May 9th- Market Day Pick Up at PV – 9:30-10:30 am
May 11th – Robert Crown Center field trip – bring a sack lunch!
Thank you to all who brought in food items for the Woodridge Food Pantry. We were able to collect over 1500 pounds of food!
I could use help with getting film developed. If anyone would like to volunteer to take a couple of rolls for developing, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.
Spelling When a plural noun ends with s, add only an apostrophe to make the possessive form. When a plural noun does not end with s, add 's to make the possessive form.
Ex. Farmers' crops -children's toys
Reading - Along with working on summary writing, the children have been reading and writing Pourquoi tales. They will finish writing their tales and share them with the class this week.
English We will continue our work with expository writing. The students are working on elaboration of details and their voice shining through. They are also working on their closings this week.
Science In science this week, the students will review the rock cycle and learn how weathering and erosion affect rocks, and how it changes the land.
Social Studies - This week in social studies the students will learn about the people of the Southwest. They will learn about the Navajo who lived in Arizona for hundreds of years and the Spanish who established cities and missions in the Southwest. They will also learn about cattle raising and how that helped the economy of the Southwest develop.
Math In math this week the students are working on multiplication of 2 digits by 2 and 3 digits. They will multiply using estimation and money. A test over 9 X's will be on Friday of this week.
A test over chapter 10 is planned for Wednesday, May 13th.