Dates to Remember:
Fri., October 30-Halloween Party - The students should bring a costume that is very easy to put on. They will be wearing it home on the bus. The party will be from 1:10-2:10 the parade will be at 2:10.
Nov. 2-Nov. 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences Please sign up if you have not. I sent the e-mail at the beginning of the week. If you need me to resend, it or if you need a phone conference instead, please let me know.
Friday, Nov. 6 - No School
Monay, Nov. 9 - No School - Institute Day
Math- This week in math the students will solve for the unknown in a multiplication and division equation. They will demonstrate knowledge that in a multi-digit number, each digit represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. They will multiply 2 digit whole numbers by a 1 or 2-digit whole number using strategies based on place value. They will use rectangular arrays to explain strategies for multiplying with multi-digit numbers. The students will practice reading and writing larger numbers.
Spelling- The students will work with words that have the sounds for ou. They will do workbook pages 117-119. There will be a test on Friday of this week.
English- This week in English, we will continue our work with pronouns. They will work with relative pronouns, who and that, and pronouns that are also homophones, you're, your, it's, its, and their, they're, and there.
Reading- We will continue to work with text depending questions for the Story Gloria Estefan. The students will work in their Google Classroom to complete the vocabulary information. There will be a vocabulary quiz on Thursday of this week. There will be a Quizlet sent home for the students to study. They should know the meanings of the words and be able to write them in a good sentence. The students will also work on Cause/Effect relationships.
Science- How are animals classified? This is our essential question. The students will study the characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates. They will begin working on an invertebrate slide show.