Things to Remember:
Spring Break-week of February 28
I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break!
Math - There will be a test on Wednesday of this week covering chapter 22, measurement. They will need to know how to convert the units of measure. They will be able to use their calculators. Text page 626-627 are good pages to use for extra practice. They will also learn to estimate and measure perimeter and use a formula to find perimeter.
Spelling- This week in spelling the students will be working with words with vowel consonant vowel patterns (VCV patterns). They will be assigned WB pages 144-146 in their workbooks. If they get 100% or 1 wrong on their pretest, they will follow an activity sheet for the week.
Reading -Next week in reading, students will be focusing on the skills of identifying fact and opinion, and evaluating. A fact is a statement that can be proven to be true. An opinion tells what a person thinks, believes or feels. Good readers should be able to identify when an author is using a fact or an opinion in a story. Evaluating text involves considering how well the author expresses and supports ideas. Students will be practicing these skills while reading the third story in our “Heroes” theme, Lou Gehrig, The Luckiest Man.
We will have a vocabulary test on Thursday of this week. The students should know the meanings of the words and be able to use them in a good sentence.
English The students will continue to work with expository essays. They will learn different ways to support their ideas in the their essays. After completing, our class expository essay, they will be given a new prompt and practice writing their own hooks this week.
Science - On Monday, I will introduce the "Invention Convention" project to the class. The children will have until Thursday to plan out and draw a diagram of their invention. On Thursday, I will meet with each child to discuss and approve their inventions. After my approval, your child can begin constructing their invention. These projects will be due on Tuesday, April 12.
Social Studies - This week we will be writing "mini reports" on places, landmarks, and people from Illinois. The students will use the computer and other resources to help them find information.