Things to Remember:
Fri. 5/13 - Early Dismissal @ 11:00
Wed. 6/1 - 4th grade bowling
Mon. 6/6 - Picnic
Tues. 6/7 - Last day of school;
dismissal @ 9:30
I have some disposable cameras that I need volunteers to have developed. I
have taken pictures of your children throughout the year, for their end-of-
the-year memory books. If you are willing to have one developed, please email me. Thank you.
Math - This week in math we will begin chapter 11. The students will review division and then they will learn to divide with remainders and divide with two digit by one digit. Any help you can give your children with this would be greatly appreciated.
Spelling - No spelling this week
Reading - Our focus in reading this week is on the reading strategy of monitor/clarify. Students should monitor how well they understand a story. If they don't understand something, they can reread or read ahead for help.
We will practice this strategy as we are reading our new Book Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. Since there are many new vocabulary words in this story, the students will be encouraged to use the context to help them understand the meaning. They will be doing vocabulary activities to help them build their "word power".
English - We will continue our unit on pronouns. The students will understand and identify subject and object pronouns. They will also practice writing with pronouns.
Science - We will have a test this week over chapter 17, Simple Machines. The students should study: All sheets in their folder, use their textbook and be sure to understand the main concepts from each lesson, answer the questions at the end of the chapter to help review.
They should know:
All vocabulary
How scientists define work
Understand how a wheel and an axle work together to be a simple machine
Know the six simple machines and what they are made up of
Which simple machine does not change the direction of the force
What simple machine would you use to pry something off of something else
What simple machines would you use to help you lift and move heavy things from one place to another