Thursday, Sept. 25 - Early Dismissal 11:00
Math- This week in math the students will estimate numbers by rounding them. They will work on their problem solving skills. There is a test scheduled for next Tuesday, Sept. 23 over unit 1. The students may bring their books home to study from them or they should also study the pages in their math binders.
Spelling - The students will be working with words that have the long a, long e, short a and short e word patterns. They will be responsible for completing workbook pages 17-19 or if they passed the pretest with 95% or greater, they will be responsible for completing the activities and learning the alternate list of words. There will be a test on Friday.
English - In English this week, the students will understand that sentences are made up of subjects and predicates. They will recognize the complete subject and predicate and the simple subject and predicate of a sentence. A test over Chapter 1 The Sentence is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 24th.
Reading- In reading we will begin our Courage unit, We will read the story Happy Birthday Dr. King. The Skills we will be focusing on are cause and effect and answering text dependent questions.
Science -We will continue the introduction chapter of "Getting Ready for Science". The students worked in groups on Friday to construct a building out of straws. We will test the buildings on Monday to see how sturdy they are. We will then use inquiry skills to identify and control variables, draw conclusions along with gather/record/interpret/ and display data.
Social Studies: This week we will continue our study of the Northeast. The students will learn how the Niagara Falls were formed and understand their main features. They will identify the three main mountain ranges in the Northeastern part of the Appalachian Mountains. They will also study the characteristics of the Northeast coastline.