Thursday, April 11, 2013

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 15-19

Dates to Remember:
Friday, April 12 - No school/Conferences
Tuesday, April 16 - Inventions due
Thursday, April 18 - Open House 6:30-8:00
May 17 - Early Release 11:00
May 27 - No School Memorial Day

Spelling - This week will be a review unit.  There will be a pretest given at the beginning of the week.  The students will work on pages 163-165 throughout the week.

Math - This week in math we will have a test over measurement chapter 22 on Thursday. The students should use the sheets and packet  in their folder as well as their textbook to help them study for the test.

Reading - In reading this week, the students will review comprehension skills. They will use the comprehension skills they have learned to connect and compare literature. The skills from theme 5 will be assessed at the end of the week.

Language Arts - We will continue to work with expository writing this week.

Science -  The students will compare current electricity to static electricity.  They will understand and discover the difference between conductors and insulators.

Social Studies - The students will learn about the plants that grow in different areas of the Southwest, Sonoran Desert, Southwestern Savanna, and the wetlands of New Mexico.  They will name three types of plants that grow in the Southwest -  saguaro cactus, pinon pines, junipers.