News to Remember:
*January 29 -Family Reading Night Permission Slips due
*January 29 - PTO Bingo Night
*February 2 - Teacher Institute
*February 15 - No School
Math - This week in math the students will classify triangles and quadrilaterals. They will also understand what a circle is and learn about the different parts of a circle. There will be a test on Wednesday over their 8 division facts. There will be a quiz on Friday over lessons 1-5. They should review those lessons in their textbooks to help them study.
Spelling - Pattern/Rule: Words that have 1 syllable and 1 vowel and end with 1 consonant are called 1 + 1 + 1 words. Double the final consonant of a 1 + 1 + 1 word before you add an ending that begins with a vowel, such as ed or ing.
English In English this week the students will learn about the special verb be: am, is, are, was, were. They will also review contractions with not.
*There will be a test over verbs on Friday of this week. Unit 3. The children will have homework throughout the week to help them review verbs.
Science - We will begin a new unit this week on electricity. The students will investigate how to light a light bulb. They will also explain static and currect electricity.
This Thursday our class will have Mr. Lee's Science Magic. Mr. Lee will visit our classroom for most of the day to do many activities with us on electricity. Please have your child wash their hair the day or night before. They should also refrain from using hairspray, gel, mousse, etc. Clean, dry hair will work best with one of the experiments.
Reading - The children will be working on a written response to go with the story Lou Gherig.
They will also work on the strategy of using the context to help them determine word meaning, and they will be reading several passages on the same topic to find similarities and differences within the information in them.