Friday, December 19, 2014

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room January 5 - January 9th

January 5 - Classes resume - We will have an in school field trip Goo, Glob, & Guts. This program will go with our unit on the Human Body.
January 7- MAP testing reading
January 16 -Early Dismissal 11:00

Spelling - This week the students will be working on words with silent e.  They will be responsible for workbook pages 29-31 in volume 2.  If they pass the pretest with 95% or better, they will work on an alternate list of words and activities.

Math - This week in math the students will work on using basic facts and patterns to solve division problems.  They will also estimate quotients using compatible numbers, basic facts, and place value.  There will be a division 6 & 7 fact test on Friday of this week.

English- We will continue to work on expository writing this week.  The students will finish writing their Hero essays.

Reading - The students will begin a culminating project which will be completed on the computer. They will choose a heroic person in present day or historically to research. They will create a book called A Profile in Courage. They will use the Chrome books to research facts about their person's life and share the courageous things they have done throughout their life.

Science- We will begin a unit on Adaptations this week.  The students will focus on the essential question: How do the bodies and behaviors of animals help them meet their basic needs?

Social Studies - The students will finish filling in their Southeast map.