Important Dates:
Thursday, April 28- Open house 6:30-8:00
Tuesday, May 3 - Box Tops due
Friday, May 13 - Early Dismissal 11:35
All inventions are due on Tuesday, April 26. They must turn in the contract and grading rubric at the same time. They should practice their presentation using their inventions before bringing it to class on Tuesday. We will have oral presentations on Friday. This is a change in the calendar date.
Spelling- The students will be working with words that have silent consonants. They will be responsible for Workbook pages 228-230 in Volume 2.
Math- This week the students will continue to work on determining the area and perimeter of a figure. They will need to find the unknown dimension of a rectangle when given the area and or perimeter and one dimension. They will also review factors and multiples. The students will have a checkpoint review on Friday of this week. It will cover Module 2 sessions 1-5 skills.
Reading-We will continue to read Love That Dog and pair it up with poetry readings. We will continue to analyze the changes the main character goes through, and we will record the different types of figurative language that is used in the story.
English-The students will continue to read and write different styles of poetry. They will include a different type of figurative language in each poem they write. This week they will be working on a creature alliteration which should have alliteration, a five sense poem which should have onomatopoeia, and a concrete poem which should have a hyperbole. They should be sure to look at the rubric to help them remember what is expected for each poem. They may also look at the poetry guide if they have questions about the different kinds of poetry they need to write.
We will have a quiz over figurative language on Thursday of this week. The students should be ablet to distinguish between idioms, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, alliteration, and personification. They should be able to write a sentence using an example of each.
Science-This week in science the students will understand how a pulley and a wheel-and-axle change how work is done.
Social Studies-We will continue our adventure with the Southwest.