Important Dates:
Thursday, March 3 - End of Trimester
Friday, March 4 - Institute Day - No School
Math - The students will use right angles and straight angles to determine the measure of the interior angles in pattern blocks. They will use pattern blocks to measure angles of the rotation on a clock and determine the fraction of a complete turn represented by the angle of each rotation. The students will make angles using pattern blocks. We will also review the definition of a circle and understand and identify the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle.
Spelling- This week the students will work with words that have the vowel consonant vowel pattern. They will be responsible for workbook pages 144-146.
Language Arts - The students will continue to read about the Adventures of Edward Tulane. They will respond to their reading in their journal as they compare and contrast characters actions and relate the actions to the actions and descriptions in a poem they will also read. They will continue to study the traits of the characters and settings in the story and use evidence to support their answers.
Science- We will begin a new unit on The Human Body. The students will understand that cells are the building blocks of the body. They will learn that a group of the same kind of cells make up tissues, and a group of the same kind of tissues make up organs, and different organs make up systems. The students will also understand how the digestive system works.
Social Studies - The students will explain how the Great Lakes were formed and how they are connected to the Atlantic Ocean.