of next week, November 10.

Reading This week we will go over the reading response which will culminate our literature books. The new skill this week will be problem/solution. They will be reading passages and finding the problems and solutions from the passages. They may be bringing home work that they have done in class for parents to look over and help them proofread before they turn them in.

Social Studies - This week the children will learn about the people of the Northeast. They will learn about the Native American tribe that settled in the area before the English settlers moved in. They will describe key events that affected the Narragansett way of life once European settlers arrived.

Science - This week the children will finish their invertebrate posters. They will learn more about insects. There will be a test on Friday over Chapter 1 in science.

The children should know:
All vocabulary
Study all the sheets in their folders
building blocks of life
understand vascular/nonvascular plants
different ways plants reproduce
understand bacteria traits/ how are they helpful
know the 5 classes of vertebrates and be able to give examples and at least 2 characteristics of each
understand arthropods and what they include

Friday, October 23, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room October 26-29

Thursday, October 29th – Halloween Celebration in the afternoon
Friday, October 30th – Teacher's Institute

A permission slip went home regarding “all” field trips that will be taken this year. Please sign the form (on each line) and return the form with one check by October 27th.

Halloween will be celebrated on October 29th in the afternoon. The children should bring in a costume to change into. The parade will begin at 12:30. The afternoon will then consist of a snack, a pumpkin decorating contest, and an assembly. Your child can bring in things from home to help decorate their pumpkin (no push pins please). In addition, if your child would like to bring in something to pass out to the class on that day, it is fine. We will be “sending” home these items.

Spelling - No test this week.

English- We will continue our work with sentences. What makes a sentence and the different kinds of sentences. Understanding the subject and predicate of the sentence is a difficult skill so any help you can give your child on this will would be great.

We will be working on a reading response this week that goes with their literature book. I will be sending home their books for them to reread certain chapters over again to keep the ideas fresh in their minds.

Reading - The children will be wrapping up their literature books this week. They are completing different activities from the story. We will culminate our units by watching the movies that go along with the books. If anyone has the movie Because of Winn Dixie could you please send it in with your child? The kids will be able to sit and eat lunch in the classroom and watch the movies.

Don't forget to turn in your reading folders after 7 days of reading.

Social Studies - There is a test scheduled for Thursday of this week. I will be sending homework home with the children to help them review for this test. There are many important papers in their binders that they should study. They should definitely review the true/false sheet that we have been using throughout the chapter to confirm the knowledge that we have gained.

To study for the test:

Know all vocabulary
Do the review at the end of each lesson
Study all sheets in their social studies binder
Where is Niagra Falls located
Why is Niagra Falls so important to the NE
Understand what Hydropower plants do
What mountanin ranges make up the Appalachian Mountains
What NE states no not share a border with the Atlantic Ocean
Where do grapes grow and why do they grow well there
The largest Finger Lake
Know the differences of the Maine Coast and the New Jersey Coast
The challenges that threaten the fish in Chesapake Bay and how people can help save the bay
Know how the Green Mountains and the White Mountains are alike and different be able to give a couple of differences and similarities

Science This week in science our Essential Question is "How are Animals Classified?" Ask your child how animals are classified. Can they tell you the five groups of vertebrates and the different traits for each? They should be able to answer these questions by the end of the week.

Math - Last week in math the students learned what division and multiplcation are. They also took notes in their journals and diagramed the parts of a multiplication equation ( factors, products) and a division equation (divisor, dividend and quotient) They should be able to recognize these parts. They learned that multiplication is repeated addition and division is repeated subtraction. They are inverse operations. In addition, they worked with fact families. This week the students will be responsible for studying their facts. We will start with the square numbers. 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4 up to 12 x 12. etc. They will be expected to know them for Tuesday. I will test them on just those facts when they come to class on Tuesday. They will be responsbile for studying each night on a different fact. A letter will come home explaining. Wednesday will be the 2's plus the squares. Thursday will be the 5's plus the 2's and the squares. Friday we will not have math so they will have lots of time to practice their 2's, 5's, and squares before they are tested on Monday on the 3'x plus the 2's, 5's, and squares.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room October 19-23

Tuesday, October 20th – Art to Remember Order Packets are due
Wednesday, October 21st – Early Dismissal
Thursday, October 22nd – Book Fair – 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Friday, October 30 - Teacher institute No School

A permission slip went home last week regarding “all” field trips that will be taken this year. Please sign the form (on each line) and return the form with one check by October 27th.

Halloween Party Schedule of Events:
October 29th
Kids should bring their costumes to school to change in.
12:30 parade.
1:00-1:30 Treats/ Pumpkin decorating/contest- in the classrooms - If anyone has any materials that can be used to decorate pumpkins please send them in.
1:30-2:15 Halloween story teller

Spelling- This week is a review unit of lessons 1-7. The children will be tested on any words from lessons 1-7.(not neccessarily the words listed on the spelling list sent home) The test is a multiple choice test. The children will be asked to find the word in each row that is misspelled.

Reading - This week the students will finish their literature books. They be assessed on their ability to use clues in the story to show character traits. They will also show their understanding of the sequence of events and problems and solutions in specific chapters. Understanding cause/effect relationships will also be studied this week.

English- The children will use an editing checklist to proofread and revise the descriptions of their special things. They will then write their final descriptions.
The students will also be working on sentences. They will learn about the subject and predicate of a sentence.

Social Studies - We will be studying the resources of the Northeast region. I am looking for volunteers to bring in:
grapes (washed and ready to eat)
jellied cranberries(taken out of the can and sliced ready to be served)
maple syrup
frozen mini pancakes (I will microwave them)

If anyone would like to send in one of these items for Wednesday please let me know.

A test over chapter 4 in social studies is planned for Thursday, October 29. Get a head start on studying. This week begin to review the vocabulary and
  • how the Great Lakes and Niagra Falls were formed
  • why Niagra Falls so important to the people of the northeast
  • what mountain ranges make up the Appalacian Trail
  • what the northeast coastlines are like as you begin north and move your way south. What are the different states (Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey) along the coast known for?
  • the main resources of the northeast and the state they come from
Science - This week the students will make plant books. They will review the differences between vascular and nonvascular plants. If anyone has a fern with spores on the back side of the leaves, we would love for you to send in a leaf or two. You may want to ask them what the three main parts of vasucular plant are ( roots, stems, and leaves)
What are the three main types of vascular plants?(flowering plants, plants with cones, and ferns that reproduce by spores)

Math - A test over chapter 3 is planned for Tuesday of this week. A pretest will go home on Monday for practice. We will then begin chapter 4 a unit on multiplication and division. The students will learn that muliiplication is repeated addition and division is repeated subtraction. They will learn the vocabulary quotient, dividend, divisor, product, and factor. Chapter 4, lessons 1 and 2 will be the focus this week.

Next week in math the students will be held responsible for learning specific facts each night. A sheet will go home explaining what they will need to do. The first night they will need to know their square numbers: 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4 etc. (If you want to have your child begin studying, that will give them a head start)

Friday, October 9, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room October 13-16

Friday, October 16th – Movie Night
Wednesday, October 21st – Early Dismissal
Thursday, October 22nd – Book Fair – 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Spelling This rhyme will help you spell words that have the letters i and e:
i before e except after c or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh.

Math There will be a test covering chapter 3 on Tuesday, October 20. Lessons 1-5 will be covered on the test. There will be a quiz on Wednesday over lessons 1-3 to help the children review and know what they need to practice. The children will be learning about the "Working Backward" strategy and finding the pattern/rule of a set of numbers.

Reading We will continue reading Charlotte's Webb and Winn Dixie. The students will be working on their comprehension skills. They will learn about the climax of a story and the plot and subplot. Both groups will have a vocabulary quiz. The Charlotte's Web group will have a quiz on Wednesday, Oct. 14 (They have their vocabulary words in their folder) and the Winn Dixie group will have a vocabulary quiz on Friday of next week.

English - The children have been working on their descriptive writing. They have written their leads, and have started to write their details. They are being encouraged to write using "colorful language". This will make their writing come alive for the reader and paint pictures in the readers' minds.

Science I hope your child came home and taught you the cheer we learned to help them remember how scientists classify the 5 kingdoms of living things. "FBPAP"- ask them to tell you what it means and what they know about each kingdom. This week the students will study the difference between vascular and nonvascular plants.

Social Studies This week the students will learn about the Appalachian Trail and the mountains that make up the trail. They will create a map key to show the mountains and place them in the correct state on a map. They will also compare/contrast the coastlines of the different states in the northeast. They will add these features to their keys and include them in their maps.

Friday, October 2, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Class October 5-9

Important Dates:
Sat. 10/3 - Market Day pick-up
Tues. 10/6 - Progress reports
Mon. 10/12 - No School Columbus Day

Reading folders are due on Thursday, October 8. Our reading party will be on October 9th. The students who have 4 weeks of reading logged by Thursday will be able to participate. The students will eat their lunch in the room and watch a movie. I will provide popcorn and a drink.

***I will be sending home a poem every Monday for the children to practice reading each day. They should practice reading with expression and fluency. On Friday, they will be tested to see how fluently they can read the poem.

Math - This week we will begin a unit on algebra. The children will learn the commutative, identity, and associative properties. They will then learn the difference between expressions and equations and understand what variables are. Remember to look in their folders for papers that will explain what they have been learning in class if you are not sure how to help them. They can also take their math books home. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.

Spelling: The words this week are contractions. An apostrophe takes the place of one or more letters that have been taken out. Homework each night is to write the words one time each. You might want to look over the words after your child has written them. Often times students are misspelling the words that they are writing.

Reading: We will continue our novel studies of Charlotte'sWeb and Because of Winn Dixie. We will be working on character studies, story mapping, and vocabulary.

English: The students will work on descriptive writing this week. They will learn about "colorful language '"(language that paints pictures in their minds as they are reading)

They should look for colorful language as they are reading and bring it in to share with the class.

On Tuesday the children should bring in something from home that is special to them. This should be something that can fit in a paper bag/jewel bag. They will bring it home when they are done, but it needs to be at school for awhile.

Science: We will move into the world of living things. The students will learn to classify and understand that scientists classify living things into 5 kingdoms. You should ask them what the kingdoms are by the end of the week.

They will learn that all living things are made of cells. They will make a model of an animal cell. We will be using raisins, malted milk balls and jellybeans in the model. If your child should not handle any of these things please let me know.

Social Studies: The map test is on Tuesday of this week. The students need to place the states correctly on the map. They also need to put the bodies of water Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and the Atlantic Ocean in the proper place on the map. I will give extra points of they know their capitals.

By the end of the week, you may review with your child how Niagara Falls was formed and why it so important: ( It was formed about 12,000 years ago when the earth was covered with glaciers. As the glaciers melted they carved out the Great Lakes and the Niagra Gorge. Then the Niagara River spilled into the Gorge and it created Niagara Falls.) It is so important because the running water turns the generators which create hydroelectricity. It is the largest supplier of electricity for New York State and it generates enough power to light 24 million 100 watt light bulbs.

Friday, September 25, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 28-Oct. 1

Tuesday, September 29th – Magazine turn in day
Thursday, October 1st – Picture Day
Saturday, October 3rd – Market Day pick up

We are participating in a Bullying Program each day this week. Please ask your child about it later in the week.

Math This week in math we will go over adding and subtraction greater numbers. They will have to round first to get an estimate and then solve the problem. Both will be expected for their answers.

We will have a math test on Thursday of this week over chapter two. The children may keep their books at home for the week. They should focus on lessons 1,2,3,4 (just the break apart method) 5, and 6.

Spelling Many words are spelled with the letters "oi". These letters are usually found in the middle of a word.

Reading The children are working on using their vocabulary words in "good" sentences and drawing pictures to go with them. They should be able to visualize what they wrote about in their sentences and then draw a picture to go with it.

This week the students will begin reading a literature book. They will either read Because of Winn Dixie or Charlotte's Web. Both books are excellent in developing characters' personalities, and different relationships between the characters.

Science In science this week we will have a test over Introduction - Getting Ready for Science. This will be on Wednesday of this week instead of Tuesday as mentioned last week. A review sheet will come home on Monday.

They should :

Use the sheets in their science binder to help them study.

All Vocabulary
They should understand the difference between making an inference and hypothesis.
steps of the scientific method and the correct order
how to find the volume of a solid
understand the tools for inquiry and what they are used for
when are different times you might make a prediction in your every day life
understand what you are doing when you compare things
understand variables and why they need to be controlled in an experiment
understand what communicating the results of an experiment means
understand how models may be used and why we need to use them

Social Studies We will begin a unit on the Northeast region this week. The students will bring home a map with a rubric on how to fill it out. I will be giving them a grade on this map.

They should study the states and the bodies of water in the Northeast. They will have a map quiz on Friday. If they learn the capitals I will give extra points toward their grade.

Friday, September 18, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 21-25

Things to Remember:
Monday: Students can still turn their book orders in on Monday.
Tuesday, September 22nd – Early Dismissal at 11:00
Tuesday, September 22nd – Magazine turn in dayFriday, September 25th – Magazine turn in day

Does you child want to eat lunch in the library and talk about their favorite book? More information about this will come home on Monday. Please look for this informational sheet.
Please remember that we collect box tops, soup labels, and pop tabs in the school!

Math This week in math the students will learn about the "break apart" method to help them solve addition and subtraction problems. They will continue to use mental math strategies to help them solve problems. They will estmate addition and subtraction problems that have 3 and 4 digit numbers. There will be an open book/quiz on lessons 1-4 in chapter 2 on Friday.

I know there may be confusion on the estimation. I tell the children that if there is no direction as to what place value to round to that they should always round to the greater place value. Also, when estimating, they should always round first. Then add or subtract the numbers they have rounded.

Spelling Many letters are spelled with the letters - ea. Remember that the letters -ea have different sounds.

English This week we will review how quotation marks are used and how to write titles correctly. Look for homework to come home to help them review the skills.

There will be a test on Friday to over chapter 5.

Reading This week in reading the children will read a story called Akiak. This is about the Iditarod race in Alaska. If you have any information about this race, please send it in. The students will study vocabulary words that go with this chapter. The strategy we will work on this week is visualizing. We will review the story elements: setting, characters, plot, problem and solution.

Science Last week the students made models of buildings. You may want to ask them why engineers and others who design things make models before they build the real thing. This week we will do an experiment and review the steps of a scientific experiment.

The science test is planned for Tuesday, September 29. More information will come home later in the week.

Social Studies This week in social studies the students will continue to use their study skills to highlight important information in the text and skim to find the answers. All students should have completed the Patriotic Quest and should have it in their folders to study. This is a very important study packet. They also have started to make their T-chart with vocabulary words. They can study this as well.

The test over Chapter 2 lesson 2 & 3 is on Thursday, Sept. 24.

The students should know:

All vocabulary
Know all information on the "Patriotic Quest" including the graphic organizer page
Know responsiblities of U.S. children as citizens
Know responsiblities of all 18 years and older U.S. citizens
What do taxes pay for?
Why is it important for Americans to vote?
Which branch of government would you like to be a part of and why? Be able to give 2 examples explaining your reason.

Friday, September 11, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Class Sept. 14-18th

IMPORTANT DATES: September 14th – Beginner Band Parent Information Meeting (7:00 pm)

Scholastic Book Orders will go home on Monday. They are due by Friday. Remember to only send a check made out to the particular book club.

If you would like instructions on how to get into the online science book please let me know.

Spelling- The rule this week in spelling is when a word ends in silent e, do not drop the e before you add an ending that begins with a consonant.

English There will be a DOL quiz on Friday of this week. The students can bring their notebooks home to know the skills we have been working on for the last couple of weeks. They should be ready to find errors in capital letters in people, places, and things along with end marks in different kinds of sentences, exclamations, statements, questions, and commands.

This week we will work on using commas correctly in sentences and quotation marks. A test is planned for Wednesday, Sept. 23 over the skills in Unit 5.

Reading- In reading this week the students will work on root words and prefixes and suffixes. I will be checking their silent reading books to be sure they are reading chapter books at this time. They will apply the skills they have been learning as they are reading their books.

Social Studies The students will work on their study skills.They will learn how to use a Tchart to study vocabulary words, and they will use the reading strategy of skimming as they use key words from the questions to find answers in the text. They will also use the titles and subtitles to help them locate answers in the text.

**A social studies test is schedule for Thursday, Sept. 24 over chapter 2. More information will come home next week. They can begin studying the vocabulary from the chapter and the worksheets that will be in their folders next week. They should study the "Patriotic Quests" that they completed.

Science The students will learn that making models will help them answer questions about science. Models help people better understand how parts work togther. They can also help with finding problems before the actual building. They will investigate this by making their own model of a building.

Math We will begin a new chapter this week over addition and subtraction of larger numbers. They will learn about rounding and estimation. These skills are very difficult and any extra reinforcement from home will be helpful. They will also have addition and subtraction fact tests on Friday so they should practice those at home.

Friday, September 4, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 7- 11

September 11th – Magazine Kick Off Assembly
September 11th – Back to School Bingo Night
September 12th – Market Day Pick Up
September 14th – Beginner Band Parent Information Meeting (7:00 pm)

Spelling The rule this week is when a word ends with a silent -e, do not drop the -e before you add an ending that begins with a consonant. There will be a test on Friday over the unit words. Homework every night is to write the words one time each.

English This week the students will go over capitalization of names of places and things. They will also go over abbreviations.

*** There will be a quiz over abbreviations of the days of the week and the months on Friday of this week. They will bring home a review sheet to help them practice on Wednesday.

Reading The students are using their predication skills to solve "Puzzlers". They are given a made up word which stands for something. They have to use the clues that I give them to figure out what the word is. You might want to ask them about the "Puzzler" that we did on Friday. Ask them what "The Blog" was. It will surprise you. Ask them how they figured out what it was.

They will also be working with prefixes, suffixes and rootwords this week along with figuring out probable outcomes to a story by using context and picture clues.

Science This week the students will discover what certain observation tools are used for. They will also practice finding the volume of a solid object.

Social Studies We will begin our government unit this week. The students will complete a "Patriotic Quest" as they use their textbook to locate information about our country's government.

Math - This week the students will work on the problem solving strategy using logical reasoning. Please refer to their folder for examples of different ways to use logical reasoning if your child needs help.

***There will be a test on Thursday of this week over Chapter 1. They will have homework that will help them to review the concepts that were taught through out the chapter. They should also bring their textbook home on Tuesday evening to study and keep it at home until Friday. They will not need to bring it to class until Friday.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Class Aug. 31 - Sept. 4

Things to remember:

Thursday, September 3rd – Curriculum Night – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, September 4th – Intramural Sheets are due. If your child is interested in joining morning intramurals (to play games), please return the permission slip by Friday.

Last week we spent much of our time organizing our things and getting to know each other. The children created their classroom constitution which they will follow throughout the year. They worked on an expository writing informing everyone what they are "Wild About". You will be able to read these when you come to the curriculum night on Wednesday.

Here are the plans for this week:

Spelling Each week the students will be given a pretest on Monday. A list will go home in their spelling binder each Monday. Every day they will be given the homework assignment to write their words one time each. I will collect them every morning. Tests will be on Friday, unless there is no school on Friday, then the test will be on Thursday. If there are only 3 days of school no spelling test will be given that week.

Reading We will work on the preview and predict strategy and understanding author's view point. The students will bring home a reading assignment later in the week to complete at home.
I will ask them to read aloud the story to a parent or sibling etc. and then complete a workbook page. Feel free to assist if needed. I will send home the "Read to Succeed" independent reading folder on Tuesday. Instructions are on the front of the folder and I will go over this during Curriculum Night.

English The students will begin with unit 5. They will review the different kinds of sentences and the proper punctuation of each. Throughout the week they will be given DOL (Daily Oral Language) to complete. A quiz over those skills will be given a week from Friday. This first quiz will cover using end marks and capital letters in sentences correctly. A heads up for the following week- the students will need to know how to correctly abbreviate and write the days of the week and months of the year.

Science- Last week in science the students participated in a textbook scavenger hunt. This was to help them become familiar with the different parts of their book. This week they will learn the tools of inquiry which they will be using throughout the year. They will learn about standard and nonstandard units of measure and discover the advantages of using standard units of measure. They will learn about how to measure volume in liquids and solids.

You may want to review how to find the volume of a solid with them (Length x Width x Height). This will be tested and it is difficult for some to understand. They will be able to use a calculator. Open book graded assigments are given at the end of lessons. I will guide them through the first couple of lessons showing them how to locate answers.

Math This week the students will read and write numbers into the millions. They will need to write the numbers in three different ways: standard form, written form, and expanded form. Samples of these forms are in their binders. They will also work on comparing numbers into the millions. They will have homework every evening. If possible they should be working on their multiplication facts to keep them fresh in their minds. This will make it easier for them when we begin doing higher level multiplication skills.

If you need to know how a skill has been taught in class, you can refer to their math binder. Please keep all papers in their math folder. We will clean them out at the end of the chapter together. They should only take out the papers that are in the take home side of the binder.

Monday, August 24, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room August 25-28th

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

It was so nice meeting all of you at the District Open House on Monday. I can tell that we have a wonderful class, and I am looking forward to an exciting year in fourth grade.

Here are just a few reminders:

Your child may bring in a healthy snack each day. This should be either a 100% natural juice or one healthy snack. Remember we have a nut free room.

They will get their hot lunch number when they come to school on Tuesday. I will have them write it down in a special place so that they won't forget it.

Curriculum Night is scheduled for Thursday, September 3rd, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room. This is a very important evening that will highlight some important 4th grade information. I hope you can make it!

If you have any questions or concerns or need to contact me the easiest way is through email –

Friday, May 29, 2009

News from Cavoto's Room June 1-June 5

June 1st – Movie Monday afternoon – bring stuffed animals/pillow
June 2nd – Board Game Tuesday
June 3rd- Beach Party Assembly for 4th grade – Wear your Hawaiian Gear
June 4th – Field Day and PTO Sponsored Picnic – a hot dog lunch will be provided to your child
June 5th – Report cards issued – dismissal at 9:30

I can't believe the end of the year is here. It really has gone by so quickly. I want to thank all of you for your positive support throughout the year. It has been a pleasure working with you and and your children. I know that they are all ready for 5th grade. Don't forget to check out the District website for ideas of educational sites and reading lists to enjoy over the summer.
Remember to keep practicing your division and multiplication facts. It will make for an easier transition into fifth grade math.

This week is going to be a whirlwind of activities and the children will be quite busy throughout with all the activities as you can see above.

YEARBOOKS will be handed out to students on June 5th. Any student who did not purchase a yearbook may do so on a first-come-first-serve basis on June 5th. They will go on sale after morning announcements. The cost will be $10.00. Children wishing to purchase should have the exact amount. Checks can be made out to Prairieview. There is a limited supply. Prairieview yearbook orders were not paid for at registration. A flier was sent out in November, and orders were due by Monday, December 1st

The students will be making their memory books this week. If they want to bring in special stickers, stamps, or even markers to help them decorate their books, they may do so.

Language Arts -In Language Arts class this week the students will be sharing their poetry and expository essays with the class. We will continue reading and evaluating stories written by Chris Van Allsburg.

Science This week we will review and discuss our Earth's landforms and how they change.

Social Studies We will finish our unit on the West region.

Math- This week the students will continue to review long division.

Friday, May 22, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 26-May 29

May 29th – Fourth Graders bowl in the afternoon
June 1st – Movie Theater Monday – bring your pillow!
June 3rd – Beach Party Wednesday

Spelling The final spelling unit of the year is changing words to nouns by adding the suffixes ment and ness to form nouns. There will be a spelling test on Friday.

English- The students will learn the proper way to use negatives in a sentence. They will also learn about prepostiions. We will have a test over adverbs on Thursday of this week.

They will write a final draft of their expository essay this week.

Reading The students will finish their poetry books this week. They will read the story Jumanji and The Stranger by Chris Van Allsburg. We will continue to look closely at the detailsof the setting and characters in his stories and compare and contrast them.

Science In science this week the students will review the landforms of the Earth. They will understand what causes changes in the Earth's landforms- volcanoes and earthquakes. Ask them to tell you about Mt. Vesuvius.

Social Studies The students will learn about the Western Region of the United States. They will have a map test on the States and bodies of water in the West Region of the U.S. on Thursday of this week. They will also finish their scrapbooks.

Friday, May 15, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 18-May 22

Important News:

May 21st – All School Concert
May 25th – Memorial Day
May 29th – Fourth Graders Bowl in the afternoon

Students receive pictures at the end of the year for their memory book. If any parent is willing to develop a roll of film for this cause, please let me know. Thank you!

**My reading party will be on Friday of this week. All reading folders are due on Thursday. This is part of your grade, so please get them turned in if you want full credit for your independent reading.

Spelling- The unit this week is on words that end with the letters tion. There will be a test on Friday of this week.

Reading- This week we will continue our work with poetry. The new genre this week will be fantasy, and we will be reading many of Chris VanAllsburg books. We will review many strategies and skills that have been taught since the beginning of the year.

English We will continue our work with expository writing. The students will write an essay describing their favorite part about school. We will also begin a short unit on adverbs. The students will identify adverbs in sentences and recognize whether an adverb tells how, when, or where abou the verb.

Social Studies- This week the students will explain how cattle raising helped the economy of the Southwest develop. They will describe the roles of cowboys and cowgirls in the Southwest. The will identify the route of the Chisholm Trails and explain the role it played in the cattle trade. They will also contrast ranching in the Southwest in the past with ranching in the present.

A test over chapter 11 will be on Friday of this week.
The children should:

review and study the papers that are in their binders
know all vocabulary
know the main ideas and review questions from each lesson
know Navajo homes - what & how built
Long Walk
Spanish Missions - purpose
Spanish influence on the Southwest
understand the jobs of the cowboys
understand irrigation and how it changed Arizona
understand the affect of air conditioning on the Southwest

Science This week we will begin a new unit. The students will study some of the Earth's landforms. They will identify and describe major landforms and explain how these landforms develop. The will learn the what causes changes to the Earth's landforms.

Friday, May 8, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 11-May 15

May 11th – Robert Crown Center field trip – bring a sack lunch!
May 12th – Stanley the Bear Assembly

**For those students in my reading class, do not forget to turn in your reading folders.

**If anyone would like to help out with developing roles of film, I would greatly appreciated it. Just send me an e-mail to let me know. Thank you.

Spelling - The spelling pattern this week is words that end with a consonant and le.
There will be a test on Friday.

Reading- In reading this week the students will share the poems that they chose last week with the class. They will be assessed according to their fluency and oral presentation along with their ability to show they understand the elements of a poem. They will begin writing different kinds of poetry this week.

Elements of a poem: rhythm, rhyme, stanzas, lines, figurative language(similes, metaphors, personification), imagery, description using senses (touch, smell, taste, see, hear), word play (repetition of sounds, tongue twisters)

English - In English this week the students will continue to work on expository essay writing.
They will continue to work on elaborating and having their voice come out in their essay.

Science We will have a test over the concepts and vocabulary in chapter 7 on Friday, May 15. To help prepare for the test the students should study: all sheets in their science binder, the review at the end of the chapter, and all main concepts and vocabulary from the lessons.

They should know:
all vocabulary
the physical properties of soil
substances and the amount that make up the Earth's crust
soil horizons
know the different tests for identifying minerals
causes of weathering and erosion
how mountains and sinkholes are formed
similarities/diferences between rocks and minerals
different rocks and how they are formed

Social Studies - In social studies this week, the students will learn about the Spanish influence in the Southwest and the effects of missionaries on some of the Native Americans. A test over chapter 11 is planned for Thursday, May 21st.

Math There will be a test over multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers on Wednesday of this week. The students should bring their books home and study chapter 10. They should review each evening to help them prepare for this test. Knowing their mulitplication facts is so important for their success. Please continue to help them practice their facts. I will be giving a 3 and 4 multiplication fact test on Friday of this week.

Friday, May 1, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 4-May 8th

May 9th- Market Day Pick Up at PV – 9:30-10:30 am
May 11th – Robert Crown Center field trip – bring a sack lunch!

Thank you to all who brought in food items for the Woodridge Food Pantry. We were able to collect over 1500 pounds of food!

I could use help with getting film developed. If anyone would like to volunteer to take a couple of rolls for developing, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.

Spelling When a plural noun ends with s, add only an apostrophe to make the possessive form. When a plural noun does not end with s, add 's to make the possessive form.
Ex. Farmers' crops -children's toys

Reading - Along with working on summary writing, the children have been reading and writing Pourquoi tales. They will finish writing their tales and share them with the class this week.

English We will continue our work with expository writing. The students are working on elaboration of details and their voice shining through. They are also working on their closings this week.

Science In science this week, the students will review the rock cycle and learn how weathering and erosion affect rocks, and how it changes the land.

Social Studies - This week in social studies the students will learn about the people of the Southwest. They will learn about the Navajo who lived in Arizona for hundreds of years and the Spanish who established cities and missions in the Southwest. They will also learn about cattle raising and how that helped the economy of the Southwest develop.

Math In math this week the students are working on multiplication of 2 digits by 2 and 3 digits. They will multiply using estimation and money. A test over 9 X's will be on Friday of this week.

A test over chapter 10 is planned for Wednesday, May 13th.

Friday, April 24, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 27-May1

April 29th – Family Book Club Night - 6:30 pm
April 30th – Buona Benefit Night
May 4th – Robert Crown Center field trip – bring a sack lunch!

There is still 6 weeks left for this trimester. This is the time of year that I see some students start slipping into summer mode and not trying as hard. Please keep an eye on your child and talk with your child if you see this happening.

This is the last week we will be collecting box tops for the year. Please have any box tops in by Thursday. Thanks!

Spelling This week the spelling lesson is on possessive forms of nouns. The possessive form of a noun shows ownership. Make the possessive form of a singular noun by adding 's. Do not change the spelling of the base word when you add 's.

Reading In reading this week the children will begin a new unit on Pourquoi Tales. They will learn about personification through the genre of these tales. They will also particpate in a Reader's Theater activity. They will bring these home to practice reading them.

The children should not forget to turn in their reading folders. All folders are due by May 21.

English - This week the students will continue writing their expository essays. The prompt they had was to write about someone who is their role mode. They have all brainstormed and organized their ideas. Most of them have written their leads, or indtroductions. This week they will work on writing down their ideas and adding elaboration.

Science-This week in science the student will learn about sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. They will identify some of them according to their physical traits. They will also learn about the rock cycle.

Social Studies The students will learn about the different areas in the southwest and the plants and animals that live there. savanas, wetlands and desserts. They will also learn about the nonrenewable resources of the southwest and how technology of the Southwest has impacted the United States.

A test is planned for Friday of this week. The students should study the notes in their binder (any sheets sent home).
They should know:

All vocabulary and main concepts reviewed at the end of each section
How was the Grand Canyon formed
Why was the Grand Canyon made into a National Park and by whom?
Why do people visit the Grand Canyon today?
Understand the climate of the Southwest
Understand how the Saguaro adapts and survives in the desert and how it helps other wildlife
Technology in the Southwest and the states that it is in (see wb page 72 in folder)
How do oil and technology play an important role in th economy of the Southwest? See Graphic organizer in their folders

Math - In math this week the students will have a test over chapter 9. Please help them review the skills from this chapter. They will begin a unit on multiplcation of higher numbers. They may need help and extra practice at home on this. I will be giving test on their 8x's tables on Friday of this week.

Friday, April 17, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 20-24

April 21st – Rollerskating Party
April 24th – Early Dismissal

Prairieview is having a food drive to collect food for the Woodridge Pantry. Non-perishable donations can be brought in through the 24th. Any items would be appreciated!

Tuesday marks the mid point of the trimester. If you haven't checked grades on line in awhile, please do so. There is still time to bring up grades!

A permission slip to the Robert Crown Center will go home on Monday. Please sign and return it this week.

Spelling Our spelling test will be on Thursday of this week. Unit 28 will cover the prefixes un and in.

Reading In reading this week the children will finish working on their summaries for their literature books. The children then will begin a new unit on Pourquoi Tales. They will learn about personification through the genre of these tales.

English - In English this week the students will write an expository essay. They will begin by reviewing what expository writing is. They will be given a prompt and then together we will go through the process of organizing the essay

Science - In science this week we will begin a unit on Earth Science. The students will identify minerals as they study their physical properties. They will also study the traits of igneous rocks.

Social Studies In social studies this week, the students will learn about places and climate in the Southwest. They will discover how the Grand Canyon was formed, who lives their now and Why people go to visit there.

Junior Achievement will begin this week on Thursday. This is when a member from the business community comes in to work with the children in our school.

Math This week we will continue to work on multiplication. The students will learn how to multiply using 3 and 4 digit numbers and money. They will also multiply with zeros.
Please work with your child in helping to learn their multiplication basci facts. I am giving the test on multiplication of 7's on Monday. I did not feel they were ready on Friday to take the test.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room

Things to Remember:

April 13th- Inventions are due
April 15th - All 4th graders will take the OLSAT test
April 16th - Spring Open House - 6:45-8:00 P.M.
April 17th - Movie Night

Prairieview is having a food drive to collect food for the Woodridge Pantry. Non-perishable donations can be brought in through the 24th of April. Any items would be appreciated.

Movie Night permission slips went home last week. Please get these in right away if your child plans to attend.

Family Book Club Night is Wednesday, April 29th at 6:30 P.M. Simply go to the Center Cass 66 website, click on Prairieview and read more about this great school event. You can then print a registration form and send it in. Please note that registration has been extended.

Spelling- This week is a review week. The test on Friday will be a multiple choice test. The students need to know the pattern rules from chapters 19 through 25 to be able to find the misspelled word in the group of words given.

Reading - The students need to turn in their reading folders this week. Our reading party will be on Friday, April17th.

This week the students will work on the reading strategies of finding important details in a story and compare them to the unimportant details. This will help them with their summarizing skills. We will also finish our discussion on our literature books.

Language - A test over pronouns will be on Thursday of this week. The students should review the skill lessons at the end of the chapter in their books. They will also finish their Just Look books.

Social Studies - The students will wrap up their research on Illinois this week and complete their reports.

Science- There is a test over chapter 17, simple machines, on Tuesday. The students should remember to study all the sheets in their binders as well as the vocabulary and main concepts throughout the chapter. Look at last weeks blog for more detail.

All inventions are due on Monday, April 13th.

Math- This week we will begin a multiplication unit. It is really important for the children to know their math facts. Please have the students review their facts each night. We will begin the unit by multiplying numbers with multiples of 10. They will learn to estimate and use compatible numbers to help them use mental math to solve problems. The students will also multiply using 2 digits. We will begin multiplication timed tests again this week. We will start will the 7 times tables. The students have been working on their division 7 facts, so this should be easier for them. A 7 multiplication test will be given on Friday of this week.

Friday, March 27, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Class April 6-April 10th

Things to Remember:
April 7th – Teacher Institute – No School
April 10th – No School
April 13th – Inventions are due
April 16th – Spring Open House

Roller skating permission slips went home. They are due by April 17th. Only 175 students will be able to attend. Please get them in right away!

Family Book Club Night is Wednesday, April 29th @ 6:30 p.m. Simply go to the Center Cass 66 District website, click on "Prairieview", and read more about this great school event! You can then print a registration form and send it in. Please note that registration has been extended.

Spelling- No spelling test this week

Reading - Those students who are reading Riding Freedom should be ready on with their book discussion sheets on chapters "In the Middle" and Chapters 6 & 7. Those students who are reading Behind Rebel Lines should be ready with their book discussion sheets on chapter 6-8. They are due Monday, April 6. We had a couple of days in class the week before break to work on this assignment, so many students probably already have this completed.

Don't forget to keep track of your reading in your folder. The reading that you are doing at home for your literature book can be counted on your reading folder.

English - The students will identify possessive pronouns in sentences and combine pronouns and verbs to write contractions. A test over Unit 6 Pronouns will be on Thursday, April 16th.

We will continue to write our Just Look books this week. Most students are finished with their research and are now organizing and typing up their information.

Science - In science this week the students will learn about other simple machines and how they help people do work. They will investigate inclined planes and explain how screws and wedges change the way work is done.

A test is planned for Tuesday, April 14th over chapter 17.

Things to know:
All vocabulary and essential ideas from the chapter
Be able to give examples of what scientists say that work is
What makes a wheel and axle a simple machine?
Know examples of how or when a pulley can be used
Be able to identify the simple machines - how they work and what they are made up of
Understand how a fulcrum works
Understand how force works

Social Studies The students will finish their Illinois research and writing this week.

Math - In math this week the students will learn about solid figures. They will identify different solid figures and compare the edges, faces and vertices of different solid figures. They will build a pyramid and a cube. A quiz will be on Wednesday over these concepts.

Friday, March 20, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Class March 23-March 27

Things to Remember:

March 27th - All school Field Trip to Tivoli on Friday (bring lunch if you can since everyone will be eating at the same time the hot lunch lines will be long)
March 30-April 3 - Spring Break
April 7 - Teacher Institute ( no school)
April 10 - No School

Spelling - This week in lesson 25 the students will study words with the ending ture. The spelling test will be on Thursday of this week.

English - The students are working on expository writing. They will research information from the resources that they have found on their topic. They will take notes and organize their information. It would be very helpful for them to print out any information they can find on line about their topic and bring it to school.

We will not have an English test on Thursday of this week as noted earlier. It is postponed until after spring break.

Reading The students have chosen the books they would like to read for book clubs. If they did not get their first choice this time, they will get in next time. They have begun preparing their discussion sheets. They need to finish reading chapters 1-2 and complete the discussion sheet by Monday. We will have our first Book Club on Monday.

Science - In science this week the students will find out how a pulley and a wheel-and-axle help people do work.

Social Studies The students have been learning about Illinois as we continue our tour of the Midwest. They have chosen an important place, person, or thing about Illinois to research and report on.

Math This week the students will continue their study of geometry. The focus will be to review the concepts of congruent and similar figures. They will review how to make a shape flip, turn or slide to match another shape. Symmetry will be studied as well. A quiz over these concepts will be given on Thursday along with a division 6 fact test.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room March 16-20

Things to Remember:
Mr. Lee will be in Mrs. Cavoto's Room on Tuesday, March 17
Monday, March 30-Friday, April 3, 2009 Spring Break

Spelling - The pattern this week is in making plurals. When a word ends with sh, ch, x, or s, add es to make the plural. When a word ends with se, ce, ze, or ge, drop the e and add es to make the plural.

Reading - This week the students will be assessed on the strategy of making inferences. We will begin our book clubs this week. The students will choose a book to read for book club. They will prepare their first discussion sheet by Wednesday. I will guide them through this. We will review the types of questions that were discussed in the beginning of the year: Right There, Think and Search and On Your Own. We will also review writing summaries. Their summaries should include the main events told in order using transition words. They should not have too much or too little information, but just enough to get the main idea and events that have happened in that part of the story.

English- The students will identify object and possessive pronouns in sentences. They will use I and me correctly in a sentence. A test is scheduled for Thursday, March 26 on pronouns Chapter 6.

The students will begin a research project this week. The first step in the process is for them to brainstorm any person, animal, or special landmark they would like to learn more about. After that they will find their resources- books, encyclopedias, interenet sites etc. From there they will conduct their research.

Science - This week we will begin a unit on simple machines. Simple machines change the way that work is done to help people accomplish tasks. The Essential question this week is "How do simple machines help people do work?"

Look for the information on "Invention Convention" to come home on Wednesday.

Social Studies - The students will finish their Midwest scrapbook pages this week.

Math The math test over Chapter 19 has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 19 of this week. The children should study the sheets in their binders. They should also study all the homework sheets in their binder over chapter 19. They should bring their books home to review. Please have the children practice their division 5 facts. There will be a test on Friday of this week on their division 5's.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

News From Cavoto's Room March 9-March 13

Things to Remember:
Monday, march 9 - Confernce week begins
Tuesday, March 10 - Report cards go home
Thursday, March 12 - School Improvement Day 1/2 day of school
Friday, March 13 - No school /Conferences

Spelling - No spelling test this week.

English - We will begin a unit on pronouns this week. The students will identify pronouns in a sentence. They will distinquish between singular and plural pronouns.

Reading We will continue our work with making inferences. We will finish the story Skylark, and the students will listen to and read other stories in which they will have to make inferences about characters actions based on clues from the story and their background knowledge.

Social Studies- There will be a test over Chapter 9 on Thursday of this week.

The students should study:
  • All vocabulary
  • Early life of the Ojibwa
  • Explorers of the Midwest and what they are known for exploring
  • John Deere
  • How the pioneers survived when they came to the Midwest
  • Midwestern cities that were trading posts
  • Why a water route to the Midwest was important
  • Steamboat purpose
  • Compare advantages to shipping by rail vs steamboat
  • Why the Ojibwa relied on game instead of farming for their main source of food
  • Goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • Why Cahokia nd St. Louis were good places for trade
  • Compare the two main types of homes that early Midwestern pioneers built. Be ready to describe them and tell where and how they were built Tell the advantages and disadvantages of a sod house.
Science- There will be a science test on Tuesday of this week over chapter 16. This chapter has many difficult concepts to understand so any extra help parents can give their children is appreciated.

Things to know:
  • All vocabulary
  • Measuement of force of gravity on an object
  • The force taht resists motion between objects
  • What happens when you increase the force on an object
  • Understand the concept of gravity
  • Two things that are measured to find speed
  • Why is the gas pedal in a car called an accelerator?
  • Why do we need friction? Give specific reasons. What are examples of friction?
  • What things can reduce friction? Explain why.
  • Inertia - understand what it is and how it works
  • Understand the difference between mass and weight

Friday, February 27, 2009

Things to Remember:
Tuesday, March 3-Monday, March 9 - ISAT testing
Monday, March 9 - Conference week
Tuesday, March 10- Report cards go home
Thursday, March 12 - School Improvement Day 1/2 day of school
Friday, March 13 - No School/Conferences

  • ISAT Testing Begins
    Here are suggestions on how parents can help their children prepare for the ISAT:
    Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep before the tests
    Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast the days of the test/healthy snack to school
    Let your child know that he or she should take the test seriously and do his or her best
    Talk to your child about what to do while taking the test, including:
    Paying attention to directions
    Asking questions about directions if they are unclear
    Reading each question carefully
    Eliminating wrong answers right away, concentrating on remaining choices
    Double checking answers

Language Arts: The language arts classes will not be meeting this week. The students should be reading each night and keeping track of their reading in their folders.

Math - No formal math classes will be meeting this week.

Social Studies This week in social studies the children will describe the Cahokia as the early trading center of the Midwest. They will identify the goals of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

A test is planned for The following Wednesday, March 11 over chapter 9. The students should know:

  • All vocabulary
  • Early life of the Ojibwa
  • Explorers of the Midwest and what they are know for exploring
  • John Deere
  • know how the pioneers survived when they came to the Midwest
  • Midwestern cities that were trading posts
  • Why was a water route to the Midwest important
  • steamboat purpose
  • compare advantages to shipping by rail vs steamboat
  • Why did the Ojibwa rely on game instead of farming for their main source of food?
  • Goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • Why Cahokia and St. Louis were good places for trade
  • Compare the two main types of homes that the Midwester pioneers built. Tell how they were like and how they were different. Be ready to tell as much as you know about it.

Science This week the students will use a spring scale and a balance to understand the difference between weight and mass. They will also understand that friction is a force that resists or opposes, motion between objects that are in contact. They will learn how friction can be controlled.

A test over chapter 16 in science will be on Tuesday, March 10th. This chapter has many difficult concepts to understand and we will be reviewing them all week.

They should know:

  • All vocabulary
  • measurement of force of gravity on an object
  • the force that resists motion between objects
  • What happens when you increase the force on an object
  • understand the concept of gravity
  • what 2 things must be measured to find speed
  • Why is the gas pedal in a car called an accelerator
  • Why do we need friction? What are examples of friction?
  • What can things can reduce friction? Explain why.
  • inertia- understand what it is and how it works
  • undersand the difference between mass and weight

Friday, February 20, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Feb. 23-27

Things to Remember:
Thursday, February 26 Spring Picture Day
Monday, March 2 No School- Casmir Polaski Day
Tuesday, March 3-Monday, March 9 ISAT Testing
Monday, March 9 -Wednesday, March 11 Conference Week

Spelling - This week in spelling the pattern is in words with tch or ch. Use tch immediately after a single, short vowel in a one-syllable word. Use ch in most other words.

Language Arts - This week the students will review their knowledge of rootwords, prefixes and suffixes. They will read and compare the different genres of literature: fables, folktales, fairytales, and myths. They will also be working on their responses to literature.

Social Studies - This week in social studies the students will learn about the factors that led some Native American groups in the Midwest to lose their land. They will also identify the challenges that the Midwestern settlers faced and what they had to do to overcome those challenges.

Science - This week the students will review how velocity relates to acceleration and how forces cause acceleration. They will also review how force and mass effect acceleration. The students will learn this week why the force of gravity is important. They will understand the affect friction has on motion and where it occurs.-

Please send in toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls for an experiment.

Math The students will review classifying triangles. They will learn about the different kinds of quadralaterals: parallelograms, rhombus, and trapezoid. They will also identify, draw and lable parts of a circle. They will work on their problems solving skills and writing explanations.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Class February 16-20

Things to Remember:

Monday, February 16 - No School President's Day
Friday, February 20 - Read to Succeed Forms are Due
Thursday, February 26 - Spring Picture Day
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Spring Picture Day - All students will be photographed. Please
notify your student's teacher if you do not want an individual portrait
taken of your child.
Look Before You Buy:
Send no money now - View your portraits before you buy.
Your finished portrait package will be sent home for review.
Simply return any un-used portrait sheets with your payment.

Dear Parents,
Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of March 9th. Spring conferences are being held on an "as needed" basis with your child's homeroom and/or math teacher. If you should wish to schedule a conference, please contact your child's teacher(s) as soon as possible. Please include if you prefer a phone conference or if you would rather meet in person. Please indicate which day (Monday - 3/9, Tuesday - 3/10, or Wednesday - 3/11) you prefer. Once all requests have been received, a conference date/time will be provided.

Spelling This week the pattern that the children are learning is to use dge immediately after a single, short vowel in a one-syllable word. Use ge in most other words.

Reading - All reading folders are due on Thursday, February 19th. Reading club party is on Friday, February 20th.

This week in reading the children will practice making inferences. They will make inferences as they read the story Skylark. They will also continue to work on their reading responses.

Science We will begin a new chapter this week. The Big Idea this week is Motion can be measured and described. It is influenced by forces such as gravity. The first lesson the students will learn about is how Motion is described and measured.

Social Studies This week the students will learn that European settlement in the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi valley began with fur trade. Many of the region's cities and towns began as fur trading centers. They will also identify the roles of Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette in the fur trade.

Math This week in math we will begin our geometry unit. The students will identify, describe, and draw points, lines, line segments, rays and planes. They will also measure and classify angles. They will draw right, acute, obtuse, and straight angles.

Friday, February 6, 2009

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Feb. 9-13th

Things to Remember:

Monday, February 9 - Book orders are due. Please make orders out to Scholastic Book Clubs
Friday, February 13 - Valentine's Day party at 1:30
Monday, February 16 No School Presidents' Day
Friday, February 20- Great American Read to Succeed forms are due
Thursday, February 26 - Spring Picture Day
Monday, March 2, - Casimir Polaski Day No School
Tuesday, March 3 -ISAT testing begins
Monday, March 9 - Conference week

This week is "phone week". All students will be tested to see if they know their home phone numbers.

Dear Parents,

Parent/Teacher Conferences are the week of March 9th. Spring conferences are being held on an "as needed" basis with your child's homeroom and/or math teacher. If you should wish to schedule a conference, please contact your child's teacher(s) by Friday, February 13th. Please include if you prefer a phone conference or if you would rather meet in person. Please indicate which day (Monday - 3/9, Tuesday - 3/10, or Wednesday - 3/11) you prefer. Once all requests have been received, a conference date/time will be provided.

Spelling The spelling pattern this week is 1 + 1 + 1 words and silent e words with ending. I will be assessing their daily work this week. I have noticed a great improvement of test scores since they have been writing their words one time each every night. Great job!
Test on Friday chapter 21.

English - This week the students will finish up their "Hot Spot" adjective writing assignment.

Reading - This week the students will work with comprehension in expository passages. They will also work on their written responses to questions asked about the passage. They will be asked to write clues from the story and their own ideas to support their answers.

Don't forget to turn in your reading folders. Also, Read to Succeed forms are due by Feb. 20th.

Social Studies - The children will learn about the early Ojibwa culture, a Native American tribe from the Midwest area. They will describe the ways Ojibwa culture has changed since the mid - 1600's. They will also learn about the Sioux and how they continue to follow their traditions. Students will make their own "talking stick" . The Ojibwa use the talking stick to make sure that each person in a group has a chance to express his or her thoughts. Whoever has the stick has the right to talk.

Science- This week the students will learn about chemical energy (energy that can be released by a chemical reaction) and mechanical energy (the total potential and kinetic energy of an object).
A test over chapter 15 will be given on Thursday of this week.
The students should begin preparing for this test on Monday.

They should know:

All vocabulary
Concepts about:
energy of position
series circuit
conductors of electricity
2 kinds of energy
4 sources of energy
current electricity
How would you make a generator? What items would you need?
Know what a parallel and series circuit look like and the pros and cons of both.
Be able to look at a circuit to see if it is closed or open and understand what that means for the lightbulb.

Math This week we will have a test over chapter 7 lessons 1-4. The students should review finding the mean, median, and mode and range of a set of data. They should be able to read a line plot and create one from a set of data. Please have your children review the sheets in their folders and practice using the review at the end of the chapter. The posttest sheets will come home for them to practice as well. They should work on their 4 division facts this week.