Thursday, December 5, 2013

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room December 9-December 13

Math - This week in math we will use properties and algorithms to multiply by tens using two digit numbers.  They will estimate products by rounding and then multiply two digit numbers.

Spelling -  This week is a review week.  The students will be responsible for completing pages 187-189 in their workbooks.  There will be a test on Friday of this week.  The students will be expected to write their spelling tests and workbooks pages in cursive from now on.

Reading- The students will understand how mysteries differ from other stories.  The plot is about a crime or an unexplained event; the main character uses clues to solve a mystery.They will be reading and solving mysteries.

English - This week the students will edit and revise their holiday memory narratives. They will practice writing with nouns and understand how to write plural nouns.

Science - In science this week there will be a test  on Wednesday over Life Cycles of Plants and Animals. Chapter 2 lessons 2 & 3.  The students should know the concepts, and vocabulary from the book and use the papers in their folders to help them study.
They should:

Understand that some animals depend on parents to survive after birth and others do not and be able to give examples
Understand the different parts of the plant. ( seed feeds the embryo until it grows leaves, seed coat protects the see, embryo is the baby plant)
Understand the difference in how flowering plants reproduce and ferns and mosses reproduce ( flowering plants need to be pollinated and ferns and mosses reproduce using spores)
Understand tubers
Understand the life cycles of animals, insects, humans (name the stages)
Understand animals that go through different types of changes and what those changes are

Social Studies - The students will identify and describe major land forms in the Southeast. They will explain how the barrier islands are formed and compare and contrast land form elevations in the Southeast.