Things to Remember:
Mr. Lee will be in Mrs. Cavoto's Room on Tuesday, March 17
Monday, March 30-Friday, April 3, 2009 Spring Break
Spelling - The pattern this week is in making plurals. When a word ends with sh, ch, x, or s, add es to make the plural. When a word ends with se, ce, ze, or ge, drop the e and add es to make the plural.
Reading - This week the students will be assessed on the strategy of making inferences. We will begin our book clubs this week. The students will choose a book to read for book club. They will prepare their first discussion sheet by Wednesday. I will guide them through this. We will review the types of questions that were discussed in the beginning of the year: Right There, Think and Search and On Your Own. We will also review writing summaries. Their summaries should include the main events told in order using transition words. They should not have too much or too little information, but just enough to get the main idea and events that have happened in that part of the story.
English- The students will identify object and possessive pronouns in sentences. They will use I and me correctly in a sentence. A test is scheduled for Thursday, March 26 on pronouns Chapter 6.
The students will begin a research project this week. The first step in the process is for them to brainstorm any person, animal, or special landmark they would like to learn more about. After that they will find their resources- books, encyclopedias, interenet sites etc. From there they will conduct their research.
Science - This week we will begin a unit on simple machines. Simple machines change the way that work is done to help people accomplish tasks. The Essential question this week is "How do simple machines help people do work?"
Look for the information on "Invention Convention" to come home on Wednesday.
Social Studies - The students will finish their Midwest scrapbook pages this week.
Math The math test over Chapter 19 has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 19 of this week. The children should study the sheets in their binders. They should also study all the homework sheets in their binder over chapter 19. They should bring their books home to review. Please have the children practice their division 5 facts. There will be a test on Friday of this week on their division 5's.