Things to Remember:
November 24, 25, 26 -- Thanksgiving Holiday -- No Schoool
December 3 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences -- No School
If anyone has any pieces of material to send in for an art project that would be great. We are looking to cut about 1 inch squares from them for our scarecrows.
Conferences Nov. 29-Dec.3- Notices will be sent home. Please send them back to confirm your time with me. If you need to change just let me know.
Math - The students should continue to practice their multiplication facts. I will be giving timed tests on Friday to review the multiplication facts. Once they have shown me they know their multiplication facts, I will test them on their division facts. This week the students will learn the properties of multiplication: Associative, identity, Zero property, and Commutative Property. They will also practice writing multiplication and division expressions.
Spelling - Words spelled with oo may have different sounds. They may have the sounds as in tool, or wood. Workbook pages 137-139 are assigned this week. The children who have pretested out will choose the three different activities to do with their words. WB pages and activities are due on Friday.
Reading - We will work on making inferences and evaluating during reading this week. Good readers should always think about their reactions to what they are reading and why they are reacting that way. This strategy is called “evaluating”. As you are reading the story think about these things: How does the author make the story come alive and make you want to keep reading? What was entertaining, informative, or useful about what you read? How did you react to the story? Did you agree or disagree with what you read? How well did you understand what you were reading? Did you enjoy reading it?
English - This week we will begin descriptive writing. The students will learn how to use colorful language to make their writing come alive. They will work with similes and adjectives as they find them in their reading as well as using them in their writing.
Social Studies The students will identify and describe major landforms in the Southeast. They will be able to explain how barrier islands are formed, and compare and contrast the landform elevations in the Southeast.
Science - This week we will begin a unit on Adaptations. The students will study how the bodies of animals help them meet their needs. What are the basic needs of all living things? (food, water, air, and shelter)