Dates to Remember:
Monday, Oct. 8- No School- Columbus Day
Wednesday, Oct. 10-Movie Night permission slips due
Thursday, Oct. 25- Early Dismissal - 11:00
Friday, October 26 - End of first quarter
Wednesday, October 31 - Halloween Parade at 1:00, Party at 1:30-2:20
Math - We will begin a new chapter this week using Algebra with Addition and Subtraction. Our first lesson will be on the properties of addition. We did go over the commutative property today, so you may want to ask your child if they can tell you what it is and give you an example of the commutative property( It says that numbers can be added in any order and the sum will be the same. Ex. 2 + 4= 4 + 2) They will also learn the associative property and the identity property. They will bring home sheets that have these properties explained on them. The students will also write and evaluate addition and subtraction expressions. Please look in their math folder next week for explanations and examples. They can also keep their book at home, so that you can review this with them or use it as a resource.
Spelling - No spelling this week.
Reading - We will continue to study text organization with non-fiction articles.Many non-fiction authors organize their selections in time order.They also use features such as headings, pictures, captions, and charts to help the reader better understand the information. We will continue to apply our reading strategies to our story Winn Dixie.
English - The students have been applying their sentence writing skills as they create their own comic strips. They are using a variety of sentences in their comics as well as trying to write more compound sentences. This week they will review their use of capital letters with names of people, pets, places, and things. They will also work with writing abbreviations. There will be a quiz on Tuesday, October, 16th over abbreviations.
Science- We will begin our next unit with a classification activity. The students will classify dinosaurs according to their physical traits. Then we will move into our unit How are Animals classified? They will classify animals into two categories-vertebrates and invertebrates.
Social Studies - The students are making mind maps to help them understand how Niagara Falls were created. We should finish them on Tuesday. Please ask them to share them with you, so they can practice explaining how they were formed. We will continue to study the land and resources of the Northeast. The students will learn about the Appalachian Trail and the mountain ranges that cover the Northeast Region. They will also learn about the coastline of the Northeast Region, and notice the differences between those states that are located way up north to the states that are further south in the region. They will be making their own maps and keys to show these physical traits of the Northeast.