Tuesday, March 15- No School - Election Day
Mrs. Cushing, the PE teacher, is looking for some help with her indoor tennis unit come April. Parents can just come in for their child's 25 min. PE class or come for the grade level time. Students need help getting the fundamentals down. Students would benefit from having extra people to help toss balls to them so they can practice their skills. Please let her know if you are available at all to help out. Please email Mrs. Cushing at tcushing@ccsd66.org Thank you!
Math - We will review the concepts related to measuring area and perimeter this week. They will have opportunities to apply the formulas as they solve problems involving areas and perimeters of complex figures. There will be a check point review on Thursday of this week.
The students will need to be able to:
- write a definition and sketch a picture of an acute angle, obtuse angle, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines.
- identify polygons specifically and know how many lines of symmetry the shape has and be able to draw the lines of symmetry in.
- understand and describe triangles by their sides and angles.
- identify parallelograms.
Spelling - This week in spelling the students will work with more homophones. They will be responsible for workbook pages 199-201.
ELA - We will continue to read The Miraculous Adventures of Edward Tulane. The students are completing journal response questions as we read through the chapters. The focus is making sure text evidence is provided in their response as well as answering the question completely.
Science-This week in science the students will understand how the circulatory system gets oxygen to each cell. They will also understand what happens when a blood vessel is cut
Social Studies - The test over chapter 8 will be on Thursday of this week. The students should study the main ideas of each lesson in the text and all the sheets in their folders.
They should know:
all vocabulary
understand how glaciers formed the Great Lakes
what connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean
understand the flow of the Chicago River and why it was changed
advantages and disadvantages of shipping by barge
describe the Badlands of long ago and how they have changed
why did the Badlands become cooler and less humid
describe erosion
describe a prairie
why is the Midwest an important agricultural region
describe the Central Plains
crops that grow in the Midwest
understand irrigation
products of Wisconsin
We will have our "Taste of the Midwest" Resource Day on Friday of this week. I will ask the students what they would like to bring in. If you approve, please just send me a little note or e-mail letting me know that this is okay with you. We will need 2 people for popcorn each person would send in 12 individual baggies of popcorn. We will also need, crackers, butter, 2 people to bring in little ice cream cups (12 each) blueberries, strawberries, cheese, ham,