Open house is on Thursday of this week from 6:45-8:30
Inventions are due on Tuesday of this week. They will write a description of their invention on Wednesday of this week. They will be expected to give an oral presentation on Friday of this week about their invention. An English grade will be given on the quality of their oral presentation.
Reading In reading this week we will finish up with our reading text pattern problem/solution.
The students will choose a book for their next book club.
English - We will continue our study of poetry. The students will read poetry for understanding and interpretation. We will look at how similies, personification, and metaphors are used in poetry.
Spelling Spelling this week is a review unit. The test is a multiple choice test. The students will be give words and have to find the word that is spelled incorrectly.
Science - The science test will be on Thursday of this week. The students should bring their journals home to study the highlighted sections of their journals. They need to study up through lesson 13. Notice this is a change from last week(posted up through lesson 12). They should know the simple machines and be able to give two examples of each, along with studying the main concepts and vocabulary from each lesson.
Social Studies We will begin a unit on Illinois this week. We will study they history of Illinois and learn about the the Native Americans who lived in the area and the pioneers who settle there. They will also learn about famous Illinoisians. They should be thinking about a famous Illinoisian that they can research.
Math In math this week, we will begin a unit on fractions. The students will use fractions to represent parts of a region and parts of a set. They will review and understand numerators and denominators. They will also understand equivalent fractions. They should continue to study their division facts. 9 division will be tested this Friday.