Thursday, January 16, 2014
News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room January 20-24
Monday, Jan. 20th - No School Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, Jan. 21st- 8:10-9:40 In school field trip DuPage Children's Museum-Wheels, Levers, and Pulleys (volunteers needed)
Feb. 3 - Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading forms are due.
The students have received their spelling lists for the school spelling B. We will have a practice Spelling B in class on Thursday, Jan.23rd. The final Spelling B for our class will be on Friday, Jan. 24th. A winner and runner up will be determined, and they will both represent our class in the whole grade level Spelling B. The District Spelling B will be on February 6.
Math - This week in math, the students will make models to solve division problems. They will divide with remainders and check using multiplication and addition.
Spelling - The students will work with words that have the final j and s sounds. They will do pages 44-46 in their spelling workbook. Their test will be on Friday.
Reading- We will continue our Close reading of Marvin of the Great North Woods. The students will continue to work on reading text structure with problems and solutions. They will continue to use the evidence from the text to describe the problems and solutions. The students will also practice using and recognizing figurative language-similes, metaphors, idioms, hyperbole, personification.
English- In English this week the students will compare two or more things using more and most with adjectives. They will also use comparative and superlative forms of good and bad.
There will be a test on Friday of this week over adjectives-unit 4. They will have assignments during the week to help them study for this test.
The students have been researching animals of the Southeast region. When their research is complete, they will begin to write a descriptive paragraphs on their animal.
Social Studies - In social studies this week we will begin a new chapter on the People of the Southeast. The students will describe how the Cherokee lived before Europeans came to North America. They will Evaluate how Cherokee culture changed after Europeans came to the Southeast.
Science- The Essential Question for this week will be: How do the behaviors of animals help them meet their needs? They will understand how instincts and learned behaviors help animals survive and meet their basic needs. A test is planned for Wednesday, January 29 over chapter 3.