Dates to Remember:
Monday, January 16- No School-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Thursday, January 19-Room Spelling B
Thursday, January 26- Grade Level Spelling B
Math- In math this week the students will work on subtraction strategies- finding the difference(counting up) and Removing (taking away). They will also use the standard algorithm to solve subtraction problems. A check point review of subtraction strategies will be given on Tuesday, January 24.
Spelling- This week the students will study more words that have Greek roots. We will review synonyms, antonyms, similes, and metaphors.
Reading-The students will read the myth of Arachne and Athena. They will compare and contrast the two women. The students will read a biography on Lou Gehrig. They will answer text-dependent questions and work with the vocabulary of the reading.
English-This week the students will understand conjunctions and use them correctly in sentences. We will review similes and metaphors.
Science- The students will finish their life cycle of a plant project. They will understand the difference in life cycles between plants that grow from seeds and plants that grow from spores. They will understand that some plants can grow from stems of parent plants and some can grow from a storage plant called a tuber, like potatoes and onions.