Sunday, September 30, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room October 1-October 5

Dates to Remember:
Monday, October 8 - No school, Columbus Day
Thursday, October 18- Book Fair 6:30-8:00
Thursday, October 25 - Early Dismissal 11:00
Week of  October 29 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 31 - Halloween Parade and classroom parties 1:00-2:30

The students are working toward having a pizza party during lunch on Friday of this week.  If they can collect enough Beenies on the tree for following directions and good behavior throughout the week, they will earn the party.

I will let you know on Thursday, so you will know whether to send a lunch or not.

A permission slip is also coming home for viewing the movie "How to Eat Fried Worms" which will be shown on Friday afternoon to help us celebrate our worm unit success.

Math - This week in math the students will continue to work on addition and subtraction of 3 & 4 digit numbers with regrouping.  There will a quiz over this skill on Tuesday.  A chapter 2 test is planned for Thursday of this week.  The students should review all the skills in the chapter. Please review the sheets in their folders as well.

Spelling - The students will be working with words that have the long and short u spelling patterns.  They should write their spelling words on Monday.  After that, they  will have a spelling page assigned each evening to be completed by the next day.  There will be a test on Friday of this week.  If your child has passed the pretest with 95% or better he/she will work on activities throughout the week.  All spelling work should be done in cursive.

English We will begin a new unit in English.  This week the students will work on using a variety of sentences in their writing.  They will also work on capitalization of names of people, pets, places, and things, along with writing abbreviations correctly.

Reading - In reading this week the students will continue to read Because of  Winn Dixie and review understanding author's point of view.  Our new strategy this week is recognizing text structure in reading non-fiction text, and our reading skill is understanding multi-meaning words-homophones.

A Time for Kids magazine will go home this week. The students are encouraged to read the articles and discuss them with you.  They will have a quiz over this on Friday.

Science- We will wrap up our worm unit with a worm race on Thursday.  The information went home last week.  The students are encouraged to read the requirements for the track carefully.  We have gone over them as well in class.  All tracks and worms are due back on Wednesday.

I will be giving a retake quiz on the scientific method on Wednesday.  Now that they  have worked with it for a whole week during our worm experiments, I feel that they have a better understanding of the steps.

Social Studies - We will begin our "travels" through the United States regions this week.  The Northeast is the first region we will "travel" to. The students will be given a rater sheet to follow and they will fill in and color a map of the Northeast region.  This will be due on Thursday, and there will be a quiz on Friday.  The students should study the states and bodies of water in the Northeast. They will be given extra points for knowing the capitals of those states.  Spelling does not count, but I need to be able to recognize the state written.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 24-Sept. 28

Dates to Remember:
Monday, Sept. 24 - Worms in their habitats are due to class
Tuesday, Sept. 25 - Magazine turn in day
Thursday, Sept. 27 - Picture Day; Last magazine turn in day
Friday, Sept. 28 - Early dismissal 11:00

Math - In math this week, the students will be using estimation.  The worksheet in their folder shows how they have been taught it in class, so if they need any help you can refer to this sheet.   They will round numbers and estimate the answers.  They will also use a mental math strategy called the Break Apart Method.  

Spelling - In spelling this week the students will work on the Long and short vowel word patterns of A and O.  The students will be assigned the spelling pages each day this week.  If they passed the pretest, they will work on activities each day.  There will be a test on Friday of this week

Reading  This week we will continue reading Because of Winn Dixie.  The vocabulary words for the week are: pathological fear, criminal, ignorant, comforted, sorrow, lozenge.   Our  reading strategy this week is to determine author's viewpoint. Author's viewpoint refers to the author's opinion, ideas of what is important or attitude. The author might give their opinion directly or you might have to infer the information by reading clues or other information that the author provides.. We will also work on the skill of putting words in alphabetical order.

English - There is a test on Wednesday of this week over unit 1, The Sentence.  The students will have a homework assignment each night to help them practice the skills.  There is a lot of practice at the end of the chapter to help them review the skills.  Understanding the complete and simple subject and predicate of a sentence seems to be more difficult for them, so any extra practice will be a benefit.   

Science - We will begin our worm study this week.  The students will set up their experiments each day and then test their hypothesis.  They will draw conclusions and then use these conclusions to create a worm track for our worm races which will be next week.  More information will follow about the worm track on Friday.  They will be asked to bring in new worms for the race because, their worms will be tired out after being tested all week.

Social Studies - There will be a test on Thursday of this week over chapter 2 lessons 2 & 3.  They should study the worksheets in their binders, know all vocabulary from the lessons, and study the key concepts in each lesson. Pages 46-59

They should know:
the three levels of government and who is the head of each (page 49)
the three branches of government(who is the head of it,where they meet,their job or role)
U.S. citizens' responsibilities  
Children's responsibilities (page 59)
U.S. citizens' rights (freedoms)
13th Ammendment
19th Amendment
26th Amendment
What citizens need to do to make good decisions (page  59)
Why should people vote?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 17-21

Dates to Remember:

Monday, Sept. 17 - Beginning Band sign-up 3:30-:7:30
Tuesday, Sept. 18 - Magazine turn in day
Monday, Sept. 24 - Worms in their habitats are due to class
Tuesday, Sept. 25 - Magazine turn in day
Thursday, Sept. 27 - Picture Day & Last magazine turn in day
Friday, Sept. 28 - Early dismissal 11:00

Math - There will be a math test on Tuesday of this week over chapter 1.  The students should have been bringing their math textbooks home to study with since last week.  They should also look back in their math folders to see the skills that we have worked on throughout this unit.  A review sheet will go home on Monday as well.

Spelling - The word pattern this week is words that have long vowel a and e sounds.   The students will be responsible for completing w.b. pages 17-19 in their workbook throughout the week.  If they pass out of the words they will have alternate activities to do.  There will be a test on Friday.

Reading - The children will continue to read Because of Winn Dixie - They will have a vocabulary quiz over the words from chapters 1-4 on Thursday of this week. A sheet will go home with them on Monday with the words and explanation.

A new TFK will go home this week.  The students will have an activity sheet to go with it that is due on Friday.  They should read their TFK throughout the week, and it would be great for them to have some discussions with you about it at  the dinner table, in the car, before they go to bed etc.  They will have a quiz over the articles on Friday.  They may use their magazine to look back for the info.  They should be sure to keep their magazine in their binder.

English - The students will learn about the simple subject and predicate of a sentence this week, and  they will review run-on sentences.  There will be  a final test over chapter 1 on Tuesday, Sept. 25.

As they practice their free writing, they will work on putting their voice into their writing.  They will practice writing  hooks (introductions) and  zingers (closings)  using questions and exclamations.

Science - We will continue our study of the Scientific Method.  We will set up a couple of experiments using the Scientific Method.  They will test buoyancy of two objects and they will test the strength of two buildings that they create.  There will be a quiz over the Scientific Method on Wednesday of this week.  The students will need to know the 5 Steps of the Scientific Method and recognize examples of each step.

Information about our worm study will come home on Thursday of this week.  The students will be learning about the habitats of worms, so that they can create a habitat for their worm, which will need to come in by next Monday, September 24.  They should not be brought in early, because they may not survive.  If you  can bring in more than one worm we would appreciate it.  It will help out those who can not bring one it.

Social Studies - The students will learn about what it means to be a good citizen and the responsibilities that U.S. citizens have.  A test is planned over Chapter 2 lessons 2 & 3 on Wednesday of next week.  More information will follow.

Friday, September 7, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room September 10-14

Dates to Remember:
Monday, September 10 - Junior Great Books deadline
Monday, September 10 - Beginning Band Parent Meeting 7:00-8:00 P.M. Multi purpose room
Tuesday, September 11- Magazine Kick Off
Thursday, September 13 - Beginning Band sign Up 3:30-7:30 Band Room

Math- This week in math the students will get back their quiz from lessons 1&3.  Please look for it in their folders to see how they did. I ask for a parent's signature if the grade is below a C, so that parents will know that their child needs a review of those skills.  This week the students will compare numbers into the millions and order them from greatest to least.  They will also work on the problem solving skill of using logical reasoning. All their math papers should be kept in their math binder, so that if you are wondering what skill we covered for that day, you will see the work they did during class.  They may also keep their text book at home, so that they can see the lesson's skills there as well.  There is a test planned for Friday of this week over chapter 1. 

Spelling -  This week in spelling we will again review most commonly misspelled words.  The students will have a pretest on Monday.  There will be an assignment given every day that needs to be turned in the next day.  There will be a test on Friday.

Reading - In reading this week the students will work on story structure and summarizing. We will begin a new book called Because of Winn-Dixie.  As we read this story, the children will review the elements of  non-fiction literature, and they will practice writing in complete sentences to answer questions.

A Time for Kids magazine will go home today.  The students will also bring home an activity that goes with it.  They may work on it in class if they are finished with their daily work, or they should bring it home for homework.  It is due on Friday.  On Friday there will be a quiz over the articles in the TFK, so they should be reading it throughout the week. Discussing the articles in the magazine with them, at the dinner table, traveling in the car, before they go to bed, etc. would be very beneficial to them.

English -  The students will learn about the subject and predicates of sentences, along with the simple subject and simple predicates of sentences.  There will be a DOL quiz on Thursday of this week that covers capitalization of proper nouns and punctuation at the ends of sentences.  A review DOL will be sent home for homework on Wednesday, and they can also bring home their writing journals where they have the DOL practice sentences for review as well.

Science - You may want to ask your child about the buildings that they made on Friday.  Which one was the strongest and why?  You may have a discussion about what is a model and  why people need to make models before building the real thing. This week the students will review the tools for inquiry.  They will learn about the scientific method.

Social Studies - This week the students will learn about the U.S. government as they complete a Patriotic Quest.

Monday, September 3, 2012

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Sept. 4-7

Dates to Remember:

Wednesday, Sept. 5- Fourth & Fifth Grade Curriculum Night - Parents Only 7:00 P.M. in the multi-purpose room

Math - In math this week, we will continue our work with place value through the millions.  The students are learning how to read, and write numbers in standard form and expanded form through the millions.  There will be quiz on Thursday over Chapter 1, lessons 1 & 3.  The students can bring their books home to help them study.  They should also review the sheets in their binders.

Spelling - This week in spelling,  the students will be tested on those words which are most commonly used in their writing.  Last week they took a pretest to help them know the words that they would be responsible for spelling correctly on the test on Friday.  If they passed the test with 95% or better, then they received an alternate list of 10 words to study.  They should have a sheet in their spelling folder with their words and an explanation of what they will do with them.

This first week of spelling all children will have an assignment each day which they will be responsible for showing me the next morning.  On Friday, I will collect one of the assignments from the week to grade.  They should keep all of their assignments for the week in their spelling folder.

They will be practicing their cursive on their assignments, and they  should write all of their spelling assignments in cursive.  This is the one subject that I require all assignments and tests to be in cursive.

We will have a test over the words on Friday of this week.  Those student who passed the pretest with 95% or higher will take a test on their alternative list.  If they receive a 90% or higher on this test, they will earn 1 or 2 points onto their pretest score.  If they score lower than a 90%, they will maintain the score they received on their pretest as their final grade.

Reading - The students will continue their review of the reading strategies as we read The Pumpkin Runner by Marsha Diane Arnold.  The students will review how to write a summary, adding the most important details in order using transition words correctly.

English - We will begin a unit on sentences.  The students will understand what a sentence is and practice writing good sentences.  They will understand questions, statements, commands, and exclamations and be able to write them correctly with capital letters and end marks.  There will be a DOL Quiz on Friday of this week.  The students will practice editing sentences during the week which help them practice specific skills.  This week the skills that they will be tested on are using capital letters and end marks correctly.

Science - The students will learn the tools of inquiry which they will be using throughout the year.  They will use their inquiry strategies as they work with a team to make models of buildings using straws, paperclips, and tape.  We will test the strength of each of the buildings to see which one is the strongest, and they will draw conclusions about how strong buildings are made.

Social Studies - The students will participate in a textbook scavenger hunt to help them get to know their social studies books.    Our first unit is a government unit.  The students will be on a "Patriotic Quest" as they learn about the United States government.