In reading this week the students will continue their work with making predictions and reading to prove or disprove their predictions. You may want to ask them what the Blog and the Faloma were and how they figured them out. Using Context Clues to decode words and find word meaning will also be reviewed this week.
We continue our picture book study by looking at the different illustrations found in them and what artistic style is used. We will also look at picture books that have memorable language or colorful language, that helps the reader remember the words or paint pictures in their minds.
In English this week we are reviewing capital letters of places and things. We will also go over how to write abbreviations and uses of commas.
The students will continue to make observations on their bean plants. You may ask them how scientist classify (group) plants and examples of each. (There are those that make seeds like a sunflower or a tulip, and there are those that don't make seeds like a fern or moss. ) The children will also learn the parts of a flower and how they make the seeds and fruit.
Social Studies
The students have been on a "Patriotic Quest" to help them learn about our nation's government. There will be papers in their binders this week that they should review and go over about the three branches of government, where they meet, who makes up each branch, and their responsiblities. This is a lot to learn so they will definitely need to practice and go over it. You will notice homework in this area to help them learn and remember these facts too.
We will have a mock government set up in class. The children chose what branch they want to be a member of today. Those who want to be in the executive branch are responsible for making a poster and giving a speech. Speeches are due on Thursday. We will then have an election. You may want to ask your child what branch of government they are in.
Math - Mrs. Cavoto's math class
We will work on comparing numbers to the millions place. The students have an assignment tonight which in the first part will ask them to write the numbers given in two different forms. Look in their math binders for examples of these different forms. It is on a sheet I gave them for reference. Standard Form, Written Form, Short Word Form or Expanded Form. The students should be able to read and write numbers in these different forms up to the millions.
We will also cover estimation of numbers into the millions place this week.
Intramurals begin tomorrow. Your child should come home with his/her schedule today.
Thank you for sending in permission slips and money for the Arboretum field trip.