Friday, December 17, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan.3-Jan. 7

Things to Remember:
Thursday, Jan. 6 - Argonne Permission Slips due on Thursday
Tuesday, January 11 Field trip to Argone Labs
Monday, January 17 - No School Martin Luther King's Birthday.

Spelling - This week in spelling the the skill will focus on the words that have the k sound. The students should pay close attention to the different ways that words are spelled with the K sound.

Reading - This week we will be working on predicting outcomes. Readers can often guess ahead of time, or predict, what will happen in a story, based on information the author has given. Additionally, readers can change or adjust their predictions as they read.

The students will begin reading Because of Winn Dixie. They will apply many of the reading strategies they have already learned as they read this wonderful story of a young girl and the many different friendships she aquires when she moves into a new town.

English - We will begin a unit on Adjectives this week. You may want to ask your child. What is an adjective and to give you an example of one.

Math- This week we will review of the skills the students have learned in chapter 6. They should be able to tell time. They should know how to recognize half past and quarter past the hour. They should understand elapsed time on the clock and be able to read a thermometer and calendar. They should be able to solve problems using a thermometer and a calendar. All the skills in chapter 6 will be covered. They should bring their text books home to study the skills. There will be a test on chapter 6 on Thursday of this week.

Social Studies - The children will review the culture of the Cherokee tribe of the Southeast. They will describe how the Cherokee lived before the Europeans came to North America. They will evaluate how the Cherokee culture changed after the Europeans came to the Southeast. They will learn about the Trail of Tears.

Science - This week in science we will begin a new unit on The Human Body. The Big Idea is "To stay alive, people depend on body systems that work together." This week the students will describe the functions of blood vessels and describe how oxygen and nutrients travel through the body.

Friday, December 10, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Dec. 13-17

Things to Remember:
December 16 - Bowling Field Trip (afternoon)
December 17 - All School Field Trip to the Tivoli (It is a good idea to Bring your lunch to school - lines will be very long for those who are doing hot lunch on this day.)
December 20 - Winter Break begins
January 3 - Classes Resume after Winter Break

Happy Holidays to Everyone!

The permission slip and fee for the Tivoli field trip is due by Monday, 12/13.

There is a test in PE on Tuesday, 12/14. The test will cover the bowling unit.

Math - This week in math we will work on changing units of time. They will learn that when you change a large unit of time, like hours, to a small unit of time, like minutes, you will need to multiply. You will be able to use the reteach sheet and other sheets in their folders to help them with this skill. They will also practice reading a thermometer in Celsius and Fahrenheit. There will be a quiz on the multiplication facts on Friday of this week. They should be reviewed every night.

Spelling - There will be no spelling test this week.

Reading The first strategy that we focus on this week in reading is making inferences. A writer doesn't always explain every fact or detail about when writing a story. The writer expects that readers will fill in missing information from their own experience. Good readers do this by putting together what they already know and what they have read to make the best guess they can. When readers add information from their own experience to what is stated in a text, they are making an inference. We will also study the reading skill of comparing and contrasting. Students will practice comparing pieces of literature that are similar and different.

Social Studies - We will have Southeast Resource Day on Wednesday of this week. Would anyone like to volunteer to bring in some of the food that is produced from the Southeast. It would be great if they are sent in ready to eat. Examples of food: Oranges, rice, peaches, grapefruit, Orange juice, peach jam and crackers, popcorn. Just send me an e-mail if you would like to send in something. I am open for other suggestions.

The children will learn about the Native Americans of the Southeast, the Cherokee, this week. They describe how the Cherokee lived before Europeans came to North America. They will evaluate how Cherokee culture changed after Europeans came to the Southeast.

Science - There will be a test on Chapter 3 on Wednesday of this week. All lessons will be covered. They should study all the sheets in their science binder along with their textbook.
They should:
Know all vocabulary
understand the basic needs of all living things
understand learned behavior &be able to give examples of learned behavior
understand instinct behavior & be able to give examples of instinctive behavior
understand what happens during hybernation
adaptations of different animals and how it helps the animals
understand the life cycle of a tree/know the stages and tell what happens in each stage (use the diagram we made in class to help you study or the book has a whole page on this)
understand the causes of animal populations shrinking in certain areas
What can fossils tell scientists about things that lived long ago?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room December 6-10

Things to Remember:
Monday, December 6 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.
Wednesday, December 8 - 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.
Friday, December 10 - Movie Night - 6:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

Don't forget about our School's Serivce Drive to help the needy families living in Darien. Please send in new toys/games, food, and or toiletries to school. All items are due by Dec. 13th. Thank you so much for your help.Thank you to those who have already sent items in.

Thank you to those who have been turning in their paper to the recycling bin. Just a reminder that no cardboard boxes should be put in the bin. Thank you.

Math We will begin a unit on telling time this week. Please have your child practice reading the analog clocks in your house. You might ask them question like: If we have to be at school at 7:45 and it takes 15 minutes to get to school, what time should we leave the house? They should be able to tell time to the nearest minute and second. We will also work on elapsed time. If the show starts at 4:00 p.m. and ends at 11:30 p.m. how long is the show?

Spelling - This week in spelling we will continue to work with r controlled words. Test on Friday.

Reading - Next week our story is A Very Important Day, by Maggie Rugg Herold. Many different families prepare for one very important day; becoming a United States citizen.
Our reading strategies are questioning, categorizing and classifying. Recognizing the question a story may raise is a good way to make sure you understand it. Classifying involves grouping like items, and categorizing involves naming the group. Grouping the items makes it easier to remember them. Students will classify and categorize the many characters and countries named in the story to help understand the story better.

Language Arts - The students are working on the final drafts of their descriptive paragraphs. There will be a test on Friday over the different types of figurative language that we have been studying: hyperbole, similes, personification, metaphors. They should be able to identify the type of figurative language and write an example of each.

Social Studies - There will be a test on Chapter 6 covering the Southeast land and resources. They should study all sheets in their binders along with the information their text.
They should know and understand:
all vocabulary
landforms of the southeast
highest elevation
weather in Florida
hurricanes/what they are, what they can do 3 details to describe both
animals of the southeast -what area they live in
logging industry
resources/ what and where they are found
products/ what and where they are found

Science - We will review the behavioral adaptations of animals. The essential question this week is: How do living things of the past compare with those of today? The students will describe how plants and animals have changed over time. They will study the reasons for extinction. There will be a science test on Wednesday, December 15th over chapter 3.

Friday, November 19, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov.22-Week of Nov.29

Things to Remember:

November 23 -- Report Cards
November 24, 25, 26 -- Thanksgiving Holiday -- No School
December 3 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School

I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving!

Holiday Service Project
The students of Project Challenge grades 3-5 are participating in a Lion's Club Holiday Drive. We are looking for donations such as new toys, new games, toiletries, and food for the needy families in the Darien area. If you wish to participate you will need to bring the donations in by December 13. Remember that some of these families live right here in Darien. So let's help these families have a happy holiday season.

Paper Recycling Fundraiser Comes to Prairieview: We are happy to announce we can now raise money for our district by recycling paper! You can help us out, too! Please collect any paper you are going to throw away or recycle (office and school paper, newspaper, magazines and catalogs, and construction paper---no cardboard!) and send it in with your child to school or drop it off at the green and yellow Paper Retriever bin in the Lakeview parking lot (near the fence by the Prairieview playground). The bin is available for drop offs 24/7. The more paper we recycle, the more money we can make! Do something good for our schools AND the environment! Thank you! member:

Spelling: For the week of November 29th, the pattern this week will be words with the r controlled vowels that are : ear, eer, ar, are, air - Watch out for heart, weird, and scarce. They have different spellings than the regular r controlled words.

Reading - Over the next couple of weeks we will be reviewing the skills that we have gone over since the beginning of the year. The students will also work on summarizing and making generalizations. In writing summaries the students will learn to pick out the main points or events of a story or passage and concisely put them in their own words. In making generalizations the students will learn that generalizations are broad statements that are true most of the time, they are based on fact or good reasons, and may include words like always or most.

Math- The students will learn to write, solve, and graph inequalities that include variables. An inequality is a mathematical sentence that uses symbols <, >, ≠, =, and shows a relationship between two quantities that are not equal, for example 4 > 3. Please continue to have your child practice their multiplication and division facts.
There will be a math test covering chapter 5 on Thursday of this week. Please review all the work in their folders. There will be a review sheet sent home this week too.

Language Arts - The students are learning about figurative language and how to use it in their writing. This week they learned about similes, metaphors, personification, and hyperbole, and they read books to find examples of figurative language in their reading. They will continue to practice using figurative language effectively in their writing.

Science - Why do we say that living things follow a cycle? They are born, grow, reporduce, die, and decay, and their nutrients are often taken up by plants, which then grow, reproduce, and so on. The plants provide energy so animals can complete their life cycles. The students will understand that growing, dieing, and decaying are all apart of a living thing's life cycle. We will also learn how behaviors of animals help them to meet their needs. The students will learn about instinct, hibernation, migration, and learned behaviors.

Social Studies -The students will be able to describe the climate of the Southeast, and they will examine hurricanes. They will study how the climate of the Southeast changes as you move north? We will also learn about the wildlife and resources of the Southeast. The students will describe the importance of protecting endangered species. They will identify ways in which resources of the Southeast are used.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov. 15-19

Things to Remember:
November 24, 25, 26 -- Thanksgiving Holiday -- No Schoool
December 3 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School

If anyone has any pieces of material to send in for an art project that would be great. We are looking to cut about 1 inch squares from them for our scarecrows.

Conferences Nov. 29-Dec.3- Notices will be sent home. Please send them back to confirm your time with me. If you need to change just let me know.

Math - The students should continue to practice their multiplication facts. I will be giving timed tests on Friday to review the multiplication facts. Once they have shown me they know their multiplication facts, I will test them on their division facts. This week the students will learn the properties of multiplication: Associative, identity, Zero property, and Commutative Property. They will also practice writing multiplication and division expressions.

Spelling - Words spelled with oo may have different sounds. They may have the sounds as in tool, or wood. Workbook pages 137-139 are assigned this week. The children who have pretested out will choose the three different activities to do with their words. WB pages and activities are due on Friday.

Reading - We will work on making inferences and evaluating during reading this week. Good readers should always think about their reactions to what they are reading and why they are reacting that way. This strategy is called “evaluating”. As you are reading the story think about these things: How does the author make the story come alive and make you want to keep reading? What was entertaining, informative, or useful about what you read? How did you react to the story? Did you agree or disagree with what you read? How well did you understand what you were reading? Did you enjoy reading it?

English - This week we will begin descriptive writing. The students will learn how to use colorful language to make their writing come alive. They will work with similes and adjectives as they find them in their reading as well as using them in their writing.

Social Studies The students will identify and describe major landforms in the Southeast. They will be able to explain how barrier islands are formed, and compare and contrast the landform elevations in the Southeast.

Science - This week we will begin a unit on Adaptations. The students will study how the bodies of animals help them meet their needs. What are the basic needs of all living things? (food, water, air, and shelter)

Friday, November 5, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Nov. 8-12

Things to Remember:

Thursday, November 11 - No School Veterans' Day
Friday, November 12 -- End of Trimester
Tuesday, November 23 -- Report Cards
Wednesday, November 24, 25, 26 -- Thanksgiving Holiday -- No Schoool
Friday, December 3 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 will be picture retake day. Any student that did not have their picture taken prior to this date may do so. They will be required to have a picture envelope with money to have a picture taken. Any student wishing to have a picture retaken will have to return the original picture packet for a retake.

Spelling The ou sound which can be spelled with ou or ow and the o sound which can be spelled with aw, au, or a before l will be the focus this week. There will be a test on Friday.

Math - There will be a test on Friday of this week over chapter 4 lessons 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, 4.8. They should also understand even and odd numbers. They should know that: When you multiply two even numbers you get an even number. When you mulitiply two odd numbers you get an odd number. When you multiply an even and an odd number you get an even number.

Reading This week, we will focus on two important reading strategies. The first reading strategy that we will discuss is to make predictions, or educated guesses about what will happen next in the story. The second reading strategy that we will apply is the use of inferences, or the ability to figure something out even though it isn't exactly stated in the story. Additionally, we will focus on sequencing events in literature.

English We will work on Possessive plural nouns this week and then review for the test which will be on Wednesday of this week. The test will be on nouns which is chapter 2. Homework will come home each night for the kids to practice. There is lots of extra practice at the end of the chapter.

Science In science this week the students will have an open book quiz which will cover the concepts that they have learned in chapter 2 lesson 2 & 3.

Social Studies - We will travel to the Southeast Region this week. The students will fill in a map for homework. They will be given a checklist so they know what to include in their maps. There will be a test on the states and the bodies of water in the Southeast Region on Friday. Extra points will be given if they can label the capitals of the states.

Monday, October 25, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room October 25-29

Things to Remember:
Monday, October 25, 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m. Chess Club Last Names - A-G & S-Z - 2:30 to 3:25 p.m.
Wednesday, October 27, 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m. Chess Club - Last Names - H-R - 2:30 to 3:25 p.m.

Friday, October 29, Halloween Parties - 1:30 to 2:25 p.m. Students should bring their costumes to school and change here.

Math - This week the students will work on their multiplication skills. A letter will go home each day explaining what the students should work on for that night. Please have your child practice those facts until they know them automatically. Then sign the sheet and have your child return it to class. We will assess the students and then send back the sheet so that will say let you know the facts they need to practice or if they mastered the problems of the day.

Reading Mysteries will be the focus in reading for all fourth grade students this week. We will begin by learning vocabulary words that are typically associated with mysteries, such as "suspect", "evidence" and suspense". Students may practice the definitions of the vocabulary words by completing a crossword puzzle at the following website:
All students will read & study, "The Case of the Purloined Pachyderm". While reading this mystery and other mystery stories, students will be studying the format of a mystery, and using the reading strategies of monitoring and clarifying..

English- We will begin chapter two, Nouns. We will focus on common and proper nouns along with singular and plural nouns.

Social Studies -There will be a test on chapter 4 on Tuesday of this week. The students should study all the sheets in their folders
They should know:
All vocabulary
largest of the Finger Lakes
The difference between the Maine Coast line and the New Jersey Coast Line.
The problems that challenge Chesapeake Bay and some of the ways they have tried to solve the problem.

Science- We will be learning about photosynthesis and the life cycle of the plant. We will focus on plants that reproduce from seeds and plants that reproduce from spores.

Spelling- This week is a review lesson. The test will be on Thursday. Make sure your child studies all thirty words. There are no challenge words this week. The workbook assignment will also be due on Thursday.

Friday, October 1, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Oct. 4-Oct.8

Things to Remember:
Friday, October 1 - Bingo Night - 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. - Multi-Purpose Room
Monday, October 4 - 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.

Chess Club - Last Names A-G & S-Z - 2:30 to 3:25 p.m.
Wednesday, October 6 - 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m. Chess Club - Last Names - H-R - 2:30 to 3:25 p.m.
Friday, October 8 - Taffy Apple Orders are due
Monday, October 11 - No School/Columbus Day

Math -This week in math we will review the addition properties and writing and evaluating addition and subtraction expressions (lesson 3.1 and 3.2). Throughout the week the students will write and solve addition and subtraction equations. They will also use patterns to find a rule for a number relationship and write an equation for the rule (lesson 3.3 and 3.5) There will be a test on Friday which will review addition and subtraction with regrouping and estimation along with the skills from chapter 3 lessons 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.

Spelling - This week in spelling the students will be working with words that have the short "u" as in brush/ "yoo" as in juice/ "oo" as in threw. There will be a test on Friday.

Reading This week in reading our story is “Finding the Titanic” by Robert D. Ballard.
The reading strategy that we will focus on is text organization.
Many non-fiction authors organize their selections in time order.
They also use features such as headings, pictures, captions, and
charts to help the reader better understand the information.

English The students will learn to capitalize and punctuate abbreviations for titles, addresses, months, and days. They will be writing a short story on Thursday which I will use to assess their knowledge of capitalization of people, places, pets, and things along with abbreviations and ending punctuation.

Social Studies - If anyone has any special things that they have collected from a trip to any state in the Northeast Region please feel free to send in to share with the class. The students will be making maps of the Northeast Region which will show the different mountain ranges that make up the Appalachian Trail in the Northeast Region. They will also learn about the differences in the coastline as they travel from Maine to New Jersey.

Science - The following concepts will be covered over the next couple of weeks. How are animals classified? with backbones (vertebrates) without backbones (invertebrates) What are the five groups of vertebrates? Can you tell some facts about each group? (fish,mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles) What are some of the groups of invertebrates? (sponges, mollusks, worms, arthropods) Which is the largest group of invertebrates? ( arthropods- these are insects, crustaceans, and spiders)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 27-Oct.1

Things to Remember:
Monday, September 27 - 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15-7:50 a.m.
Chess Club - Last Names A-G & S-Z - 2:30 to3:25 p.m.
Tuesday, September 28- Last Magazine Turn-In Checks made out to Dist. 66 PTO - Customer Keeps Pink Copy
Wednesday- September 29, 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.Chess Club - Last Names H-R - 2:30 to 3:25 p.m.
Thursday, September 30, Picture Day
Thursday, September 30, thru Sunday October 3, 2010 Cozzi Corner - District Eat-Out - see link below

Math - This week in math we will have a test over chapter 2 on Tuesday. The children should review the sheets in their math folder. They should bring their textbooks home to study lessons 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.6. They should know the break apart method using addition from lesson 2.4.

Spelling- This week the students will work with frequently misspelled words and review some of the more difficult words from the past two units. The challenge words this week go with our social studies unit and are the names of some of the places we will be learning about in our new chapter.

Reading- The fourth graders will be reading Grandfather’s Journey by Allen Say. They will focus on the reading strategy to determine author's viewpoint. Author's viewpoint refers to the author's opinion, ideas of what is important or attitude. The author might give their opinion directly or you might have to infer the information by reading clues or other information that the author provides. Here is a great link to practice author’s viewpoint: The vocabulary for the week is: bewildered, surrounded, reminded, longed, homeland, marveled. Your child can practice these words at: We will also work on the skill of putting words in alphabetical order.

English - In English this week the students will practice writing different kinds of sentences. They will learn to combine sentences that have the same subject. They will also review capitalization of people, pets, places and things.

Social Studies- We will be traveling to the Northeast Region this week. The students will fill in a map of the Northeast states and bodies of water. They will be given a homework assignment to fill in and color a map on their own. A grading sheet will go home so that they know how to color their map and what is expected. There will be a quiz on Friday. They will have to identify states and bodies of water in the Northeast Region. Extra points will be given to those who can identify the capitals of the states.

Science- We are wrapping up our worm unit. The children should be busily working on their worm track. The guidelines of the track went home with them on Tuesday so they know how they will be graded. They need to bring back worms and their track on Thursday of this week. Some children have volunteered to bring in extra worms if your child can not find one.

There will also be a quiz on the scientific method on Wednesday of this week. The students will need to know the steps of the scientific experiment and be able to identify the steps with examples given. For example: I predict that a worm will like a moist surface more than a dry surface. They would have to know that this is the hypothesis.(The steps are in their science folder)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 20-24

Things to Remember:
Monday, September 20- 4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.
Choir Contracts due to Miss Wyse,
Cheer and Dance Clinic Permission Slips Due
Tuesday, September 21-Magazine Turn-In -Checks made out to Dist. 66 PTO - Customer Keeps Pink Copy
Wednesday, September 22-4th and 5th Grade Choir - 7:15 to 7:50 a.m.
Friday, September 24- No School/Teacher's Institute

P.E. - There is a P.E. test on Wednesday, September 22.

Math- This week in math the students will review front-end estimation of numbers. They will learn how to use the "break a-part method", a mental math strategy to help them add and subtract numbers. The students will also add and sbutract 3digit and 4 digit numbers. Lessons 2.3, 2.4 and 2.6 will be covered this week.

Spelling This week in spelling the pattern is long and short e and long and short a. They should pay attention to the letters that form the long sound in each of the words. Is there a pattern? A pretest will be given on Monday of this week.

Reading This week, we will finish reading Akiak by Robert Blake. We will continue to focus on story structure. The children will also explore character and setting in depth. When your child is reading at home, you can practice and review story structure by asking them to identify characters, setting, and plot (which includes the problem, sequenced events, and the solution).

English- The English test is going to be held off until Wednesday. We need another day to review the subject and predicate of a sentence. They should bring their books home to begin studying for it. There are many review activities at the end of the chapter that will help them to practice.

Social Studies-The students willl be practicing their study skills this week as they prepare for the chapter 2 test which will only cover lesson 2 and 3 on Friday. They should be sure to review the vocabulary and the important review questions from each section. There are very important papers to go over in their social studies folder: The Social Studies Quest and Review of lesson 3 sheet. It will be very important for them to know the things on these sheets.

Science We have been squirming ahead in our worm unit. You may ask your child what they discovered about worms so far this week. Do they like damp or dry surfaces better? Do they respond to touch? How do the different parts of the worm respond to touch? How does your worm react to light?

The directions for their worm tracks will go home next week on Tuesday or Wednesday. After the students discover the results of their tests, They will be able to create the best worm race track.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 13-17

Things to Remember:
Monday, Sept. 13 - New Band Members Parent meeting

PE - A soccer test is scheduled for Wednesday, September 22nd. A study guide will go home on Friday. Please help your child review for this test.

Math There will be a test over unit 1 on Tuesday. Lessons 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 will be covered. The students may bring their textbooks home to help them study. They should also look over the sheets in their math folders for a review.

Spelling - This week the pattern is long and short "i" and "o". There are 5 challenge words added to the list. They will get a bonus points on their point card for spelling them correctly on the test, but they will not be graded on those words.

Reading -This week, we will read a story called Akiak that is written by Robert Blake. Akiak is about a world-famous Iditarod Race that takes place in the Alaskan wilderness. While we are reading, we will focus on story structure. We will use a story map to look at how a problem and its solution affect the story’s plot and characters. The children will also be working with the following vocabulary: blizzard, checkpoint, courageous, experienced, musher, and rugged. You may want to have your child review these key words with the e-game at

English The students will learn about the simple subject and simple predicates of a sentence. They will identify and edit run-on sentences. There will be a test over unit 1 The Sentence on Friday. The students will have homework throughout the week to help them review the concepts of this unit.

Science- The students will have a quiz on Wed. over the tools of inquiry and safety rules in the science lab. They should review their introductory lesson 1 and their safety rules sheet in their binder to help them study for the quiz.

We will begin our worm unit this week. We hope to begin on Tuesday, so if the kids have their worms and habitats done by then that would be great. As we progress through our worm unit the students will learn about the scientific method.

Social Studies - This week we will review the three branches of government. The students will understand ways that a person can become a citizen of the U.S. They will identify three types of services that are paid for by taxes, and understand three responsibilities of U.S. citizens. The children will make a T-chart to help them learn and study their vocabulary words.

Friday, September 3, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 7-10

Things to Remember:
Monday, September 6, 2010 No School/Labor Day
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Fourth and Fifth Grade Curriculum Night - Parents Only - 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Monday, September 13, 2010 Beginning Band Parent Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Multi-Purpose Room

Math - Mrs. Cavoto's Class
This week we will focus on reading and writing and identifying the place value of numbers through millions. They will also compare and order numbers through millions. Any extra help you can give your child through this unit would be great for them.

Spelling - This week in spelling we will continue to work on commonly misspelled words. The pretest for this lesson will be given on Tuesday, 9/7. Students that score 90% or better on the pretest will choose a challenge list of spelling words for the week. A test will be given on Friday for those students who do not score 90% or better.
Please refer to the new "All About Spelling" sheet coming home on Tuesday. This one may clear up any confusion you may have about the spelling procedures in class.

Reading This week in reading the students will learn to use skimming and scanning skills to locate answeres. During science, social studies, and reading, the students will be given tasks where they have to locate answers in the text. They will practice highlighting key words in questions or clues, and then skim the headlines, subtitles, captions, and passages to help them find the answers to those questions.

English - This week in English we will continue to work on Sentences. There will be a DOL quiz on Friday. This quiz will cover capitalization and end marks in the different kinds of sentences (commands, questions, statements, exclamations).

Social Studies - We will continue to study U.S. Government and they will work on their "Patriotic Quest" for lesson 2.

Science - Students will understand the steps of the Scientific Method. We will prepare for our worm unit. They should be thinking of a good spot to find a nice juicy worm that they can bring into class. I will let the children know when they should bring them in. More information will follow.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Aug.30-Sept. 3

Dates to Remember:

Friday, September 3 Intramural sheets due to Mrs. Cushing
Monday, September 6 No School/Labor Day
Tuesday, September 7 Fourth and Fifth Grade Curriculum Night - Parents Only - 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Monday September 13 Beginning Band Parent Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Multi-Purpose Room ber:

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may have.

*Don't forget to review the rules in the Parent Handbook with your child and please sign and send the green sheet back to school with him/her. The handbook can be found on the Prairieview web page.

*All 4th and 5th grade students have the opportunity to sign up for Intramural Games. This is a "free" after school program that allows your child to stay active. Permission slips will be sent out next week. Please return these to Mrs. Cushing by Friday, September 3rd.

Last week we spent much of our time organizing our things and getting to know each other. The children spent the first day learning about the PBIS program and the three behaviors that we will be working on all year. You may want to ask them to tell you about the three "B's" they learned about.(Be safe. Be responsible. Be respectful.)

Here are the plans for the week:

Math - We will begin the year with understanding place value. The students will model, read, write, and identify the place value of whole numbers through millions. They will understand that the position of the digit determines its value. They will also compare numbers through millions. They will know how to write the expanded form, standard form, and written form of a number into the millions.

If you need to know how a skill has been taught in class, you can refer to their math binder. Please keep all papers in their math binder. We will clean them out at the end of a the chapter together. They should only take out the papers that are in the take home side of the binder.

Spelling Each student will be given a pretest on Monday. A list will go home in their spelling binder each Monday with the new word pattern. Every day they will be given a homework assignment to complete at home. Tests will be given on Friday. If it is a short week then the test will be on Thursday. No tests will be given on a three day week. Please see the sheet that will come home on Monday of this week explaining the spelling program.

English - This week the students will review what a sentence is and the different kinds of sentences. (statements, questions, exclamations, and commands) They will practice writing sentences correctly during Daily Oral Language (DOL).

The children will also be writing an expository essay on something they are wild about.

Reading This week in reading the students will review and practice their reading strategies as they read the story The Pumpkin Runner by Marsha Diane Arnold. The reading strategies that we will focus on are : preview/infer, phonics/decoding, question, monitor/clarify, summarize, and evaluate.

Science- Last week in science the students participated in a textbook scavenger hunt. This was to help them become familar with the different parts of their book. This week they will learn the tools of inquiry which they will be using throughout the year and safety rules they will need to follow when participating in science class.
The children will also be working on the study skill of locating answers. They will learn how to find clue words that the can skim for in the titles, subtitles, captions, and highlighted words, as well as the paragraphs.

Social Studies We will begin a U.S. government unit this week. The students will understand what the Constitution is and why it is important. They will identify the three levels of government.

Friday, May 21, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 24-May 28

Things to Remember:
Tuesday, May 25- Special Junior Achievement session about money
Wednesday, May 26 - Our last Jr. Achievement session with Mr. Simpson
Friday, May 28 - Fourth grade bowling trip
Tuesday, June 1, School Picnic
Wednesday, June 2, Last day of school and report cards issued

This will be the last Newsletter of the year. It has been a pleasure working with your children this year. Thank you for all of your support. I hope you have a wonderful summer vacation.

Math- This week in math we will continue our work with fractions. The students will be adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. They will also be adding and subtracting mixed numbers, and fractions with unlike denominators.

Remember to practice your multiplication and division over the summer. It is so important for continued success in fifth grade. If the kids know their facts, the other concepts are much easier.

Spelling - We will not have a spelling unit this week. All grades are in for spelling.

English - The students will learn about adverbs this week. They will identify adverbs in sentences and recognize if they tell how, when, or where about the verb.

Reading - Our mystery unit will continue. The children have been doing a wonderful job working in their agencies on drawing conclusion and supporting these conclusions with evidence. They did an excellent job of writing stories using their vocabulary words and acting them out.

Social Studies- The students will learn about the Land in the West Region this week. They will identify the largest system of mountains in the United States. The will compare and contrast mountain ranges of the west and tell where they are located. They will also compare geysers to volcanoes.

Science - This week in science the children will learn about the Changes to Earth's Surface. Some of the Essential Questions that we will be studying are: What Are Some of Earth's Landforms? What Causes Change to Earth's Landforms? What are Fossils?

Friday, May 14, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 17-21

Things to Remember:

*Tuesday, May 18, Beginning Band Concert in the evening at Lakeview.
*Thursday, May 19, Cadet Band/Choir concert at 1:00
*Thursday, Fifty State Challenge (optional).
* Tuesday, May 25 Junior Achievement session (about money)
*Friday, May 28 Fourth grade bowling trip
*Monday, May 31, No school
*Tuesday, June 1, School Picnic
*Wednesday, June 2 Last day of school and report cards issued

Math- This week we will have math placement tests on Tuesday and Thursday. These tests are not graded. We will have a test on Friday of this week covering fractions. The lessons 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 and 15.5 in their textbook will be covered.

Spelling - We will be working with lesson 35 this week. This will be the last spelling lesson of fourth grade. Lesson 35 is a review unit. The children should focus on the rules of each lesson. The lesson 35 test asks the children to identify the misspelled word in each row.

English - The children will share their persuasive writing trying to convince me that they should have an extra recess. They write their final persuasive essay on Monday. They will be graded on the content and conventions of their paper.

Reading- Last week the students got into their Detective Agencies and chose a name for it and themselves. This week they will be reading, listening, and watching many mysteries. We will be discussing the elements of a mystery and important "detective" vocabulary. Throughout this study we will also review all the reading strategies that we have covered in fourth grade.

Social Studies This week the students will learn about the early culture of the Navajo people and their life today. They will describe "The Long Walk" and explain how the Navajo Council governs the Navajo Nation.

There will be an open book quiz on lesson 1 on Thursday of this week.

Science- There will be a science test over chapter 7, The Rock Cycle, on Friday of this week. What to study: Notes in binder, all vocabulary, main concepts and essential ideas.

The students should know:
*All vocabulary
*Know the physical properties and what they would show: luster, texture, hardness, streak, magnetism
*Know the layers of the Earth and what each layer is made mostly of
*Property of all soil horizons
*Understand weathering and erosion and the causes of each
*How are mountains and sink holes formed?
*How does the color of soil determine it origin?
*How are rocks alike and different? Be able to give 3 ways
*Know the three groups of rocks and how they are formed

Friday, May 7, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 10-May 14

Things to Remember:

*Monday, May 10 All students need to bring a sack lunch and drink on Monday. We will be eating in the classroom before we go to the Robert Crown Center. Students may want to bring a second snack for when we return in the afternoon.
*Friday, May 14th all poetry books are due.
*Friday May 14th Early Dismissal at 11:00
*Friday, may 28 *Bowling field trip May 28 (after lunch).
*Monday, May 30 No school
* Tuesday, June 1 All-school picnic
* Wednesday, June 2 Report Cards issued - Last day of school Spelling

Math - This week we will continue the study of fractions. The students will review equivalent fractions, compare and order fractions and mixed numbers, and read, and write mixed numbers. We will have a test on Thursday of the following week over fractions. Chapter 15 lessons 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.

Spelling- the suffixes ment and ness are added to words to form nouns. Test on Friday.

Reading - We will begin a unit on mysteries this week. The children will be reading, watching, and listening to many mysteries. We will review the elements of a mystery. The class will also review all our reading strategies throughout this unit. The children will also have time during to use our classroom computers to work on their poetry books. All poetry books are due on Friday, May 14. Don't forget to turn in reading folders.

English - In English this week we will continue to work on persausive writing. We are finishing up a persuasive essay that we have written together. Then they will write a persausive essay with a partner. Finally they will be ready to write a persausive essay on their own which I will take as two English grades- the content of their essay, and conventions (capital letters, punctuation, spelling)

Social Studies - This week the students will review the different climates of the Southwest and how the saguaro has adapted to desert climate and why it is important to the desert animals. They will also identify a nonrenewable resource in the Southwest and describe how technology of the Southwest has impacted the U.S.

There will be a test over Chapter 10 The land and Resources of the Southwest on Friday of this week. The students should prepare for this test by reviewing all vocabulary,
understanding the end of the lesson reviews:main concepts
studying the papers in their binder

Focus on:
how the Grand Canyon was formed
causes of the continued changes in the Canyon
why it is a national park today
why do people visit the Canyon today
what is the climate in the Southwest mostly like
what is a desert
understand how the saguaro has adapted to living in the desert
how does the saguaro help life in the desert
nonrenewable resource of the southwest (oil)
understand the different technology in the Southwest
understand what technology each state in the Southwest has
How do oil and technology play an important role in the economy of the Southwest?( Oil and technology has led to new business and jobs, which have given people another way besided farming to make a living. More people move to the area and this all helps improve the economy.

Science: This week in science the students will learn more about erosion and how erosion and weathering affect rocks. They will also compare particle sizes in different types of soil and describe what soil is. They will explain how soil forms, and how soils differ.

Friday, April 30, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room May 3-8th

Things to Remember:

Monday, May 10th- Robert Crown Field tirp. Students will need to bring a sack lunch and drink. We will eat in our classroom prior to our scheduled lunch time.

Thursday, May 7- Pet Rock Day- The students should find a rock they would like to bring into class to classify and identify. We will also give them names and make homes for them.

Smencil Sales: Students from Project Challenge have started a fundraiser for the ASPCA, a foundation to stop animal cruelty. The kids will be selling Smencils® (scented pencils) for a 1.00 each. The pencils will be sold each morning in the grade level areas. The sales will start Friday April 30th and go through May 28th. We will track our sales on the bulletin board by the multi-purpose room. For every twenty dollars we raise, one food bowl will go up on the bulletin board. So please help save our animals. Buy Smencils.

Math - This week in math we will be working number theories. The students will find factors and multiples using arrays and number lines. We will also use divisibility rules for 2, 5, 10, and 25. They will also identify, describe, extend and make patterns. The focus will be on lesson 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.

Spelling - We will be working with words that have tion in them. Test on Friday.

Reading - The children are doing a wonderful job on their poetry books. This has been a great activity to help us review our figurative language skills. Their poetry books are due on May 14th. They will have some time to work on them this week, but they may need to work on them at home too.

English - There will be a test on Tuesday over pronouns. The students will have a homework assignment to help them review. They should study the end of the chapter pages to help them prepare as well.

We will begin persausive writing this week. Can they think of a time when they have tried to presaude you to do something for them or with them?

Science - This week the students will learn what the rock cycle is and how it works. They will have a quiz on it on Thursday of this week over the rock cycle.

Social Studies - The students will have a map quiz on Wednesday of this week. They will have to put the Southwest States correctly on the map. They will also have to include the Colorado River, The Rio Grande, and The Gulf of Mexico. They will have a map to color in and label for Tuesday. They should be sure to follow the rater on that, so they include all they need in it. That will go home on Monday.

Friday, April 23, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 26-30

Things to Remember:

Tuesday, April 27-Straight A's recognized
Wednesday, April 28 -Second Jr. Achievement session

Don't forget to keep track of your reading folder. They should be turned in after 7 days of reading.

Math This week in math we will continue to work on long division. They will divide 3 digit numbers and money by 1 digit numbers. Lessons 2.2 They will also divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers where there are zeros in the quotient. There will be a test on long division on Chapter 11 lessons 11.1, 11.3, 11.5, 11.6 and 11.7 and chapter 12 lessons 12.2 and 12.3.

Spelling This week the children will spell words with le.

Reading - We will continue working on our review of figurative language and clarifying as we read. We will begin a poetry project this week. The children will be writing all kinds of different poetry.

English - In English this week the students will identify object and possessive pronouns in sentences. They practice using I and me in a sentence and they will combine pronouns and verbs to write contractions.

*There will be a test on Tuesday, May 4 covering pronouns chapter 6.

Science This week in science the students will compare the different kinds of rocks-sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. They will understand the different ways in which they were formed. They will understand what the rock cycle is and model the steps in the rock cycle.

Social Studies - We will have a test over the culture of the Ojibwa Indians on Tuesday of this week.
They should study the information on pages 256-259.

They should know:

Where did the Ojibwa live? They moved from the Atlantic Coast to the northern Great Lakes region.

How did the Ojibwa use the natural resources (trees, lakes/rivers, forests) of the land they settled in?

Why were canoes so important?

How did the Ojibwa earn a living?

What did the Ojibwa do for fun?

How did they get their food?

Why didn't they farm?

How did fur trade change Ojibwa culture? What were the advantages/disadvantages(They became less self-sufficient)

Explain the life of the Ojibwa today.

How do they keep their heritage alive today?

Friday, April 16, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 19-23

Things to Remember:
*Wednesday, April 21 4th Grade Talent show
*Wednesday, April 21 - Junior Achievement .
*Thursday, April 22 - Earth Day- Wear Earth Day shirts or colors of nature (ex. green or brown).*
*Thursday, April 22 -Early Dismissal on Thursday, 11:00
*Tuesday, April 27 Straight A's

It was great seeing many of you at the Spring Open House. The children were so proud and excited to share all their wonderful work with you. I want to thank you all for attending

Math - In math this week we will continue to work on long division. They will divide 1 digit numbers into 2 and 3 digit dividends. Any help at home is greatly appreciated. We will cover lessons 11.1, 11.3 and 11. 7. We will also work on lesson 12.2 dividing with money and dividing 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers when there are zeros in the quotient. That is lesson 12.3. The children should be ready for a quiz on Tuesday to show understanding of dividing 1 digit into a 2 digit dividend. See their binders for examples of the problems we have been doing in class.

Spelling- This week the students will be learning about plural possessives. When a plural noun ends with s, add only an apostrophe to make the possessive form ( ex. farmers' crops) When a plural noun does not end in s, add 's to make the plural form (ex. children's toys).

Reading - We will begin a poetry study this week. This unit will review all types of figurative language. The children will be making their own poetry book.

Social studies - This week we will continue to study the culture of the Ojibwa tribe. There will be a quiz over this on Thursday of this week. They should bring home their books and use the information in their binders to study for this quiz.

Science - We will begin our Earth Science unit this week. We will be studying the Earth's formations. They should know the 9 landforms and be able to describe them. Mountains, hills, valleys, canyons, plains, plateaus, deltas and dunes and islands.

Friday, April 9, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 12-17

Things to Remember:

Monday, April 12 - Turn in reading folders if they were not turned in last week
Tuesday, April 13 - Inventions, Contract, & Grading Rubric due Tuesday.
Thursday, April 15 -Spring Open House 6:30-8:00.
Thursday, April 22 Earth Day- Wear Earth Day shirts or colors of nature (ex. green or brown).
Thursday, April 22 Early Dismissal at 11:00.
Tuesday, April 27 -Straight A's recognized

Math - In math this week, we will review multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers and with money. I will give a short quiz on Monday over multiplication of 2 & 3 digit numbers. There will be a test on Wednesday of this week. It will cover lessons from chapter 9 and 10. These are the lesson that will be covered. 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6 10.1, 10.6, 10.7.

Spelling -This week our lesson is on possessive nouns. A possessive noun shows ownership. It is made by adding 's to a singular noun. Do not change the spelling of the base word when you add the 's.

Reading - In reading fourth graders will continue to work on personification and self-questioning. We will continue our work with porquoi tales. The students will do choral readings and write their own.

English - This week in English the students will learn about pronouns. They will identify subject pronouns and object pronouns and substitute them for nouns in sentences.

Social Studies We will begin a chapter to learn about the people of the Midwest Region.
The students will learn about the Ojibawa culture and describe the the ways that it has changed since the mid-1600's.

Science - This week the students will learn about the inclined plane, screws, and wedges. We will be investigating with cars and ramps. There will be a test over chapter 17 on simple
machines. The test will be on Thursday of this week.
The students should know:

All vocabulary
Study the main concepts from the book
Study the worksheets in folder
the scientific explanation of work
understand all the simple machines and what they are made of
know a few examples of the different simple machines and understand how they can make work easier
What simple machine works with a wedge
understand where the fulcrum is on different levers and what it may look like

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 5-9th

Welcome Back!

Things to Remember:
Monday-April 5th school resumes
Thursday-April 8 Otis Lennon Scholastic Ability Test
Tuesday, April 13th Inventions due

Thursday, April 15 - Prairieview Open House

Math - This week in math we will work on multiplying 3 & 4 digit numbers and money by 1 digit. They will also multiply numbers with zeros by 1 - digit numbers. We will also work on multiplying 2 digit numbers by multiples of tens using place value and mental math, and 2 digit and 3 digit numbers and money by 2 and 3 digit numbers.

A math test is planned for Tuesday, April 13th over Chapters 9 & 10.

Spelling- The prefixes mis and dis - Do not change the spelling of the base word when a prefix is added.

Reading - In reading this week the focus will be on the Genre of Pourquoi Tales. Pourquoi Tales are folktales that explain how something in nature came to be. Pourquoi is a French word that means "Why." We will introduce and develop understanding of personification. Self-questioning will be the reading strategy for the week.

English - We will review the process of writing an expository essay. They will write an essay on their own that will be graded using the state rubric.

An English grade will be given on their Convention oral presentation. They should practice giving their presentations at home.

Social Studies The students will explain why the Midwest is an important agricultural region. They will undestand the need for irrigation on some farms and identify the rainfall in the Midwest and how it effects the growth of plants. They will be able to identify many crops grown in the Midwest,Central,and Great Plains. **A test is planned for Thursday, April 8th over chapter 8.

The students should prepare for the test by:

Studying all vocabulary and main concepts from the book. They could make a T-chart or use note cards to help.

The should know:
why the flow of the Chicago River was changed
why the Midwest is an important agricultural region
difference between badlands today and millions of years ago
why climate changed in the badlands
understand irrigation
products of Wisconsin
products of other states in the Midwest
how the Great Lakes were formed
the five Great Lakes
How a lock works
advantages/disadvantages of shipping by barge
prairie/badlands good for farming? Which is better?

Science - In science this week the students will continue to learn about simple machines. They will investigate pulleys and wheel and axles. They will explain how they work and how they change how work is done.

Remember to look at the invention calendar to keep up to date on what needs to be turned in and when.

Friday, March 19, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room March 22-26

Plan Ahead:
*March 25- Field Trip to the Museum of Science and Industry-Bring $8.00 or a sack lunch.
*Week of March 29 - Spring Break- Students will return on Monday, April 5
*April 13 - Inventions, contract (with a neatly-drawn colored diagram on back), and grading rubric due. Students need to be prepared to present their inventions to the class. An English grade will be take on their Oral presentations as well as a science grade.
*Thursday, April 15 - Spring Open House. Inventions will be displayed in the fourth grade classrooms during this event.

*Invention Convention - The children will receive an informative letter, contract and rubric on Monday for our annual Invention Convention. They will need to brainstorm an everyday problem and develop an invention to solve this problem. On Thursday, the children will need to bring in their signed completed contract for my approval. They should not begin building their invention until they have my approval.

Math - In math this week we will begin a unit on multiplication of higher numbers. We will review the vocabulary product, factor and multiple. The students will use a basic fact and a pattern to multiply mentally. They will estimate products by rounding factors or using compatible numbers and then finding the product mentally. They will multiply 2, 3, and 4 digit by 1 digit numbers and money by 1 digit numbers. Lessons 9.1, 9.2, 9.4 and 9.5 will be covered.

Spelling- This week the students will review words that have the prefix un and in. Un and in mean the opposite of or not.They should know that the spelling of a word does not change when a prefix is added. Test Friday.

Reading - This week we will wrap up our novel study. The students will have a vocabulary quiz on words from their novel on Friday of this week. They should know the meanings of the words and be able to write them in a good sentence.

Fourth grade students will be reviewing the strategies of clarifying and inferring this week. We will be using a biograpghy called Louis Braille, The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind. The vocabulary will include: pinpricks, patterns, succeeding, discouraged, simplified, and institute. This reading selection is from our anthology. It is included in a theme called Problem Solvers.

English We will continue to work on our expository writing. The students will work on their closings this week and then put the informaton from the graphic organizer into a rough draft format. They will not take this model to a final draft. Then they will be ready to work with a partner on their next writing. By the end of the week they should be ready to write an expository essay on their own.

Science - This week in science we are beginning a unit on simple machines. The students will learn how simple machines help people do work.

Social Studies - We will review lesson 1 and the students will have an open book quiz on " The Great Lakes and other waterways that connect the Midwest to the world".

The students will learn about the landscape and climate of the Badlands 67 million years ago and why it changed. The will define erosion and describe the way it changes the land. They will define prairie and describe the types of life that live there.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room March 15-19

Things to Remember:

*Monday, March15 - Max and Erma's District fundraiser
*Tuesday, March 16 - Roller Skating Party 3:45-6:30
*Thursday, March 25- Museum of Science and Industry
* Monday, March 29- First day of Spring Break

Spelling - This week is a review week. The words that come home this week follow the pattern of the words that will be tested. They should study the pattern and bring home their workbooks to see some of the other words in the review unit to study. It will be a multiple choice test.

Math - This week in math the students will learn about the metric units of measure. They will learn about metric mass and capacity and how to convert those measurements. They should learn the rule for converting measurements: Larger unit to a smaller unit - multiply, smaller unit to larger unit - divide.This will make it much easier for them.
**There will be a test over measurement, chapter 22 on Friday of this week.

Reading In reading this week, we will continue to read our novels. The reading strategies we will focus on are summarizing and making connections. Don't forget to keep track in your reading log and turn it in.

English - This week we will continue to work on expository writing. After evaluating hooks from a variety of literature and understanding what they are and how they are used, we will write a hook together for our essay: What animal would make a good house pet? After writing the hook, the students will take their organized ideas and formulate 2 key ideas from it. They will then learn how to use different kinds of support to elaborate on those ideas.

Social Studies - This week we will begin a unit on the Midwest Region. The students will learn about the water and land of the Midwest. There will be a map quiz on Thursday of this week. They will have a homework assignment to fill in the midwest map. They should follow the direction sheet to do this.

Science - The students will learn why the force of gravity is important. The will obsere the forces involved in circular motion. They will identify several natural forces including gravity and friction, and explain weight and how it is measured.

Friday, March 5, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room March 8-12

Things to Remember:
March 8-12, Parent Teacher conferences
March 9 - Report cards issued
March 12 - No School
Monday, March 15 - District Eat Out Fundraiser at Max & Ermas
Tuesday, Mach 16 - Rollerskating Party
Thursday, March 25 - Field Trip to The Museum of Science and Industry

Volunteers are needed to help chaperone the field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. Please let me know if you can join us.

Raise a Reader Challenge:
Look for the flyer that was sent home Friday. It announces a reading incentive program that Prairieview is encouraging called “Raise a Reader.” Parents sign up your child starting Monday the 8th by going to:
All students who sign up will get to put their first name and teacher's name up on the bulletin board in the front hallway. So join the fun and keep reading!

Math - In math this week we will continue to work with our measurement unit chapter 22. The students will learn to change linear customary units. This is a difficult skill and your child may need extra help at home with this. They will also learn about customary weight and capacity. There will be little quizes throughout this unit to test the skills they learned the day before. Lessons 22.2, 22.3 22.4, 22. 6, and 22.7 will be covered this week.

Spelling- This week the words to study have ture. The other words to know are words from social studies and science.

Language - This week we will begin a unit on expository writing. The students will review the elements of an expository essay. We will work together through each step of the process of writing an expository essay.

Reading - In reading this week we will begin a new novel study. There are two different books that we will be reading in class. Ask your child what book he/she is reading. During our novel study we will be focusing on the reading strategies. This week the children will review previewing/predicting, making connections, and visualizing. They will also work on their vocabulary development.

Social Studies - The students will be able to explain why Atlanta is an important transportation center and identify the causes of growth in Southeastern cities. There will be a test over Chapter 7 on Tuesday, March 9.

The students should study: The worksheets in their folders and the main ideas of the textbook.

They should know:

*All vocabulary

*Important people: Sequoyah, Davy Crocket, George Washington, Rosa Parks, Danile Boone, Juan Ponce de Leon, Robert LaSalle, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr. Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson

*Important places: Roanoke Island St. Augustine, Florida

*Explain: how the Cherokee had to adapt there way of life after the Europeons arived,

*Causes of the civil war,

*How Martin Luther King, Jr. protested segregation

* Reasons for moving into cities in the Southeast now

Science There will be a science test on Thursday of this week. The students should study all the sheets in their folder and the main ideas in their textbook.

They should know: *All vocabulary

They should understand:

* Energy stored in a battery

*Series/parallel circuts - How do they work?

* Understand how different kinds of energy are produced/ hydroelectric Power, Geothermal Power, Solar Power

*Good conductors/insulators

*How electric generators work

*Two kinds of energy

*Four sources of energy

Friday, February 26, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room March 1-5

Things to Remember:
March 1 - No school - Casimir Pulaski Day
March 2-March 5 - ISAT testing
March 5 - End of 2nd Trimester
March 8 - 10 Parent Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, March 9 - Report Cards
Friday, March 12 - No School

ISAT Testing: Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and has a healthy breakfast each morning. We will be testing in the morning and afternoon. Your child may want to bring an extra snack and/or drink to help keep them focused for both tests each day.

Spelling - This week the rule is when a word ends with sh, ch, x or s, add es to make the plural form. When a word ends with se, ce, ze, or ge, drop the e and add es to make the plural.

There will not be a spelling test this week.

Language Arts - This week the students will choose a fable to practice and perform in front of the class.

Social Studies - The students will understand the impact the Civil War had on the Southeast. They will describe how the Southeast changed during the Reconstruction. They will also analyze the development of the Civil Rights Movement.

There will be a test over Chapter 7 on Tuesday, March 9. The students should study: The worksheets in their folders and the main ideas of the textbook.

They should know:
*all vocabulary
*important people: Sequoyah, Davy Crocket, George Washington, Rosa Parks, Danile Boone, Juan Ponce de Leon, Robert LaSalle, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr. Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson
*important places: Roanoke Island St. Augustine, Florida
*Explain: how the Cherokee had to adapt there way of life after the Europeons arived, causes of the civil war, how Martin Luther King, Jr. protested segregation, reasons for moving into cities in the Southeast now

Science- This week the students will describe the uses of chemical and mechanical energy and how chemical energy can be changed to other forms of energy.

There will be a test covering chapter 15 on Thursday, March 11. The students should review all papers in their binders, understand the main ideas in the book and all vocabulary.

More information will follow.

Friday, February 19, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Feb. 22-26

Things to Remember:

Monday, March 1- No school Casimir Polaski Day
March 2-March 5 - ISAT Testing
Friday, March 4 - End of second trimester
Friday, March 12 - No school Parent teacher conferences

Thank You!

I want to thank Mrs. Caldarazzo for organizing the Valentine's Day party, Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Melendez for sending in the drinks and treats, and Mrs. Mendoza and Merrinete for organizing the games. It was wonderful having all your help.

Conference notes are going home this week. Spring conferences are scheduled with the math teachers. If the homeroom teacher feels a conference is necessary you will be contacted as well.

Math - In math this week the students will work on their problem solving skills. They will practice using a calculator to solve problems. They will solve math problems and then write an explanation using a T-chart to show what they did and why they did it. They will have a test on Thursday covering this. To help them study, they should review the papers that we do throughout the week. They will have homework each night that will help them practice.

Spelling The rule this week is to use tch immediately after a , short vowel in a one-syllable word. Use ch in most other words.

Reading -This week in reading the students will study and compare the genres of fairytales, folktales, fables, and myths. They will choose a fable to practice and perform. They will continue to read passages and write responses to them.

English - The students will review their knowledge of the different styles of figurative language : onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors, rhyme, and idioms. There will be a quiz on Friday over this.

Social Studies - In social studies this week, the students will identify the causes of the civil war and explain its effects on the Southeast.

Science - In science this week we will study energy uses and their sources. The students will also describe the uses of chemical and mechanical energy and how chemical energy can be changed to other forms of energy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room February 15-19

Things to Remember:

Friday, February 19 Classroom Reading club party/Folders due on Thursday FEb. 18
Friday, February 19 Six Flag Great America Reading Club sheets due
Tuesday, February 23 - Movie Night permission slips due
Thursday, February 25 -Spring Picture Day
Friday, February 26 Ozzie Reading Club sheets due
Friday, February 26 Movie Night

Math - The students should bring home their text books to help them review for the quiz covering lessons 21.1(faces, edges, vertices, and identification of solid figures) 21.3 (Patterns of solid figures) and 21.4 (different views of solid figures) in chapter 21.

Reading - This week in reading the students will continue to work on author's purpose and motivation. The students will work on writing an extended response to a passage using the text and their own ideas. This involves the students using evidence from the text and then making inferences on their own to explain what the evidence means. They may be bringing this home to work on. They have samples in their reading binders that we have done together. Any help that you can give them on this would be great.

Reading folders are due on Thursday of this week.

English - The test over adjectives will be on Thursday, instead of Wednesday this week. Look for homework to come home that will help the students review.

Science - In science this week the students will learn about different kinds of energy and where it comes from. They will investigate variables that affect the amount of potential energy an object has. They will recognize that energy can change forms and that electricity can be produced by energy transormations of different kinds.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Feb. 8-12

Things to Remember:

Friday, February 12 - Valentine's Day Party 1:30-2:15

Monday, February 15 - No School President's Day

Friday, February 19- Classroom Reading Club Party - Six Flags Reading Club deadline

Thursdy, February 25- Spring Pictures on Thursday

Friady, February 26 - Ozzie's Reading Club deadline

Friday, February 26 - Movie Night

Math - There will be a quiz on Tuesday over congruent and similar figures, symmetry, and finding patterns. These are lessons 20.1, 20.3, and 20.6 in chapter 20 of their textbook. They should review their 3 times tables. They will have a test over their 3 facts on Friday.

The students will identify, classify, describe, and make solid figures this week.

Reading - This week in reading the students will read and compare different genres. They will identify the author's purpose and motivation for writing a passage. We will work with figurative language and the students will learn about onomatopoeia and idioms.

English - We will continue our work with adjectives this week. The students will learn that a, an, and the are adjectives. They will also learn how to make comparisons using er and iest and more and most. They will also learn to write the correct forms of good and bad. A test is planned for Wednesday, February 17 over adjectives.

Social Studies - This week the students will learn about the early history of the Southeast. They will learn about some of the early explorers and what they originally set out to accomplish. Did they accomplish their goals or not? They will learn about St. Augustine, the first permanent European setlement in the U.S., and they will learn about Roanoke, " The Lost Colony".

Science - In science this week we will explore magnetic fields. The students will discover that magnetic forces are strongest at the poles. They will learn that the earth has two magnetic poles. The north magnetic pole and the south magnetic pole. The needle in a compass is a magnet. The colored one-half of the needle points to the north magnetic pole of the earth.

Friday, January 29, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room February 1-5

Things to Remember:

Tuesday, Feb. 2 -No school on Tuesday - Teachers' Institute.

Thursday, Feb.4 - District spelling bee on Thursday, at 1:00

Friday, Feb. 12 Valentine's Day Party 1:30-2:15

Monday, February 15 No school - Presidents' Day.

Friday, February 19-Six Flags Reading Club deadline

Thursday, February 25 - Spring Pictures on Thursday,

Friday, February 19 - Classroom Reading Club party

Friday, February 26 - Ozzie's Reading Club deadline

Friday,February 26 - Movie Night

Math - This week in math we will review circles. There will be a quiz on circles and quadrilaterals on Wednesday (lessons 19. 6 & 19.7). The children should recognize the diameter and radius of a circle and understand how to figure out what they are when given the length of one or the other. They should understand and be able to recognize the different quadrilaterals. They should use their text book and their worksheets to help them. We will begin chapter 20 on motion geometry. The students will identify congruent and similar figures. They will identify, predict and describe the results of transformations: translation (slide), rotation (turn) and reflection (flip). They will also identify, describe,extend, and make geometric patterns. Lessons 20.1, 20.3, 20.6 will be covered.

Wednesday, February 3- quiz circles and quadrilaterals

Friday, February 5 - quiz division 9

Tuesday, February, 9th - quiz Lessons 20.1, 20.3, and 20.6.

Spelling - The spelling rule/pattern of the week. Words that have 1 syllable, 1 vowel and end with 1 consonant are called 1 + 1 + 1 words. Double the final consonant of a 1 +1 +1 word before you add an ending that begins with a vowel, such as ed or ing. Do not double the final consonant of a 1 + 1 + 1 word when you add an ending that begins with a consonant.

Reading - In reading this week, we will continue to work on our reading responses. We will also work on the skill of making inferences. The children will be reading fiction and nonfiction genre to help them understand and practice this skill.

English - We will begin a unit on adjectives this week. The students will identify adjectives that tell what kind and how many. They will also practice writing adjectives before the verb be and after.

Science - In science this week the students will understand that electrical conductors allow electric charges to move through them easily and insulators do not. They will experiment to find out which materials are conductors or insulators.

Social Studies - In social studies this week the children will learn about the native American tribe, the Cherokee, whom lived in the Southeast. They will understand their way of life before the Europeans came to North America, and how their culture changed after. They will identify the Trail of Tears and its impact on the Cherokee.

Friday, January 22, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 25-Jan29

News to Remember:
*January 29 -Family Reading Night Permission Slips due
*January 29 - PTO Bingo Night
*February 2 - Teacher Institute
*February 15 - No School

Math - This week in math the students will classify triangles and quadrilaterals. They will also understand what a circle is and learn about the different parts of a circle. There will be a test on Wednesday over their 8 division facts. There will be a quiz on Friday over lessons 1-5. They should review those lessons in their textbooks to help them study.

Spelling - Pattern/Rule: Words that have 1 syllable and 1 vowel and end with 1 consonant are called 1 + 1 + 1 words. Double the final consonant of a 1 + 1 + 1 word before you add an ending that begins with a vowel, such as ed or ing.

English In English this week the students will learn about the special verb be: am, is, are, was, were. They will also review contractions with not.
*There will be a test over verbs on Friday of this week. Unit 3. The children will have homework throughout the week to help them review verbs.

Science - We will begin a new unit this week on electricity. The students will investigate how to light a light bulb. They will also explain static and currect electricity.

This Thursday our class will have Mr. Lee's Science Magic. Mr. Lee will visit our classroom for most of the day to do many activities with us on electricity. Please have your child wash their hair the day or night before. They should also refrain from using hairspray, gel, mousse, etc. Clean, dry hair will work best with one of the experiments.

Reading - The children will be working on a written response to go with the story Lou Gherig.
They will also work on the strategy of using the context to help them determine word meaning, and they will be reading several passages on the same topic to find similarities and differences within the information in them.

Monday, January 18, 2010

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room January 19-22

News to Remember:
*Tuesday, January 26 Permission slip for PV Bingo Night permission slips
*Friday, January 29 PV Bingo Night
*Friday, January 29 Family Reading Night permission slips due

Math This week in math we will begin a geometry unit. Lessons 19.1, 19.2, 19.3 & 19.4 will be covered. The students will learn about points, lines, rays and angles. They will use geoboards to help them understand the difference between right angles, obtuse, and acute angles. They will also review perpendicular, parrallel and intersecting lines using the geoboards.

There will be a short quiz on Thursday covering lines, rays, and angles. They will need to identify the the different kinds of lines perpendicular, parrallel, and intersecting. They will also need to identify rays and the different angles: right angles, obtuse and acute angels.

Spelling - Unit 17 is a review of lessons 10-16. Please note: The children will be tested on any words (not necessarily the words listed below) from lessons 10-16. They should study the rules from the units. The test will ask the children to find the word in each row that is misspelled, it will not be a regular spelling test.

Reading The students will read a biography of Lou Gherig. They will work on the skill of cause effect and fact opinion.

English - The students will continue their work with verbs. They will review spelling verbs in the past tense, the past with helping verbs and irregular verbs. They will begin the writing process for a new expository writing topic. They will choose a person in their life who is a hero to them and write an expository essay about this person.

Social Studies- There is a test scheduled for Wednesday, January 20th over chapter 6, The Land of the Southeast.
Your children should study: all papers in their binders, review lesson in the back of the chapter, and review all vocabulary

Focus on:
landforms of the Southeast and their elevations compared to each other (which one has the lowest, highest, etc)
climate of the Southeast & Florida
understand what a hurricane is, how it forms, and be able to give examples of how it can be destructive
purpose of lighthouses
know some resources of the Southeast and what they are used for
know the animals of the southeast region and the areas of the Southeast they live-( example: alligators- swamps of Florida)
know the crops/product and resources of the Southeast region and where they are found (Example oranges are mostly grown if Florida, coal is found in Kentucky and West Virginia)

Science A science test is scheduled for Friday, January 22 over chapter 3.
The children should study: all vocabulary, all papers in their binders, lesson reviews at the end of the chapter

Focus on:
all vocabulary
how plants & animals meet their basic needs
understand the difference between learned behavior and instincts (be able to give examples)understand hibernation and what happens to an animal when it goes into hibernation
extinction(know examples of plants and animals that are extinct and not extinct from the book)adaptations and how they are used
Life cycle of a tree and the importance of each stagen (study picture in their binder)
How do fossils help scientists know the size of an animal or how it moves or eats?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room January 11-18

Dates to Remember:

January 18 -- M.L. King's Birthday -- No School

February 2 -- Teacher's Institute -- No School

February 15 -- President's Day -- No School

March 1 -- Casimir Pulaski Day -- No School

March 12 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School

IOWA Testing will be done this week. Please be sure to have your child eat a healthy breakfast and get a good night's sleep.

Math - This week the students will use line plots to review and organize data. There is a quiz covering mean, median, and mode on Thursday and a test over chapter 7, lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Friday.

Reading News: Don't forget the the minutes that you have spent reading for the independent reading in class can be used to fill in your Great America and Ozzie's Reading Club incentives. You just need to be sure to turn in all of them. Please turn in Ozzies form after you complete two weeks. So that I can award the progress of getting around the bases.

Social Studies- There is a test scheduled for Wednesday, January 20th over chapter 6 The Land of the Southeast.

Your children should study:
papers in their binder
Review lesson in the back of the chapter
all lesson reviews
all vocabulary

They should know:
landforms of the Southeast and their elevations compared to each other (which one has the lowest, highest, etc)
climate of the Southeast & Florida
understand what a hurricane is, how it forms, and be able to give examples of how it can be destructive
purpose of lighthouses
know some resources of the Southeast and what they are used for
know the animals of the southeast region and the areas of the Southeast they live-( example: alligators- swamps of Florida)
know the crops/product and resources of the Southeast region and where they are found (Example oranges are mostly grown if Florida)

Science A science test is scheduled for Friday, January 22 over chapter 3.

The children should study:
all vocabulary
all papers in their binder
lesson reviews at the end of the chapter and lessons
all vocabulary

They should know:
all vocabulary
how plants meet their basic needs
understand the difference between learned behavior and instincts (be able to give examples)
understand hibernation and what happens to an animal when it goes into hibernation
extinction(know examples of plants and animals that are extinct and not extinct from the book)
adaptations and how they are used
Life cycle of a tree and the importance of each stage
How do fossils help scientists know the size of an animal or how it moves or eats?