Friday, September 7, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room September 10-14

Dates to Remember:
Monday, September 10 - Junior Great Books deadline
Monday, September 10 - Beginning Band Parent Meeting 7:00-8:00 P.M. Multi purpose room
Tuesday, September 11- Magazine Kick Off
Thursday, September 13 - Beginning Band sign Up 3:30-7:30 Band Room

Math- This week in math the students will get back their quiz from lessons 1&3.  Please look for it in their folders to see how they did. I ask for a parent's signature if the grade is below a C, so that parents will know that their child needs a review of those skills.  This week the students will compare numbers into the millions and order them from greatest to least.  They will also work on the problem solving skill of using logical reasoning. All their math papers should be kept in their math binder, so that if you are wondering what skill we covered for that day, you will see the work they did during class.  They may also keep their text book at home, so that they can see the lesson's skills there as well.  There is a test planned for Friday of this week over chapter 1. 

Spelling -  This week in spelling we will again review most commonly misspelled words.  The students will have a pretest on Monday.  There will be an assignment given every day that needs to be turned in the next day.  There will be a test on Friday.

Reading - In reading this week the students will work on story structure and summarizing. We will begin a new book called Because of Winn-Dixie.  As we read this story, the children will review the elements of  non-fiction literature, and they will practice writing in complete sentences to answer questions.

A Time for Kids magazine will go home today.  The students will also bring home an activity that goes with it.  They may work on it in class if they are finished with their daily work, or they should bring it home for homework.  It is due on Friday.  On Friday there will be a quiz over the articles in the TFK, so they should be reading it throughout the week. Discussing the articles in the magazine with them, at the dinner table, traveling in the car, before they go to bed, etc. would be very beneficial to them.

English -  The students will learn about the subject and predicates of sentences, along with the simple subject and simple predicates of sentences.  There will be a DOL quiz on Thursday of this week that covers capitalization of proper nouns and punctuation at the ends of sentences.  A review DOL will be sent home for homework on Wednesday, and they can also bring home their writing journals where they have the DOL practice sentences for review as well.

Science - You may want to ask your child about the buildings that they made on Friday.  Which one was the strongest and why?  You may have a discussion about what is a model and  why people need to make models before building the real thing. This week the students will review the tools for inquiry.  They will learn about the scientific method.

Social Studies - This week the students will learn about the U.S. government as they complete a Patriotic Quest.