Halloween Party - The parade will begin at 1:15 and the party will begin at 1:30. The students should bring their costumes to change into. The menu will be one sweet treat, butter cream cupcakes, and healthy treats, cantaloupe and pineapple. Please let me know if anyone thinks they would have an allergy to these things.
Art to Remember - Orders are due on Monday, October 28th.
Math - This week in math, we will continue to practice our multiplication facts. The students will be tested on their 5 X's facts, and review of 2's, and Squares on Tuesday, Oct. 29th. Then they will be tested on their 3Xs facts, and review of 5X's, 2X's,and Squares on Friday. This week the students will write multiplication equations to represent comparisons and they will write multiplication equations with a variable to solve a comparison problem.
Spelling - More words with short and long vowel sounds will be studied this week. Workbook pages 99-101 will be assigned. There will be a test on Friday of this week.
Reading - This week in reading, we will continue to read the story Because of Winn Dixie. There is a comprehension and vocabulary test on Tuesday of this week. The students have their packet in their folders with the vocabulary words. They should know the meaning of the words and be able to write them in a good sentence. They will read chapters 11-14 this week in their books. The skill this week is on visualizing. The students will be encouraged to form pictures in their minds and draw what they visualize as they read parts of the story. We will use the context to figure out word meaning, and root words and affixes.
English - The students will review uses for commas. They will understand the difference between direct and indirect quotations and be able to write them correctly. They will review how to write titles correctly. There will be a test on Tuesday, Nov. 5 over chapter 5. The students should use their textbooks and the papers in their binder to help them review. There are a lot of good review lessons in the back of the chapter to help as well.
Science - This week the students will study invertebrates. They will work in partners to create an invertebrate poster. There will be a test on Wednesday, November 6 over chapter 1 lesson 3, How are Animals Classified?
The students should study their textbook and know the main concepts and vocabulary.
They should know:
The 5 classes of vertebrates, give at least two traits of each and two give examples of each.
They should be able to identify arthropods and give some examples of them
What two groups the animal kingdom is classified into
What are the three main body parts of an insect and how is an insect identified (How many legs and body parts?)
What is an exoskeleton and what does an arthropod do to it?
Social Studies - The students will learn about Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and the people who live and work there. They will understand the problems that the Bay faces and how it is being saved. They will understand why the Bay is important to the Northeast.