Things to remember:
Thursday, September 3rd – Curriculum Night – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, September 4th – Intramural Sheets are due. If your child is interested in joining morning intramurals (to play games), please return the permission slip by Friday.
Last week we spent much of our time organizing our things and getting to know each other. The children created their classroom constitution which they will follow throughout the year. They worked on an expository writing informing everyone what they are "Wild About". You will be able to read these when you come to the curriculum night on Wednesday.
Here are the plans for this week:
Spelling Each week the students will be given a pretest on Monday. A list will go home in their spelling binder each Monday. Every day they will be given the homework assignment to write their words one time each. I will collect them every morning. Tests will be on Friday, unless there is no school on Friday, then the test will be on Thursday. If there are only 3 days of school no spelling test will be given that week.
Reading We will work on the preview and predict strategy and understanding author's view point. The students will bring home a reading assignment later in the week to complete at home.
I will ask them to read aloud the story to a parent or sibling etc. and then complete a workbook page. Feel free to assist if needed. I will send home the "Read to Succeed" independent reading folder on Tuesday. Instructions are on the front of the folder and I will go over this during Curriculum Night.
English The students will begin with unit 5. They will review the different kinds of sentences and the proper punctuation of each. Throughout the week they will be given DOL (Daily Oral Language) to complete. A quiz over those skills will be given a week from Friday. This first quiz will cover using end marks and capital letters in sentences correctly. A heads up for the following week- the students will need to know how to correctly abbreviate and write the days of the week and months of the year.
Science- Last week in science the students participated in a textbook scavenger hunt. This was to help them become familiar with the different parts of their book. This week they will learn the tools of inquiry which they will be using throughout the year. They will learn about standard and nonstandard units of measure and discover the advantages of using standard units of measure. They will learn about how to measure volume in liquids and solids.
You may want to review how to find the volume of a solid with them (Length x Width x Height). This will be tested and it is difficult for some to understand. They will be able to use a calculator. Open book graded assigments are given at the end of lessons. I will guide them through the first couple of lessons showing them how to locate answers.
Math This week the students will read and write numbers into the millions. They will need to write the numbers in three different ways: standard form, written form, and expanded form. Samples of these forms are in their binders. They will also work on comparing numbers into the millions. They will have homework every evening. If possible they should be working on their multiplication facts to keep them fresh in their minds. This will make it easier for them when we begin doing higher level multiplication skills.
If you need to know how a skill has been taught in class, you can refer to their math binder. Please keep all papers in their math folder. We will clean them out at the end of the chapter together. They should only take out the papers that are in the take home side of the binder.