Friday, January 9, 2009

News from Mrs. Cavoto's Room Jan. 12-Jan. 16th

Dates to Remember:
Jan. 12-16 IOWA Testing
Tues. , January 13 - Board of Education Mtg. Straight A's Recognized -7:00
Mon., January 19 - No School Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

In my homeroom this week, we will have a practice Spelling B on Thursday, January 15. The words will go home on Monday for the kids to study. The Real Spelling B in class will take place on Thursday, January 22. Two winners from that spelling B will be chosen. The winners from that spelling be particpate in the whole 4th grade spelling B. Date to be announced.

Spelling - Lesson 16 this week is on the letter group ough. This letter group can be pronounced in several different ways. A few words are spelled with the letter group ould.

English - We will have a test on Wednesday over unit 3 on verbs. There are lesson reviews at the end of the chapter for each lesson. The students will bring homework home to help them review for this test.

Reading This week the students will focus on summarizing skills. They will also study biographies. This week they will read a biography of Martin Luther King Jr.

Science - We will begin a new unit on electricity. This week the students will discover what electricity is and how it moves. They will learn the difference between static and current electricity.

Social Studies - The students will finish up their scrapbooks on the Southeast Region. We will move into the Midwest Region. The need to learn the states that make up the Midwest Region.
They will have a quiz on Friday over the states in the Midwest Region.

Math This week the students will learn how to convert larger units of time into smaller units of time and smaller units of time into larger units of time. For example: How many days are in two weeks. They will have to think: How many days are in one week and then multiply 7 x 2 to find out how many days there are. They will also learn to read a thermometer and understand the value of negative numbers. A test will be on Friday over chapter 6. I will send home their books each evening so that they can review this chapter at home. I will begin giving division timed tests. The students should study for their 2 division facts to be given on Thursday of next week.