Friday, April 15, 2011

News From Mrs. Cavoto's Room April 18-22

Things to Remember:
April 21 - Early Dismissal - Students dismissed at 11:00
April 22 - No school

Math We will have a test over chapter 24, probability on Wednesday of this week. They should study the worksheets in their binders and bring home their math books to study the extra practice in their textbooks. They should be studying their multiplication facts also. This week there will be a time test on Thursday. We will begin a chapter of multiplication of higher numbers.

Spelling This week the students will be working with three syllable words. They will need to work on pages 193-195 throughout the week. They are due on Thursday of this week. If they passed out of the words on the list with no more than one wrong, then they will need to do the activities assigned on the activity sheet in their binders.

Reading - This week in reading, we will be focusing on two important skills: following directions & summarizing. When reading a passage that describes how to complete a task, readers should look for clue words such as first, next and finally to clarify the order of steps. They also must understand that steps must be followed in the correct order in order to complete the task. Summarizing involves retelling a story in your own words, and including only the most important events. All students will study these skills using appropriate instructional-level materials.

We will continue to read Earthquake Terror and work on journal questions which reinforce the skills above.

Language We will continue our work with adverbs. The students will practice using the words good and well, and they understand how to use negatives correctly in a sentence.

Science The essential question this week is "How do Simple Machines Help People do Work?" The students will investigate levers. They will define work and simple machines and explain how a lever changes the way work is done.