Monday, September 24, 2007

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room September 24th

In reading this week, we will continue to work on our picture books. You may want to ask your child what picture book structure they decided to use. We will also be working on the reading strategy of visualization. The children will be reading to find examples of writing that shows vivid descriptions and "colorful language". This is writing that puts clear pictures in your mind so that you can almost see, hear, smell, and feel exactly what the writer is talking about.

I have asked the students to bring in any materials where they come across "colorful" descriptions.

This week the students will have a test on Wednesday. This will cover the skills in chapter 5. There is a great review section at the end of the the chapter to help them study.

In science this week, the students will review the life cycle of a flowering plant. They will make a flap book showing the different stages and what happens in each stage.

A test will be given over Chaper 1 on Thursday of this week. The students should study the questions at the end of each lesson. They should also know the vocabulary in each lesson and study the sheets in their science binder. They should be able to label the parts of a flower and explain how pollination and fertilization occurs.

We will begin a Worm unit at the end of the week. Please bring in a worm or two if you can. They should be brought in a plastic butter container or something about the same size with holes in it. There should also be moist soil, leaves, and some grass in the container to make it look like their habitat. These should come in on Monday.

Social Studies
The students will all board a train which will leave for our first region of the United States, the Northeast. If anyone has any books they can share on people, places, or things from the Northeast please send them in.

Math tests from chapter 1 went home today. Please sign them and send them back with your child.

This week we will continue to go over using patterns to solve problems. The students will work on the steps problems solving and writing an explanation to show how they solved the problems.