Friday, February 5, 2016
News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Feb. 8-Feb. 12
Thursday, Feb. 11- Valentine's Day Party- The students may bring in Valentines to pass out for each child in the room. It will be from 1:40-2:20.
Friday, Feb. 12 & 15- No School
Tuesday & Wednesday, Feb. 16-17, - Parent/Teacher conferences
Math - We will review the subtraction strategies. There will be a checkup quiz on Tuesday over subtraction of 3 & 4 digit numbers with and without zeros. The students will learn measurement benchmarks and scale and use different units to measure length and distance. They will use ratio tables to convert given distances from kilometers to meters.
Spelling - This week in spelling the students will work with words that the suffixes ed and ing. They will be responsible for workbook pages 252-254 in volume 1. The test will be on Tuesday of this week.
Reading This week we will continue our "Journeys" Unit. We will begin reading the novel The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. This story tells the tale of a china rabbit who goes on an adventure and learns how to love. We will begin by close reading an excerpt from the first chapter.
English-I will conference with the students on their response to their writing comparing the grandfather to his grandson and how his grandson came to feel as if he really knows his grandfather from the story Grandfather's Journey.
Science - This week the students will understand how the behaviors of animals help them meet their basic needs. They will describe instinctive behaviors and learned behaviors.