Math- The students will work with reflective and line symmetry this week. They will be "Polygon Detectives" as they understand polygons and work to identify triangles and quadrilaterals based on their qualities.
Spelling-This week in spelling the students will work with relative adverbs - where, when, why, and relative pronouns - whose, who, whom, which, that, and reading content words.
Reading-The students will share their independent reading projects this week. They will close read a poem called "The River" and analyze the figurative language used in it.
The students will use their ideas about the narrator and Grandfather in the story to write a comparison essay.
English-We will review similes and metaphors.
Social Studies- The students will learn about the Native Americans who lived in the northern Midwest, the Ojibwa. They will study their early culture and describe ways their culture has changed since the mid-1600's.
The students will begin a project with the Midwest. They will be making a "Just Look" Book.