We had a great time this week applying the scientific method to our worm research. The students now have been given an assignment to create their own racetracks applying the research that they have done as they create their tracks. The directions have been sent home with them today. The tracks, worksheets, and worm are due on Friday, October 11. We will have our worm races at that time.
There will be a test this week on The Scientific Method on Wednesday of this week. They will have to identify parts of the Scientific Method when given an example. They have to understand what each step means. For example: "A worm will go toward the wet side of the towel, because I know that worms like a moist environment".- This would be matched up to a hypotheses. A hypotheses tells what they think will happen and why. They need to know that when you use the Scientific Method you are testing a hypothesis, and the main purpose of the scientific method is to test ideas. A hypothesis can be tested.
Math - This week in math the students will use regrouping in subtraction problems that have zeros in one or more of the digits in the minuend. They can use addition to check their subtraction.They will also be shown how to draw a diagram to help them solve addition and subtraction problems. Kids should bring home their books, so they can see the model to review at home when completing the assignment.
Spelling - The spelling word this week is homophones, words that sound the same but are spelled differently. They will be responsible for workbook pages 67-69 or alternative activities throughout the week.
English - This week the students will work on writing names of people and pets and places and things correctly. They will understand and write compound sentences correctly.
Reading -We will continue focusing on the reading strategy of text organization. Many non-fiction authors organize their selections in time order. They also use features such as headings, pictures, captions, and charts to help the reader better understand the information. We will also take a look at syllabication.
Social Studies - This week we will begin the "Beautiful Northeast". The students will fill in a map with the names of the states. They will bring this home and use it as a guide to color in a map of the northeast. I will show them a model in class, and they will have a rater to follow with specific instructions on what to do and how it should look. This will be due on Thursday. There will be a quiz on Thursday to see if the students know where the states are on the map. They will be given a blank map and be asked to place the states and the bodies of water of the northeast on the map. Spelling does not count. They can add capitols for possible extra points.