Our field trip to the Lizzadro Museum will be on Tuesday, April 29th. We will leave school at 11:15. The students need to bring a sack lunch that day, and we will eat in the classroom before we leave.
Last week a list of items to purchase was sent home. The students will have a few minutes in the store to purchase an item if they want to. They should be prepared with what they want to buy and have the money in an envelope.
I have three parent volunteers for our trip to the Museum of Science and Industry on May 29th. I would still like to have 2 more parents if possible. Please e-mail me if you are interested.
Reading In reading this week we will finish up our "Just Look" books on the famous Illinoisians. We will begin a mystery unit.
The students should be reading chapters 6-10 for book club. They should be ready for their book talks on Wednesday of this week.
English We will finish up our candy bar persuasives. The students have researched, planned and organized their information. They have been busy writing their leads, and body of their essays. They will write their conclusions this week, and be ready to revise/edit and complete their final drafts.
Social Studies This week the students will learn about the Grand Canyon and how it was carved out by erosion caused by the Colorado River. They will also learn about the different climates found in the Southwest and how the saguaro has adapted to a desert climate. The importance of oil and technology to the economy of the Southwest will also be studied.
There will be a map quiz on the the Southwest Region. The students will have to place the Southwestern states correctly on the map along with labeling the important bodies of water. They will get extra points for know the capitals.
Science We will continue our study of rocks and minerals this week. Before the students can understand rocks, they will have to learn about minerals. The students will understand that minerals can be identified by looking at their properties. They will understand the properties to look for in a mineral and then learn the appropriate way to test their minerals.
Math This week in math the students will learn to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators. They will also learn to add fractions with mixed numbers. Adding fractions with unlike denominators is a new skill for the students and any extra help you can give them at home will help them a lot. We will continue to have tests on Friday to review their facts. This week we will have a test to review their mixed multiplication facts. Ask them if they have passed out of their mixed division. If they have not they need to continue to review and take that test at recess time.