Dates to Remember:
Monday, May 30 Memorial Day, NO School
Wed., June 1 Bowling
Math- The students will review and extend their understanding of equations and expressions. They will be introduced to the concept of grouping symbols in equations and expressions and a variable as a quantity that can change or vary, taking on different values. They will use area models to multiply 2 digit X 2 digits, and then transition into the standard algorithm. There will be a check pt. quiz covering the skills from Unit 7 Module 2 & 3 on Thursday of this week.
Spelling-The words this week will have the sounds of ou, aw, au, and ow. There will be a test on Friday over the words and vocabulary on the spelling sheet.
Reading-The students will close read a family's journey to America. Then we will begin a journey within America. American History is full of exciting journeys of exploration. Many settlers set out for new lands in the west towards a better life. Encounters with Native Americans along the way resulted in conflict over the land and waters as well as deeply rooted customs and beliefs. In this cycle, students will learn about the communications and collaboration and conflicts of those who journeyed across America.
English-The students will work with antonyms this week.
Social Studies- We will begin our tour of the West this week. The students will bring home a map to complete and color. There will be a map quiz on Thursday.
Science-The students will understand the rock cycle. They will identify minerals that make up rocks. They will identify three types of rocks.