Bowling Permission slips are due in.
Spelling - No spelling this week.
Math - In math this week, the students will use a formula to help them find the perimeter. They will understand that they can find the area of a rectangle by counting the non-overlapping squares or by using the formula A= l x w.
Reading - We will be finishing our literature circles this week. The students are responsible for reading and completing their literature job for the chapter (s) assigned.
English - The students will be finishing their West slide shows this week. They should be working on this at home as well. They should be complete no later than Wednesday of this week. They need to use the rubric that was given them as a guide to complete the slide show.
Social Studies - The students will identify some of the resources of the West. They will identify places where agricultural products are grown in the West. They will explain how people benefit from the resources of the West. There will be a test on Thursday over chapter 12.
They should study all vocabulary and the main concepts from the book.
They should know:
Characteristics of the Rocky Mountains
other mountain ranges in the West
Know the climates in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Great Basin
Know the main resources of Idaho, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Hawaii and Nevada.
Understand how Alaska and Hawaii are alike and different
know what product comes from the timber industry.