April 21st – Rollerskating Party
April 24th – Early Dismissal
Prairieview is having a food drive to collect food for the Woodridge Pantry. Non-perishable donations can be brought in through the 24th. Any items would be appreciated!
Tuesday marks the mid point of the trimester. If you haven't checked grades on line in awhile, please do so. There is still time to bring up grades!
A permission slip to the Robert Crown Center will go home on Monday. Please sign and return it this week.
Spelling Our spelling test will be on Thursday of this week. Unit 28 will cover the prefixes un and in.
Reading In reading this week the children will finish working on their summaries for their literature books. The children then will begin a new unit on Pourquoi Tales. They will learn about personification through the genre of these tales.
English - In English this week the students will write an expository essay. They will begin by reviewing what expository writing is. They will be given a prompt and then together we will go through the process of organizing the essay
Science - In science this week we will begin a unit on Earth Science. The students will identify minerals as they study their physical properties. They will also study the traits of igneous rocks.
Social Studies In social studies this week, the students will learn about places and climate in the Southwest. They will discover how the Grand Canyon was formed, who lives their now and Why people go to visit there.
Junior Achievement will begin this week on Thursday. This is when a member from the business community comes in to work with the children in our school.
Math This week we will continue to work on multiplication. The students will learn how to multiply using 3 and 4 digit numbers and money. They will also multiply with zeros.
Please work with your child in helping to learn their multiplication basci facts. I am giving the test on multiplication of 7's on Monday. I did not feel they were ready on Friday to take the test.