Things to Remember:
December 16 - Bowling Field Trip (afternoon)
December 17 - All School Field Trip to the Tivoli (It is a good idea to Bring your lunch to school - lines will be very long for those who are doing hot lunch on this day.)
December 20 - Winter Break begins
January 3 - Classes Resume after Winter Break
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
The permission slip and fee for the Tivoli field trip is due by Monday, 12/13.
There is a test in PE on Tuesday, 12/14. The test will cover the bowling unit.
Math - This week in math we will work on changing units of time. They will learn that when you change a large unit of time, like hours, to a small unit of time, like minutes, you will need to multiply. You will be able to use the reteach sheet and other sheets in their folders to help them with this skill. They will also practice reading a thermometer in Celsius and Fahrenheit. There will be a quiz on the multiplication facts on Friday of this week. They should be reviewed every night.
Spelling - There will be no spelling test this week.
Reading The first strategy that we focus on this week in reading is making inferences. A writer doesn't always explain every fact or detail about when writing a story. The writer expects that readers will fill in missing information from their own experience. Good readers do this by putting together what they already know and what they have read to make the best guess they can. When readers add information from their own experience to what is stated in a text, they are making an inference. We will also study the reading skill of comparing and contrasting. Students will practice comparing pieces of literature that are similar and different.
Social Studies - We will have Southeast Resource Day on Wednesday of this week. Would anyone like to volunteer to bring in some of the food that is produced from the Southeast. It would be great if they are sent in ready to eat. Examples of food: Oranges, rice, peaches, grapefruit, Orange juice, peach jam and crackers, popcorn. Just send me an e-mail if you would like to send in something. I am open for other suggestions.
The children will learn about the Native Americans of the Southeast, the Cherokee, this week. They describe how the Cherokee lived before Europeans came to North America. They will evaluate how Cherokee culture changed after Europeans came to the Southeast.
Science - There will be a test on Chapter 3 on Wednesday of this week. All lessons will be covered. They should study all the sheets in their science binder along with their textbook.
They should:
Know all vocabulary
understand the basic needs of all living things
understand learned behavior &be able to give examples of learned behavior
understand instinct behavior & be able to give examples of instinctive behavior
understand what happens during hybernation
adaptations of different animals and how it helps the animals
understand the life cycle of a tree/know the stages and tell what happens in each stage (use the diagram we made in class to help you study or the book has a whole page on this)
understand the causes of animal populations shrinking in certain areas
What can fossils tell scientists about things that lived long ago?